12 Rods UnOfficially
If you are here you are at the wrong place. This site is now located at:


If you keep scrolling down all you will see is the old site which will never be updated, I salvaged everything i could and now I'm just gonna leave it as long as angelfire does.


kiss this website goodbye

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The 1st UnOfficial 12RODS site

The new line up

Critics agree my site is Great

"Your site is very cool - keep working at it! It's nice to have an alternative to what we put up. We just put up what we want to say, and sites like yours put up what you want to say. There's sometimes a big difference, and it's good for us (and everybody involved) to see it." -Ev Olcott

"wow. i don't even know what to say. wow." -Christopher McGuire

"weird. every time i come here, i learn something new. thanks for keepin' me informed!" -Ryan Olcott

If you Don't know who 12RODS are you have to hear them. If you have an MP3 player go to this section of the official site or check out what i got here. OR go to RadioMoi and here streaming mp3's. Then come back here and thank me later.

sorry again everyone, i'm really really busy right now, so any updates are gonna be distant, sorry

sept 14

ok i still haven't got the pics scaned and i'm going on vacation for a week tommorrow so your just gonna have to sit tight but a very cool thing has started 12rods Radio it's very very cool check it out you need a winamp or real player.
Aug 11

ok i apoligize for the lack of updates i've been so busy lately, i have a bunch of pics to scan from the krockathon and that'll all be up soon so just stay tune and in the mean time check out this interview with ryan.
- Aug 3

Get the new album FREE Visit Here. The it's all in liquid audio format so you can't burn it to a cd. But it's a great way to preview the album. Also get the info on the album from right here.
June 7

it's official i heard 'what has happened?' the new single on the radio. next stop for the rods, world domination. next stop for me, in celebration of the next record nearly a month away, a massive update, first thing i need to change is my email adress which is now krstie@excite.com feel free to email for any suggestions complaints... just feelin' lonely. stay tuned for updates.
May 14


So i got a promo copy of the album Separation anxieties, it great. You can Here. here it now on liquid audio. It's a free promotion while your at it check out Sumack, another V2 artist.
- 6/7/00

Some more info that has been cluttering up, 12 Rods will be fetured on 25,000 bottles of jones cola if you happen to see any buy like 100 and send me some. and the album is running on a japenesse ish theme i don't know much about it, check out this to see what i mean. One more thing of importance the new 12 Rods single "what has happened?" is the "most added" single according to radio trade publications.
- May 14, 2000

eh hold the phone, last i heard the relase date was June 20th, i'm dying with anxsiety (and not the seperation type.) All across the nation the new single is being played, so if you haven't heard it start requesting!, more news to come, oh yes a new 12Rods page has emerged, hosted by grant (who has helped me out one my site in the past) at http://the12rods.tripod.com now i'm officail not the only unofficial site on the web, thats all for now.
May 13

For past news go to The News Archive

Hey look I told you there'd be lots of stuff to do here and I was right, and there is more to come:

Info on 12Rods' new album Separation Anxieties.
...What is... Dot Dot Dot
Join The 12Rods Disscusion List
My 12RODS Newsletter
Rare Clips of Songs
"12Rods" how did they come up w/ it
Setlist section
Join The 12RODS Webring owned by me (feel free to join if your page only has a little 12RODS reference)
Article Section
News Archive
Pics of 12Rods
Sign My Guestbook
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12Rods links
Non-12Rods Links

Comming SOON :

Hopefully info on there next record!
The Sounds of Bliss

This 12RODS site is owned by
Chris Tyler.

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These are some of my other favorite bands:
The Last Thing On Earth (My PHAT band)
Dot Dot Dot (ev's project)
They Might Be Giants
Bran Van 3000
Plastilina Mosh (It's in Spanish)
Moxy Fruvous
Ben Folds Five
heh... Euro Dance 5000 -(note: this is my friends "band")

:Hits since 3/15/99 (roughly, i had to change the counter cause the last one broke)



If you want to contact me outside of e-mail: My AOL Instant Messageing name is:

MeKno boy

For more info about me visit my site

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