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Photos (page 3)

John Ax at Bearcat

Pictured above is John Ax, like Henry Jezek , John has spent vast amounts of time and energy putting together members of the 2/47th. This is a massive accomplisment for John , who also suffers from PTSD. (to see a current photo of John and Henry please make sure to visit the Reunion Photo pages). In the picture above John is seen as NCOIC of Charlie Co. at BEARCAT, where he was for two weeks while his foot healed from a slight wound. This particular photo was taken about two weeks before TET '68.

In The next photo we see John in full combat gear in Bien Hoa Province. He is equipped with 200 rds. of M-60 ammo, 17 M-16 magazines, 2 grenades, 2 smoke grenades, 3 canteens, 1 .45cal pistol, 1 box of C-rations, and an M-16 rifle. This photo was taken in early August '67

John Ax in combat gear

Below is a photo of the Sniper School Graduating class of Feb. 1969 at Dong Tam, in the photo are the Three Amigos (see "The Sniper's Reunion" page on my site). This photo was given to me by Ron Baltierra at the 1999 reunion. On the page that the photo is attached to it says that 46 volunteered , 16 made it.

Sniper School Grads


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Some Of My Other Pages

1999 Reunion Photos
Sniper's Reunion-The Three Amigos