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You want to get in touch with 12RODS

well you probably can i did check out these messages:

I just got a response from Ev and Christopher on this e-mail:

Hey whats your opinion on bootleging. I think selling it is bad but tradings okay because no one is making money or losing money.


PS. I've e-mailed you guys the link to my site before but i've changed it a lot and i have a 12Rods webring up now Check it out:

Check out their responses:


training and trading is cool but selling someone else's art for cash is kinda very weird for me.

-Christopher McGuire (age 23)
Drum Set,12RODS


In my opinion, bootlegging holds a very strange but valuable place in the industry. I quenches the thirst for those who REALLY want more stuff,and in most cases it's not really new material - just live shows and other interpretations of the songs. I believe in the concept, and I don't believe there's enough money involved to make a difference either way. In fact,you can tell the strength of a band's popularity by how many bootlegs existfor them. You can't necessarily tell that from advertising. Studio bootlegsare something different, though...

Your site is very cool - keep working at it! It's nice to have an alternative to what we put up. We just put up what we want to say, and sites like yours put up what you want to say. There's sometimes a bigdifference, and it's good for us (and everybody involved) to see it.

Hot tip: A single for "I Wish You Were A Girl" will be coming out soon including two other as-of-yet unreleased songs: "Half The Fun" (an11-minute epic) and "Small Bugs Raise Your Voice In Song" (a strange song we did during a studio break day). Not sure of a release date, we just finished artwork for it...


I sent this message to Ev:

I read on the interent that in your music school you majored in saxophone. If this is true then why don't you incorperate that into the music. I think it would be cool.


about 5 days later i got this message sent to me:

Heh - I haven't picked up the thing since a local rock and blues gighere in town about 2 years ago. I seriously took the instrument up to get into music as a kid, and realized in high school that I had a polyphonic brain - I needed to play more than one note at once! I kept playing sax to get me through the engineering/music performance degree I got in school, but as soon as I did my senior recital, that was it for the most part. I played it a bit outside of college for funk band stuff, but it was a different thing altogether. I'd rather be making music with machines that play manynotes and can play more than one sound at once...
Oops. Didn't mean to give you a soliloquy there...


I also sent a message to the band's e-mail address so i assume it just goes to all of them. I don't have the message saved but i was basiclly telling them that a was a big fan and telling them about this website and the next day i got this message back from Christopher.

thanks very much for your efforts, wow. i don't even know what to

-Christopher McGuire (NEW!now age 23)
Drum Set,12RODS

I know its not very long but i think it's cool it just seems like he is amazed to have fans and i feel sort of proud, i don't know why.

Do you want to email the band themselves

e-mail the whole band
e-mail Ev
e-mail Ryan
e-mail Christopher

Go to 12RODS contact page for more info.