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The LeveL Story

Proceeding the great reptillian extinction, when mammals began to dominate the Earth, the most evil and the most righteous forces controlling the world came together in a ferocious battle. The war came to a stalemate and from the debris arose the most powerful being the universe had ever seen since God showed his face during the creation. The being that sat beside God and shared all his powers came to be known as the LEVEL angel. He is a biproduct of two equal and opposite forces and is empowered with the traits of both. Like God, the LEVEL angel needed some prophets to carry on his work on Earth. Therefore, the LEVEL angel in a creationist manner spit from his guts the five LEVEL angels. These angels, since this era have roamed the Earth trying to find the five most devistating, loving, violent, kind, greedy, and giving, on the Earth. No one met these criteria until the decade preceding the 2nd millenium after Christ. Now on the eve of the armagedon, the five LEVEL angels brought together the group who will, through voice and music bring harmony to allow the human race to prosper under one force,.... LEVEL. The destruction of God and Satan and good and evil will be long and disasterous . The believers and followers will live long and conquer all species in the universe.

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