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Chapter Seven

Keith blasted his way through another phalanx of guards. When the last one fell, he found himself standing in front of Lotor's door. With no hesitation, he blew it open.

Allura blinked when she heard the explosion. It had startled her out of her stupor. Next to her, Lotor was poised and ready to fight. Keith stared at the Prince.

"I killed you," he muttered. "I killed you."

Lotor shook his head. "That was a guard of mine that you took care of. In your insanity," he spat the word out, "you must have thought it was him. Did you think it would be that easy to kill me? I am greater than you can ever be."

Keith stared at him, hate filling his gaze. "Then I will kill you now."

"All for her honor too," the Prince smirked. "Isn't that sweet, my dear?"

He cupped Allura's chin in his hand, forcing her to look at him. She freed herself from his grasp, her eyes on Keith. Her mouth moved but nothing came out. He stared at her like a drowning man might look at a lifeboat. Everything that they had never said to each other became apparent then. She smiled at him, her eyes filling with tears. He nodded and turned his attention back to Lotor. He dropped his blaster to the side.

"I will kill you," he said.

Lotor laughed, dropping his own blaster. "It would do me much pleasure to finally be rid of you, Keith."

They circled each other as the ship shuddered for outside the Yellow and Green Lions attacked. Blaster shots could be heard from the doorway as Lance got reinforcements.

Lotor was the first to move, his fist lashing out at Keith. The Voltron commander avoided it and returned with a punch of his own in Lotor's midsection. It was like hitting a rock. He crouched and grabbed Lotor's ankle, pulling it from underneath him. The Prince fell, but kicked Keith square in the jaw. Keith could taste blood in his mouth. He bared his teeth.

Lotor didn't have a chance.

Keith seemed to grow in size as he pummeled the Doom prince with punches and kicks. Lotor didn't have time to recover before the next one came. He nearly passed out when Keith landed a well-aimed kick at his groin area. Before long, Keith held him in a headlock, ready to break his neck.

"Keith," Allura breathed. "Keith."

He looked up at her then down at the Prince. He cursed under his breath and shoved Lotor's head hard onto the floor. The Prince's eyes closed. Keith stumbled to his feet, and towards her. She threw her arms around him, relieved tears flowing from her eyes. Before he knew what he was doing, he pressed kisses all over her face. She sobbed as she did the same.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you, too," she replied.

They looked at each other, peaceful smiles on their faces. The blaster shots and trembling ship disappeared as their lips met and clung.

Suddenly, he felt a burning sensation on the right side of his back. He turned and saw Lotor holding his blaster in his hand. Not even feeling the pain, Keith kicked him in the face as hard as he could. There was a disgusting pop as Lotor's neck twisted with the blow. He lay silent. Keith turned back to the Princess…

…only to find her unconscious. A red stain appeared on the front of her dress. Right over her heart.



Lance's blaster wavered as he heard the howl come from Lotor's room. He didn't have to be there to see what had happened. Keith's anguished wail told him all he needed to know. He ran to the room, letting the others take care of the Doom soldiers.

He stood in the doorway, silent tears running down his face as he watched Keith hold the Princess in his arms, rocking her back and forth as if she was a baby. He buried his face in her hair, his own tears dropping to her neck. She felt so warm still, her skin flushed with the warmth she had felt when they had kissed.

His hands shaking, Lance took out his communicator.

"Coran," he said, his voice hoarse.

"Have you found her?" the Princess' advisor said hopefully.

"We've lost her," he said softly. "She's gone."

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