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Adam Warner Singleton was one of the most wonderful persons I have ever had the privilege of knowing. He was my brothers best friend but also a very, very good friend of mine. He lived with me and my family for a while. My parents adored him, to them he was like another son. I've known him since I was about 7 years old and he's always been a great person.  I'm not going to lie and say that he was perfect. He wasn't. He did some things that I'm sure he wasn't very proud of afterwards. Hell, we all have. I have never met anyone who didn't like him though. He was always such a nice person and easy to get along with.

The accident happened early in the morning on Sunday, June 7th, 1998 in Gainesville, Florida. Adam, my brother, and two other people got into a truck driven by Kari Gail Wilson.  All of the passengers had been drinking, and so had the driver.  She failed to stop at two red lights and at the second one they were hit.  Everyone was thrown from the vehicle except my brother, and everyone managed to walk away from the accident with a few minor cuts and bruises except Adam.

I've lost family members and even friends before. But never anyone that I was this close to. I really thought my life was over and my world was going to end. Nothing could have prepared me for the shock of the four words my dad said to me that Sunday morning. "Adam didn't make it." I never imagined I would have to hear those words so soon.  Adam was only 18 years old.

I think about him everyday and miss him so much that it hurts. But I understand that things like this happen for a reason. Maybe it's even made me a stronger person, who knows. I just thank God I had Adam in my life, even though it was for such a short time. He made such a huge impact on my life and I don't know what I would be if it wasn't for him.