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Dot Dot Dot

What is dot dot well i'm not really sure, there was some list discussious (see i mean why haven't more of you joined) about ev's solo project called "dot dot dot" some one said that there was a link to it on Ev's website (which has been updated quite alot since the last time that i've been there) and there was this link that went to The official Dot Dot Dot website i listened to a bunch of the samples they had (which were very cool!!!!) it was sort of an electronic synthy type thing but i really wasn't sure what was going on so this is what he tells me:

Dotdotdot is a totally electronic project I do with my pal Ward Harper (id). It's all computer-based stuff - not a lick of acoustics except the occasional voice part. We started working together in late 1996 or so, and since then have completed 3 records and JUST NOW starting to do live shows. It's hard to do all-electronic stuff - right now it's a computer and a sampler and us with keyboards. Very basic. We plan to start selling Tosser Datafact (disc #1) on the new dotdotdot site ( soon, and we are already selling a few CDs at shows (we've only done 1 so far). Our next show we're opening for 12RODS (!!) next week.
-August 28th

so that's all i know now but, especially you people who live in mlps (i envy you), let me know what's the deal with there disc and possibly how to obtain there older records. plus i've heard that they are selling 12Rods t-shirts at the live show, and along with any dot dot dot stuff i'm missing out so i want to pay someone to get me like a t-shirt and any dot dot dot stuff they have at a 12Rods show and i'll pay for the stuff and shipping common help a new yorker like me out who's the one who hooks you up with all the 12Rods info you people owe me any way if your intrested e-mail me at Thank You very much.