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I met His eyes
And His eyes met mine
Yet nothing did I say

I hoped He hadn't noticed me
As I ran far away

I tried to lose Him in my thoughts and dreams
And try so hard I did

Losing myself in a world of sin
I was sure that I was not His

Yet time passed and I began to yearn
For that Man whose eyes did I meet

But how could He still want me still
For the way that I did flee

I tossed and turned crying to God
Take me back I plead

And suddenly I met His eyes
And noticed a single tear

My child My child
Fear not I pray
For I was always near

I ran with you that long ago day
Even as I stand with you here

My love for you has never left
Though many times you tried
To lose me in your thoughts and dreams
But I remained by your side

Now take My hand
And fill your cup
With the love that I do bring

Together we will walk this earth
And in heaven we will be

Copyrighted © Sean Switzer 2002 All rights Reserved
