"A Hero's Fate"

By: Faita

Emily Grayson sat at a small table a few feet away from the door of a cafe and a few more feet away was the counter behind her. She was watching something on a small pad in her hand and occasionally took a sip from a cup in front of her. The pad she was watching showed face the face of a woman with long hair covering the news of the GB the night before, Emily always watched that part of the news in the morning. She placed her hand on the empty white dish, still looking at the pad. She was surprised and looked at the plate, she thought she still had some of her danish left. She frowned and looked back to the pad. A picture of Blaze appeared next to the woman's head, Emily smiled.

"Blaze, along with Myst and Nightwing, stopped a bank robbery last night, saving 15 hostage lives," she said.

"You're welcome," she said quietly.

"For what?" a voice asked her. She looked up and saw Terry walking over to her, with a bag hung around his shoulder. He grabbed a chair and turned it around, and sat in it backwards. She turned off the pad a set it down on the table.

"Nothing. You're late," she said, he grinned nervously.

"Yeah sorry about that, Mom caught me in the hall on the way down," he apologized.

"How is she?" Emily asked him taking another sip from the cup.

"She's fine, Matt's fine, Brass's fine, Refugio's fine, Val's fine. Since when do you drink coffee?" he said and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Don't its apple juice. I never liked Valentin, he's just so, so..." she said trying to think of the right word.

"Slimy," Terry finished, she pointed at him nodding. He grinned.

"That's a good word," she said and took another sip from her cup.

"Ah, Em, can I ask you something?" Terry said.

"Yeah sure," Emily said setting her cup back in its saucer.

"Will you…" Terry said but trailed off, unsure if he wanted to ask it. She smiled on at him sweetly, the way she always did.

"Will you," he said, but was cut off.

"Hey Emily. How are you this fine morning?" a boy with short chocolate brown hair with streaks of blonde, dark, and rich blue eyes. He was wearing a black turtle neck shirt with a dark blue plaid shirt over it, the sleeves was rolled up to his elbows, and it was open in the front. Terry looked at him confused, but Emily smiled and stood up, and hugged him, and he hugged her. She pulled away from him and smiled still.

"Josh what are you doing here?" she asked him happily.

"Bruce sent a messenger to get me, Moment right?" he said.

"That was the earn that's great! Oh! Oh sorry, Terry this is Josh, Josh, Kent," Emily said.


"His son!?" Terry yelled. He, Emily, and Josh were standing in the living room of the Wayne mansion. Terry was pacing back and forth in front of Emily and Josh.

"Well not exactly," Emily said trying to find the words.

"I was orphaned as a little boy. Clark came to the orphanage one day for a story, and he saw me through the wall, doing, some, ah, tricks," Josh said.

"How did you learn those, tricks?" Terry asked stopping in front of them.

"Well, it's a long story really. My parents, they left Krypton, after years of suspended animation, they landed on Earth. I was born, and they were killed, and I went to an orphanage, Clark found me and adopted me about 19 years ago," Josh explained.

"How were your parents killed?" Terry asked. Josh looked at him sadly.

"Some gunman had kryptonian bullets, two shots, one kid left," Josh said.

"Do you know the, ah, secret?" Terry asked cautiously.

"What secret?" Josh asked. Emily nudged him in the arm with her elbow. He looked at her confused then smiled foolishly.

"Oh yeah, that. Yea I know, I even have a little secret of my own," Josh said grinning. Emily smiled.

"So you're actually going to do it," Emily said, Josh nodded.

"I had a special request to, one I couldn't turn down," he said.

"Made by who?" Emily asked as Terry watched the both of them confused and curiously.

"The man upstairs," Josh answered.

"God?" Terry asked.

"No, Terry, Bruce, he's talking about Bruce, he's upstairs," Emily said, then her faced became surprised, "Bruce!?"

"Yeah, I was here a few minutes after I got his message, I'm rather fast, I got here the same time as Moment. Bruce sent Moment for watch duty or something, and told me to suit up in a costume he made," Josh said.

"But why would he want you to do that?" Emily asked herself more then him. He shrugged none the less.

"Maybe he wants me to protect you after he, you know," Josh said. Emily frowned.

"Dies," she finished for him simply.

"Why would Bruce want you to protect Emily? I can protect Emily," Terry said almost whining.

"No one has to protect Emily, Emily can protect Emily," Emily said. Josh shrugged.

"Well I'm going to go talk to him," Emily said and quickly turned around and ran towards a set of stairs. Josh and Terry shrugged at each other and ran up the stairs, Josh ran slowly so he could be next to Terry. They followed Emily up the stairs, down a hall, but lost her when she turned off the hallway. Josh seemed to know exactly where he was going as they still ran, so Terry followed him. They ran up another set of dark stairs and down another hallway to see Emily standing in front of a door at the end of a hall. Her hand was reaching towards the doorknob, but almost afraid to open it. She looked at them and they walked over to her, her face was sad.

"I warn you, it's not pretty," she told them, they nodded, with sad expressions on their own faces. Emily inhaled deeply, and opened the door wide. They all looked inside. Bruce lay in a bed in the middle of the room. Shadows played on the bed spread and floor as well as all the walls as branches moved outside the huge window. It was much darker inside the room then it really was outside. It was almost noon, but it looked like night in this room. The bedspread and what could be seen of Bruce's clothes, were all different shades of grays. Bruce was still, face up in the bed; the blanket tucked under his arms and neatly tucked under him. The three slowly walked over to him, Emily in the lead. Terry couldn't breathe; Bruce looked so sick, so weak, he wondered if Bruce was even alive still. He looked so much different then the man standing in the middle of the road that made him crash, that beat and scared off a group of Jokerz so long ago. Bruce had ruled over Gotham with an iron fist for decades, without anyone knowing it, and now he lay in bed, dying, without anyone knowing it. Terry wondered if this was how Bruce wanted to die, he had probably want to die in a fight, to save the city or world, or at least one life, not in a bed in his home with people mourning over him. Emily walked over to the bed and kneeled down at it's side, she wasn't angry at him for asking Josh to protect her, not when she say Bruce laying there. Terry didn't know if she was mourning for the soon death of a grandfather, boss, mentor, trainer, friend, or hero. Terry didn't know why he was sad either, Bruce had never really been nice to him at all, not even pleasant, he figured that no matter what Bruce did, or how he acted; you had to love him. There was no liking Bruce, you had to love him, for what he was, what he stood for, and everything really. Soon would be the death of a hero, the greatest hero the city had ever seen. Emily took Bruce hand in both of her's, but he didn't react, tears fell down her cheeks.

"Is he?" Terry asked. She shook her head, not looking at him.

"No, not yet," she said sadly.

"His heart is slow," Josh said sadly as well. They were all quiet for a few minutes. Josh floated off the ground silently, only Terry noticed. Josh flew over to Terry and picked him and motioned for him to be silent. Josh carried Terry out of the room backwards, leaving Emily alone with Bruce. A man stepped into the room, unseen by anyone. He stood in the doorway, looking at Emily holding Bruce's hand. He took one more step, then stopped, afraid to go any further.

"Emily," he finally said with a tough and sad low voice. She jumped a little and turned around, not letting go of Bruce's hand. The man wore black pants and a dark red shirt with dark blue cuffs. She gave a small, sad smile; tears rolled down her cheeks still.

"You came," she said quietly, but he could hear her.

"I had to," he said taking another step forward, "how is he?"

"He hasn't long. The doctor was here, he said days, maybe a week," she answered. She looked back at Bruce, squeezing his hand tightly and setting her head on the bed. The man's eyes widened.

"Emily, is he still breathing?" he asked. Her head came up instantly. She looked at Bruce, panicky. She placed her hand above his mouth, on his neck, and used her other hand to feel his wrist.

"Bruce? Bruce? Bruce!?" she asked, tears running down her face and falling to the bed. The man walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, he couldn't believe it, not Bruce, not now.

"Please don't leave me Bruce, please! You're all I have, you're the only one who ever cared about me please don't leave, come back Bruce!" she said crying hysterically. The man knelt down beside her; she turned and fell on his chest, crying. He held her in his arms, no use trying to calm her down. Terry and Josh ran to the doorway, Josh getting there in a second or less. Their mouths dropped and they couldn't breath. Terry felt tears fill his eyes and fall down his cheeks.

"No," he said and ran from the doorway and down the hall, it was all he could do, run away. Josh watched him run for a second then looked back into the room.

"Dad, is he?" Josh asked choking back tears. The man looked up at him, still holding Emily crying in his arms.

"Yes Josh, Bruce is dead," Clark answered him.


Terry ran into the batcave, tears flowing down his cheeks and hitting the ground behind him. He stopped running when he was in front of the old Batman costume. He stood in front of it, sad and angry.

"Why didn't you help him, she asked you to!" he yelled at it. He didn't know what to do; he was so angry and sad.

"Bruce is dead now, in a bed. Not fighting, not anything!" he yelled. He ran towards the case and punched it as hard as he could with his right hand. The case cracked in all directions, but didn't break. He placed his hands on the not cracked parts of the case and faced the floor, breathing heavily, his face red and tears stained. Some of his black hair stuck to his wet face. He grit his teeth and rolled in fingers under his palm with one hand still against the glass.

"Terry," a small timid voice said. He looked over to the doorway. Emily stood there, all curled up in herself, she looked so small and afraid, it was unnerving. He looked back at the floor, not wanting to look at her, not when he was like this. He could be mean when he was angry and sad, specially when he had nothing to be mad at, he didn't want to e mean to her, it was a worse loss for her then it was for him. She should be mean not him, like she was when he talked to her after Eric died. He could see her feet come into his view in the corner of his eye. She stopped a foot away from him and extended her hand to touch his shoulder, but pulled away quickly. She looked at him sadly, saw his anger, and his sadness. She had seen anger in him, more then she would have liked, but she had never really seen sadness in him, it was frightening. She turned around and began to walk away.

"Wait," he told her, still looking at the ground. She turned around reluctantly. He looked up at her sadly.

"He is dead, right?" Terry asked. She nodded sadly.

"Are you sad?" he asked, not knowing why he was asking stupid questions. He was actually feeling angry, at Emily, and wanted to ask these things to hurt her more.

"Of course," she said. He leaned off the case and just stood there looking at her.

"I'm sorry, I, I broke the case," he told now, not mad at her, but did not pity her.

"It's Ok," she said. He stepped closer to her nervously. He looked at her in her eyes; he remembered the soft brown they used to have, now they were sharp, sad, pain filled eyes. He started walking towards her, he didn't know why, but he couldn't stop. He stopped only a few inches in front of her. He wrapped his arms under her's and around her waist, and rested his head on her shoulder, holding her tightly to his chest. At first she didn't know what to do, then she wrapped her arms around his neck and set her head on his shoulder and held him too. He quickly kissed her in the neck, he didn't mean to, he just did, it was involuntary. She squeezed him tighter, he could feel wetness on his back as her tears soaked through his shirt.

"So what do we do now?" she whispered, her breath felt warm against his ear.

"I think we're doing it," he whispered back.


Tons of people stood around a grave as it was lowered to the ground. Terry, Emily, Alisa, Adam, Chase, David, Marlena, Shay, and Danny stood there. As did Dick, Mark, Pat, Tom, Pete, Barbara, Leon, Lisa, Jessica Drake, Ace, Sam Young, Andrew Young, Paxton, Fox Jr. and his family. And Mary, Matt, Brass, Refugio, Valentin, Josh, Clark, Kyle, Wally, and many, many others stood around the grave, some crying, some looking at the ground, but all wearing black. Terry had his arm wrapped around Emily's shoulders, holding her tightly, she was crying into his shoulder. The fresh new tombstone sat next to an old one with the word 'Wayne' written on it.

"Good bye, Batman," Terry said quietly. Terry felt Emily's head turn towards the grave.

"And now it ends," she said.

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