How Am I Going To Pee (How's It Going To Be)

by Johanna

Alright I kinda felt this was inevitable after someone wrote about it in my guestbook, and I must admit my high school did lock the bathroom doors to avoid smoking in the bathroom, so I've felt the same way before.  I think a lot of schools do that, but they do not understand the bladder needs of their students.

If this song pertains to you cause of smoking problems or any other bathroom problems, I totally hear you.  I dealt with it 3 out of my 4 years in HS.  

I'm only pretty sure

I can't wait anymore

Before I take a leak

I wonder, how can I shut this door

When I say out loud I have to take a piss

I wonder, is there a toilet that I have missed

How am I gonna pee

When you've locked the bathroom door?

How am I gonna pee

When I'm sure there's not paper in there?

How am I gonna pee

When there's nothing to wipe with?

How am I gonna pee?

You'd better care!

How am I gonna pee?

When I used to laugh there would be a splash

Wet as a soaked cat

A wetness I can't ignore

Like the water rides at the pools I spent time on

Bladders not empty

Don't feel like tinkling

Like last fall when it was always the color yellow

I wonder, how am I gonna pee

When you locked the bathroom door?

How am I gonna pee?

Want to empty my full bladder again

The soft feel of tinkling again

Wanna taste the pee off my skin

The soft feel off tinkling again

Tinkling again

How am I gonna pee

When you've locked the bathroom door?

How am I gonna pee?