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Issues That Nobody Thinks Twice About...

But Should.

Canada Resumes Seal Clubbing

by Gar Smith and the Earth Island Journal

St. John's-- This spring, the Canadian government became the official sponsor of North America's bloodiest seal kill, offering Newfoundland's unemployed cod fishers a bounty of 20 cents for every baby harp seal that they could kill.
As photographers snapped pictures, sealers killed the big-eyed pups by bashing their heads or stomping on their throats. Some hunters picked up and hugged the trusting animals before throwing nooses around their heads and hanging them. One sealer was filmed confronting a barking mother seal and beating her back with the body of her screaming pup.

The motive for this harrowing display of macho behavior is neither pelts nor meat. The real money is being made by supplying 50,000 seal penises as "aphrodisiacs" to the TerraNova and Shanghai Fisheries companies of China.

While a pelt can fetch $15, a powdered seal penis sells for $130 in Asia, where some men will pay big bucks to try to boost their virility.

Each year, the Canadian government sponsors the killing of hundreds of thousands of seals. Government-subsidised sealers butcher and maim thousands animals more; but their victims never appear in the official statistics. This is because the seals are wounded and never recovered. They suffer agonized and lingering deaths.

Sealers often use sharpened steel hooks to drag the creatures on board their vessels. This practice is illegal, but using the hooks saves the killers time. It also causes horrific suffering to their victims.

What You Can Do:

Cancel your Canadian vacation plans and share your thoughts with Marc Corriveau, Federal Tourism Office, Suite 202, 40 Elgin, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1C7; (613) 239-5000; fax: -5063. Contact: Sea Shepherd, 3107A Washington, Blvd., Marina del Rey, CA 90292; (310) 301-SEAL (7325).

Surprisingly enough, I found a page called The Canadian Sealers Association. Their motto, "A bright new future for a traditional industry, plus the fact that they exist, made me want to puke. Just reading their facts section made me want to...uhh...wait, I might get in trouble if I say shit like that. Nevermind. Just check it out and don't be afraid to email them and tell these monsters what you REALLY think about seal clubbing.

This letter was relayed to me by ADL-NYC.

Dear Org,

International Aid for Korean Animals (IAKA) desperately needs help from U.S.-based animal rights groups to help raise awareness of the increase of gratuitous torture of dogs and cats in South Korea. Can you help IAKA circulate information before the 2002 World Cup?
Millions of domestic animals are tortured and consumed each year in S. Korea.

IAKA Member, Dean Morgan.

To Whom It May Concern:
Every year millions of dogs and cats in South Korea, animals we know as loving companions, are tortured and consumed. This million dollar industry is growing steadily for dog traders and restaurants. Kim Hong-shin of the Grand National Party recently introduced a plan to legalize dog meat.
A dog butcher was granted permission by Mayor Bae Gye Sok, of Chunchon City, to build S. Korea's first legal dog slaughterhouse. International Aid For Korean Animals (IAKA) needs help from people and organizations outside of South Korea. Acceptance of this crisis is the first step. This topic is extremely disturbing to anyone who has loved a dog or cat. Because this problem is one which dog and cat lovers would rather forget, torture and consumption of domestic companion animals not only continues, it increases. Elie Wiesel said, "Take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." We can all do our part to end the vicious cycle toward our domestic friends in South Korea.
Please boycott all South Korean goods and products, and don't forget to tell them why! It is difficult to distinguish whether something is made in S. Korea, so always ask for country of origin , ie. Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, Daewoo, etc. Bark up! Tell these business owners, departmentstore managers, retailers, wholesalers, and car dealerships who help S. Korea, until the brutal torture and consumption of domestic companion animals stops, you withdraw all economic support from this sadistic and cruel country. This is a simple, effective way to speak on their behalf.
Write polite letters frequently to
President Kim Dae Jung,
Blue House, 1
Chongro-Ku, Seoul, South Korea,
and department heads in South Korea (.60 cent postage). Ask him to amend, strengthen, and enforce the Korean Animal Protection Act (KAPA) to stop killing ALL dogs and cats. It is important to stress ALL dogs (not just pet) because certain S. Korean groups try to convince the Korean government to distinguish between a pet dog and a food dog. Beg them to intervene to stop this horrible industry of misery and suffering.
(For graphic evidence visit )

The dog meat industry grows because many S. Koreans enjoy listening to Man's best friend scream and cry as they are tortured to death. It is that simple. They attempt to hypnotize foreigners and younger generations of it's place in S. Korean tradition. This theory is futile and can easily be disproved. There is nothing traditional about torture. S. Korean men rationalize their behavior by saying eating dogs increases sexual stamina and energy. I guess they never heard of Viagra! Intelligent people know this is a simple diversion tactic to justify their egregious behavior. Because of a macho mind set, the Korean Animal Protection Act (KAPA) is not enforced and millions of helpless companion animals remain repressed in the Hermit Kingdom.
If you would like more information, contact IAKA, Kyenan Kum, Director,
P.O. Box 20600,
Oakland, CA,

Minister Choi Jae Wook
Minister Kim Sung Hoon
The Ministry of Health and Welfare
The Ministry of Agriculture

1 Joongang-dong

Kwachun City, Kyoungki-do
South Korea 427-760(postage is .60)

Minister Kim Mo Im
The Ministry of Environment
1 Joongang-Dong
Kwachun City, Kyoungi-Do
South Korea 427-760 (postage is .60)


More links here and here. See photos here.

Some people call Lobsters "Roaches of the Sea". because of their appearance. Is that a reason to treat them as nothing better than food?? Because of their exoskeliton, is there a reason to think that they can't feel pain? If you walk into a supermarket one day, and you see a tank filled with lobsters, what would you think of? Would you think of how unfortunate they are, sitting there with hardly enough room to breathe, with their only defense -their claws- held fast with rubberbands, waiting in their cramped little cloudy tanks for someone to pick them out and boil them alive? I'm sure you wouldn''d probably just walk right past them and into the dairy isle. Next time you pass that tank, take a good look. Does the water look clean? I'll bet you it wont. They probably figure the thing is going to be dinner anyway, why waste time cleaning the tank? Of course, if the lobster came out of that kind of water, would you even want to eat it? Oh, and those who have boiled a lobster alive, that little whistle you heard was a scream. I'm sure you'd scream too if you were in it's place. And what of delicacies? I'm sure you've seen how expensive Lobster is on a menu. Large bugs are considered a delicacy as well, but I wouldn't touch 'em. They yank lobsters out of their ocean homes, ship them en masse to supermarkets and restaurants all over the world, deny them of self defense, shove them in filthy, enclosed tanks 20 or more of their species, starve them and sell them to be slaughtered in a horrible ways and consumed. Would you say that's right? And we do the same things to Tuna, Dolphins, Sardines, Albacore, Salmon, Flounder, Crabs and many many more every single day. Unfortunatly, there are no numbers to call, there are no addresses for you to email or write to, all you can do is boycott the restaurants, supermarkets, factories and businesses that commit these atrocities. There are too many to count, but maybe one day, this issue will be as widely known and educated about as anti-vivisection. Until then, we've got a lot of work to do.

When most tourists come to New York City, they make plans to see and do certain things. They would probably want to see the Empire State building, visit Coney Island, go to FAO Shwartz, or ride on the Staten Island Ferry. A lot of them also want to take a long, peaceful ride around Central Park on a horse-driven carraige. Dispite it's extravigant price of $34 per ride, a majority of the people pay it, just for the experience. Their seats are far enough back so they can see their route uninhibited. Doesn't anyone wonder why thousands of times a day, the horses are driven through the exact same streets, and not a spot of manure can be found along the way? Perhaps because that small bag attached to their tails catches and carries it all. Did you ever wonder why many of the horses seem restless? Perhaps because they have to deal with the odor and uncomfort all day, every day...reguardless of the weather. No matter if it's the dead of winter, or the middle of summer, these exploited horses must preform for the tourists and natives of New York. Barely fed, worked to exhaustion, and aggitated from standing in their own filth. Yet every time you see a horse and carraige, all you can think of is: "Oh, what a cute horse!" You don't think twice of the blinders on the sides of their head, meant to eliminate distraction from doing what they were bred to do. You don't think twice of how long their day has been, or that they aren't treated as thinking, feeling beings-- but as a bus, or a trolly. And that they are treated as such. Every person that hands over the $34 is more and more encouragement that it's perfectly acceptable to treat horses as machinary. Even cowboys back in the old west knew to take care of the horse that carries them. A fact that riders today, are apparently oblivious to.

Help put a stop to the barbaric mistreatment of these wonderful gentle creatures.
The NYC Parks Department
(212) 360-8111

Dedicated to Poohbear

It takes 3000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather to make footballs for a year.
-Knights of The Dinner Table Issue # 29, "Bad Moon Risin'"


Help end this outrage!
Incredibly, many of the lovable elephants you see in circuses and zoos across America must endure harshly brutal living conditions and are even cruelly tortured and abused. An Enquirer investigation has revealed shocking evidence of vicious beatings, electric shocks, and slow starvation, as well as filthy, cramped pens and unsanitary, unhealthy living conditions.
EMACIATED by tuberculosis, this elephant was forced to perform until it died. "The truth about elephant abuse is an outrage," Florence Lambert, directer of the Elephant Alliance in La Jolla, Calif., told The Enquirer. "It's an American tragedy and it's got to be stopped!" "People see the elephants performing and think they're happy, but nothing could be further from the truth," added Pat Derby, of the Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) in Galt, Calif. "These animals are put through hell so they'll amuse people. But you can't train them to do tricks without breaking their spirit and dominating them through cruelty.
"Almost all trainers use an Indian training technique, 'mahout,' which involves tying the elephant down with ropes or chains and beating it until it gives up. "Many are chained for life, forced to stand in their own excrement with oozing sores and swollen joints, and horribly beaten." U.S. Senator Bob Smith (R-N.H.) told The Enquirer: "The way elephants are treated in this country is deplorable and must be stopped. "The only way these horrible acts will end is if people speak out against them.

Here are some of the most shocking examples of elephant abuse uncovered by The Enquirer:
A BABY elephant was viciously beaten after refusing to do a trick at a circus in Oregon. The trainer hit him repeatedly with a sharp bull hook, forcing him to his knees, as he screamed in front of the horrified audience. "I never heard a scream like that," said one spectator. "He was screaming and trying to crawl away on his knees like a human being." This gentle giant died with 10 other animals inside a truck where the temperature hit over 120 degrees.
During training, a young bull elephant at a California zoo was chained for most of a summer with no shade or shelter and fed very little. Finally he was tortured with electric shocks -- then rammed with a tractor so brutally that he could no longer stand up. Unable to move him, zoo authorities put him to death!
When a performing elephant in Las Vegas pulled a hamstring muscle and couldn't walk, he was put in a dark maintenance shed and propped upright, standing in his own waste. Eventually, after a fall, he was put to death.
Two elephants in a national touring circus developed tuberculosis but were forced to perform right up until they died!

You can help end the shocking abuse of elephants by sending us a postcard with the following message:
To whom it may concern: I am joining with Senator Bob Smith, Florence Lambert, Pat Derby and The National Enquirer in demanding that Congress pass legislation to end the vicious abuse and inhumane treatment of elephants.
Signed (name)
Mail to: End Elephant Abuse, c/o National Enquirer, 600 East Coast Ave.,
Lantana, Fla. 33464- 0002.

Pate De Foie Gras, or "Liver Pate Fatty"

This is something that just recently came to my attention and I'm afraid I have a very poor online translator to work with, so the information might be a little choppy. From what I've gathered, there is a demand for goose and duck liver in France, Hungary and Israel. This information was taken from Some French Site which I translated myself to English. That's why it sucks.

The gavage of the geese and ducks is destined to produce a dégénérescence cirrhotique stéatosique of their liver.
The sick animals have trouble to move itself, to breathe, undergo an excessive thirst and have a diarrhea verdâtre.
The liver pâté fatty traditionally is considered as a placement refined by the gastronomes. This before all a produced luxury, very assessed in France, where one some consumes almost 9000 tons a year, of which 6000 tons during the end parties of year. France is the first liver producer fatty, follow by the Hungary and of israël. Of other countries, as Belgium, Bulgaria, the Lithuanie and the Romania follow productions more modest. Several chains of supermarchés and certain restaurants in Switzerland, as well as of big airline companies to Canada and to the United States refuse henceforth to propose fatty liver to their clientele.
How does one produce the fatty liver?
The liver pâté fatty is obtained by the forced gavage of geese and of ducks, of which the liver transforms itself and increases while accumulating greases. The éleveurs take advantage of the aptitude of these types to stock reserves énergétiques but overturn their organism while creating a hyperalimentation phenomenon causing real sufferings to the birds.
How are these birds raised?
During four months, these geese and ducks have usually the luck to be raised in the open and to receive a fitting nutrition. Nevertheless, during the course of the last farm-raised weeks, they are placed inside buildings, in of small ones enclosed of a meter on two where one can pile up to twelve birds, be in of small cages. This promiscuité has for goal to deprive them exercise.
Their movements very being limited, the birds accumulate greases without being able to transform them and to stock them in fabrics périphériques of the chest.
How does the gavage happen?
The bird is immobilized between the legs of the éleveur or by a mechanical system, the neck in extension. A metal tube of a length being able to attain 40 cm next is introduced in the oesophage of the bird, and the food there is pushed in the stomach.
A provided entonnoir of a propellor creates a movement that transports the food in the tube, and the éleveur mass the neck of the bird to force it to swallow. An elastic bracelet sometimes is squeezed around the beak to prevent the bird spit out the food. Certain éleveurs use pneumatic devices for the gavage.
How much are the birds forced to swallow a day?
The quantities increase every day during 3 to 4 weeks until the bird receives 6 kg a day just before cutting down. That would be equivalent to 12.5 kg of cooked spaghetti a day for a human.
How do the birds react to the gavage?
The gavage is source of diseases and of distress for the birds. In contrast to the stockage of the greases that can be observed with the migrant wild one, the lipogénèse implemented by the gavage causes of the wronged serious to the liver, respiratory distresses, cardiac disturbances as well as of the wronged intestinal. Neck problems and infections can equally be noted.
When are the birds cut down?
The birds habitually are cut down after 4 weeks of gavage. When the livers are removed, it is visible on the carcasses to which not at all these organs surdimensionnés compressed the heart and the lungs, making difficult the breathing of the birds.
What can one to do to put a stop to these sufferings?
The gavage is forbidden in Austria, to Denmark, in Norway, in Germany and of fact to the United Kingdom. The Worldwide Protection of the Farm Animals would like to see this ban to apply to all the member States of the European union and presses the concerned governments to legislate in this direction.
(I found an english-speaking site about it here.

I'd like to bring something to everyone's attention...especially those who are looking for a target to protest. Think CACC. Center for Animal Care & Control. There people are monsters. When they get an animal off the street, they slaughter it within 24 hours, healthy or not. It used to be 7 days, but I guess they got even more greedy and wanted to "dispose" of the animals at a quicker pace. If you want a more humane shelter to check out, there's always The Westside Animal Rescue. (WAR) or if you're nowhere near NYC, check out The Animal Refuge Center At least there, you know your animal wont be slaughtered within a day just to make room for the next.

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Fur is Murder!
The Truth About Animal Testing
Anti-Sports Hunting
Rainforest Depletion
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