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The Remarkable Sonic Projection Strategy EXCLUSIVE!!!
Tuneful geeks become hot 'Rods' with 'Split Personalities'
Toast Magazine 12Rods article
12Rods cleverly Ponder idenity
A blurb on Gay?
Spare the Rod Spoil the Child
Comming soon
A brief history of 12Rods By James Flynn
12Rods back on road after stop at home

James is very cool he lives in Oxford and his brother is the former bassist, so he know's a lot about the band. Check out his site. And he found that last article.

These articles wouldn't be up without the heroic efforts of Justin

Ok so there isn't much now that's where you come in if you could type up some articles or give me links to articles on the net it would be much apriceated so if you could e-mail me at
if not for me for the sake of mankind.

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