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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
WrestleMania 22 Predictions
Mood:  rushed
Coming from a request from my guestbook, I have decided to get feedback from visitors on my site about predictions for WrestleMania 22. I realize that today, Tuesday, February 21, 2006, may be a bit early, but if you don't know half that matches that are going to be on WM22 without they actaully confirming it, you should crawl out from that rock you've been living under.

Here are the matches that will happen and may happen and my predictions:

Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio: I expected Randy Orton to win the Royal Rumble, but with Rey winning it, he would face Angle at WrestleMania 22, which I thought was better. Then the WWE had to go and make Orton beat Rey for his title shot. This match will be a triple threat match with Orton, Angle and Mysterio.

I would have to say that Kurt Angle would pin Rey Mysterio after he received an RKO to retain the title.

HHH vs. John Cena: Triple H is going to WrestleMania to fight for the WWE Championship. Didn't see this coming. This will be the 6th WrestleMania main event match that Hunter will be in and it's his 5th consecutive main event. Not even Hulk Hogan main evented that many WrestleMania's back to back. I, as well as others have grown tired of HHH, as he is no longer fresh, but I feel that he will be the most cheered in his match, which brings me to John Cena.

The kids and the women love Cena, but the men can't stand him. Charisma, he's got to spare, but wrestling ability, which is what many true fans really want to see, he couldn't fill a thimble, which is a shame because he really is talented in the ring. There is no doubt in my mind that after the initial pop for his entrance, it will all be a chorus of boos as evident on Saturday Night's Main Event.

I am really picking not who I want to win, but who I want to lose the least. I see John Cena picking up the win by reversing a Pedigree and hitting the FU.

Money in the Bank 2: Last night, Carlito proposed a MITB match at WM, similar to last year. I didn't see Raw last night, so when I read the results, I was surprised at this suggestion, but not by much. As of 02/28/2006, the participants are Ric Flair, RVD and Shelton Benjamin. As of 03/06, the MITB will now be interpromotional.

As of March 21, 2006, the 6 contenders are Flair, RVD, Shelton, Matt Hardy, Finlay and Lashley. I see RVD winning this match.

HBK vs. McMahon: We take a talented popular wrestler who can make any match a 4 star classic, as evidenced by his previous WM matches, and we put him in the ring against a 60 year old man who's mobility is probably as bad as Hulk Hogan and what do you get? That's the thing, I don't know either. I see McMahon get busted open 2 minutes into this "match." I hope and pray that Bret Hart doesn?t get involved in this in this cluster of a match.

HBK will go over here. A win for Vince will do absolutely nothing.

Edge vs. Cactus Jack: Edge really needs the win here, seeing as he has lost all the heat he had when he lost the WWE title to Cena at the Royla Rumble. I think this could be a good match, but I feel that he should be in the main event facing Cena. As of 03/06, the match will now be a hardcore match. If this match is anything like the hardcore match between Foley and Orton in Backlash '04, this should be a great match.

Edge pins Foley with help from Lita.

Carlito & Masters/BigShow & Kane: The tag team situation and the titles are a joke. No one cares about them because the WWE doesnt care about them. This is one of many matches that I won't place all my attention to.

Kane & Show defeats the two youngsters with a double chokeslam to Masters, as opposed to their last encounter where Carlito got to be pinned.

Undertaker vs. Mark Henry (Casket Match): Man, why are most of these WrestleMania matches feel like they should be on TV, rather than on the biggest PPV of the year? Undertaker has his winning streak to look forward to seeing as the chance of Mark Henry defeating him are slim to none.

A Tombstone Piledriver and a roll in the casket spells a win for the Deadman (14-0).

Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James: Finally. This story has been dragging out forever, and sadly it was the only good thing on Raw for weeks now.

I still wished that it was Trish who turned heel instead of James since Trish was really good as a heel. In any event, it should be a great match as I've read reports on live events that said the same thing.

Mickie James defeats Trish with the Stratusfaction to win the title.

Chris Benoit vs. JBL: I almost forgot about this match. I almost forgot Benoit was the champion. The build for this match was lazy. You have a legit injury that could have been played off and they did nothing. Benoit never even got on the mic since he became champ.

I can only hope that they give us a good match.

JBL pins Benoit with the Clothesline From Hell to win the United States title.

Boogeyman vs. Booker T. and Sharmell: The Boogeyman had his chance to impress me at the Royal Rumble and he failed miserably. The guy sucks inthe ring and his out of ring skits got old two months ago. You can only eat so much worms before the shock value wears off.

Booker T. gets counted out unfortunately, and Sharmell gets a worm bath.

Posted by Ron at 3:12 PM EST
Updated: Friday, March 24, 2006 10:36 AM EST
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