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John Cena's Freestyle - 07-31-2003

You see, at Vengeance, everybody saw that Cena failed the test.
But it was Undertaker who left the arena a bloody mess!
Yeah yeah yeah, he's sitting at home, I'm standing here, okay?
And I'm demanding a rematch on SmackDown next Thursday!
He's a big coward, and I guarantee he's a no show.
He's too busy hitting on those rookies, trying to get a low blow.
oh oh oh no no, I've seen him and Orlando, and with their flirting, there's no ignoring.
He may have a match with me, but he's beating Orlando Jordan.
Hey, I don't know what you're doing right now, but it's more than likely.
You got your grubby mitts down Orlando's tighty whiteys!