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OJ according to Dr. Suess

I did not kill my lovely wife
I did not slash her with a knife

I did not bonk her on the head
I did not know that she was dead

I stayed at home that fateful night
I took a cab, then took a flight

The bag I had was just for me
My Bag! My bag! Hey, leave it be!

When I came home I had a gash
My had was cut from broken glass

I cut my hand on broken glass
A broken glass did cause that gash

I have nothing, nothing to hide
My friend took me for a ride

Did you take this persons life?
Did you do it with a knife?

I did not do it with a knife
I did not, could not, kill my wife

I did not do this awful crime
I could not, would not, anytime

Did you hit her from above?
Did you drop this bloody glove?

I did not her her from above
I can not even wear that glove

I did not do it with a knife
I did not, could not, kill my wife

I did not do this awful crime
I could not, would not, anytime

And now that I'm free, I can return
To my house for which I yearn

And to my family, whom I love
And now that I'm free... Give me back my glove

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