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1. Write down six words-any six words that you can think of.
2. How many times have you kissed a guy/girl?
     Multiply that number by 4.
3. Say you were to take any guy/girl to the prom right now,
     who would it be?
4. Who, right now is your crush?
5. Who do you think is the finest person in your school?
6. Write down the very first person you think of who is the
      opposite sex. (They must be in your age range.)
7. Write down any color.
8-10. Write down 3 songs that pop into your head.
11. What time is it right now, after you look multiply the hour
       it is by  2.
12. How many hours in a day?

Click here for the results



1) The six words you wrote down are going to become
     significant sometime or another in your lifetime.
2)The number you wrote down is your sexual desire.
      So, if you put 4 your desire is pretty low.
      If you put 20, it would be considered pretty high.
3) Is the person that you could possibly marry.
4) The person you wrote down is going to ask you out in a
      week,month or  year.
5) The person you wrote down will have great signifigance in
      your life very soon.
6) The person you wrote, has liked you for a really long
      time.You may want to start talking to them!
7) The color you chose is the color your wedding dress or
      tuxedo is going  to be at your wedding.
8) Is the song that you will always remember.
9) This song is the way you feel about your crush.
10) Is the way your crush feels about you.
11) Is how many people you have to send this webpage to.
12) This is how much time you have to send this webpage.

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