Superstar '97 The White/Yellow Belt year, shaking off seven years of rust, wondering what was left, Superstar takes to the mat once more...participating in the World Championship Tournament at the Astroarena in Houston in '97, BT proves far too aggressive for tournament regulations, nearly disqualified and finally outpointed in his quest for the World Title...a second-place finish does little to quench his thirst for Kuk Sool honors, and he leaves Houston with a curse on his lips, swearing revenge...his instructors remain appalled at his radical departure from the pacific aims and goals of the Kuk Sool philosophy...
Superstar '98 Going for the Blue Belt was the most satisfying leg of the journey, second only to the Brown Belt, the great plateau...Superstar becomes known for his eagerness to take a 'bump', driving himself into the mat with unsettling enthusiasm, slowly departing from the Kuk Sool methodology of expediting mortal combat...he relishes extended combat, a follower of the new "Ultimate Fighting" camp which seems a sordid extension of the pro wrestling world from whence he came...only now the coveted Black awaits (?)...
Superstar '98 Superstar continues on to earn his brown belt but runs into political conflicts within the rigidly traditional Won. Master In Hyuk Suh is offended by Superstar's vehemence over having been excluded from the 1998 World Championship meet in Houston, resulting in BT's alternating between the three SA schools for a 'fair break'. At contract time, Superstar is unable to secure a guarantee for a black belt test and withdraws from the program.
The Aftermath Superstar relocated to Independence MO where he continued his excursion into the world of Ultimate Fighting at the Universal Hapkido dojang, and effectively ended his career at the Pit in 2008. Check out the "Superstar" link for the full story!