The Influence of Literature on Rising Genres in Media

Johnny Favorite
English Major
University of Texas at San Antonio
6900 North Loop 1604 West
San Antonio, TX

This study focuses on the influence of literature on rising genres in today's media. We will be concentrating specifically on three areas of media entertainment: the Performing Arts, Television and Motion Pictures.

Historians recognize literature as being reflective of the culture of a society. American literature has, in turn, played a major role in the development of the media over the years. In this study we will see how the entertainment media has been influenced by American literature and, in turn, reflected the sociocultural values of 20th century America.

With great power comes great responsibility, and the message of the media has long been a topic of sociological debate. Robert Gilman, in The Ecology of Media, points to how the producers of media have a responsibility to future generations as regards their artistic legacy. Carol Laseur, in Genre and Film: Problematic Conjunctions, defines genre as a mirror of our society which is not subject to arbitrary control. Jeffery Scheur, in The Television Thing, points out that critical thinking remains of paramount importance to the intellectual development of our youth and the legacy of the future. Henry A. Giroux, in The Aesthetic of Hyperreal Violence, criticizes artistic license on grounds of moral negligence in cited cases. These scholars approach these topics from different angles, and their viewpoints are worth researching in conjunction with the study of rising genres focused on in this survey.
For the purposes of this study, we will review literary-oriented works in rising genres that displayed both superior quality and artistic integrity in making the transition from book-to-screen. Their influence on rising genres of today will also be explored.

Topics to be examined:

On the Performing Arts...

On TV...

On Movies...

On the Future...

For a further overview of this topic:

The Ecology of Media

Genre and Film: Problematic Conjunctions

The Television Thing

The Aesthetic of Hyperreal Violence

About the Author
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