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PerthWorks: Anime Art3






Page Three!
Never thought I'd need this many!


Click on the thumbnail for the whole picture
Newest at the top.


^ _ ^ I should stop uploading my pictures to PerthWorks, so when I get Fee-Fath up my two watchers will have NEW pictrues to see... but silly me keeps thinking that updates are a good thing for pages... even if I am the only one that cares...
I love herbs! I love gardens, I love plants... and I love this character!
Meet Dina... cute eh?
Meet Geasa. Soon you shall have an ALL NEW Eden site, it shall be called Fee-Fath, and it will be good. Geasa is it's guide...
This is a gift for my friend Wing...A Cute bunny. =^ . ^= Enjoy, her name is C.
Val! It's your sleepy kitty! At long last! hehe ^ _ ^ sorry it took soooooo long...
The cute little Linnua (a decendent of Aqum) on the back of the dragon (Toll) is named Limmnia. I was going to put a sky in, but this picture has been sitting in the scanner for days. I figured that was long enough...
This is Temm. Her mother was a water elemetal and her father a Berkana elemental. Both of her parents were killed, leaving her to live with aunt near the Aqeus Pith. Her hair is silver, not white... but you can't tell that from the scan.
Meet Tell.
I almost over the whole Jedi thing. I didn't buy the book, I did want to. I didn't get any toys.. but ummm, some Legos, but lego land always needs more people... ^ - ~ And when they're called Obi-Wan it's only better. Maybe I should paint a little Tene Bris Lego... What do you think?
During our trip to PA, I spent alot of time thinking about the story of Tene, I feel really rather odd about using someone elses story and idea... I don't know enough I think to write her story down, it became more based on other Sci-Fi that I've read... Late one nite she meet the cast of FarScape, but don't question my imagination...K? Oh and I am working on those character stories for you guys.
Meet Cami. No story on this character. After my trip to PA with my family I had a massed a collection of random drawings, this is one that was sort of inspired by a crab shell I found in the woods. ^ - ^ We couldn't figure out the last time PA was under saltwater though...
Meet Tene Bris. A Jedi Padawan. ^ . ^. My friend Gen, the person I drew the sleeping Tene for, always talks of Muses. Jedi are my muse right now Gen, that's why you got a picture of one. Hope you find your muse again friend. ::hug::
Tene Bris will soon be playing a large part in this site, with the help of Jef, they are going to be telling you all about Jera.. err.. Perth... ummm, you'll see. I have more pictures of her, but their sitting in school.. o . O'.
Did this one awhile back. But didn't color her. So instead of cutting the rest of my Bio pig to bits, I colored her. It was sort of fun, since the water color water was in a beaker. And I have no idea why I told you this. Anyone noticed that my characters all seem to have pilot goggles? Well, not Tene Bris... Oh this one's name is Z.
This was a gift for a RL friend. Not sure if she liked it. Not sure if I liked it
But I did draw it for her, so I did give it to her. It's Tene Bris.
I was thinking, "You know, Aqum has the braid thing like Obi Wan... (you know the braid... the Padawan/apprentice thing?) I could draw her as a Jedi too..." and I did!
Ahh! I love Episode One! Obi Wan kicks ass! ^ - ^ as does Theory. Meet Jedi Theory... hehe...
^ - ^ Meet Theory. I love this character. You'll be seeing more of her, promise!! This was a gift for my friend Kelly.
Yeah! Got my scanner back, AND got it to work. I've ALMOST got the color right. This is an older pic... I drew it the same day as Leetra.
This is Aqum's mom. The really pic is much lighter. I'll scan them again, promise. I do love this picture though. And that's not a big L she's sitting on! It's just a thingy.
No... she's not a cow. She's a BUNNY!! A bunny people. ::sobs:: see the tail!? The fur?? Oh my Gosh! Her ears are the wrong color!!
Val! Another picture for you! This is Meep! Your little faerie. I know he's not blue... but he looked so good in yellow! (that and I left my blue markers at home.)


Poor Eden...
No one asks questions about her characters...






All images are copyrighted by Perth Works or their owners:
Don't take them... just ask before you save and run!
Last updated 11/9/99