PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Vietnam War, Pictures, Veterans Benefits, Free Graphics, Wallpaper, 2/47th Ninth Infantry Division, Personal Insights, N.Y. POW/MIA , Updated Frequently - webmaster - John V. Spizzirri.
YOU are guest number The Dove of Peace flies to any site where peace is welcomed. Please help it around the globe by passing it on... Site and Contact Information You can now reach this site by simply typing in your browser address window! There are currently 214 viewable pages on this site, not including the pages in the 2009 vets benefits section, latest site update, 7/2/2009 on the second For The Future page, if there is only one spot you visit on my site please got to the For The Future pages (page 2) and read The Induction, Thank You. This is a PERSONAL Web Site, I do not claim to, nor do I represent any organizations. I do, however, strongly believe in FREEDOM OF SPEECH, gosh, I think I even fought for that right, so please DO NOT ASK me to EDIT MY SITE to suit your views. I am not responsible for the content of sites to which I am linked. Content Advisory: Some vistors may find some of the contents of this site to be disturbing. Some may find the site triggers feelings they have long surpressed or didn't know they had. It is not my intent to upset or disturb anyone, I am simply sharing my own perspectives and experiences and hoping some good will come of them. AWARDS? - due to the sheer volume of emails I receive I am no longer able to issue awards by request. contact |
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