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About Me

This Is Me
In My
Almost Remember My Youth

If you are looking for a cheerful, bright, witty, "About Me" page, I could write one, but it would be "About Someone Else". I am sometimes cheerful, bright, and witty, but I am also a 100% PTSD combat veteran. (For clinical definitions, please see my "Links" page). In ordinary language, this means I have rages, nightmares, flashbacks, panic attacks, and a host of physical and psychological problems that would frighten away all but the strongest, (or another PTSD vet). Frequently, I have great difficulty expressing myself, a sheer inability to concentrate or focus, and periods of profound depression*. I do not take vacations, make trips, go to stores, shopping malls, restaurants, movie theaters, or any place that large groups of people congregate. I cannot even attend meetings of the three veteran's organizations (Am. Lgn., V.V.A., and D.A.V.) in which I have Life memberships. The one bright, glorious, constant in my life is my wife, Rose. She has stood by me and has remained totally supportive through some of the most difficult crises a person can survive. I do like to read (when my varying attention span allows it). I love my family, music, gardening, being outdoors on all but the coldest of days, BIG Dogs, and my Koi ponds. (Koi are multicolored Japanese carp. See my links for more info. about them, or use a search engine.) I also enjoy contacting people via the Internet. I was most fortunate to find, or be found by, several people I served with in Vietnam, online. This finally gives me a place where I can share my experiences with people who know what I am talking about. I have been unable to do this for thirty years, except with an excellent psychologist (Dr. Charles Raps) at the local VA facility. The goal of my pages is to be helpful to other people, with a strong focus on, but not limited to, other Vets and to those who love and care about them . Thank you for visiting my pages. I hope you enjoy them. I share credit for them with Rose and some very dear friends. If you have any questions, comments, or constructive criticisms contact me (John "Fats" Spizzirri) at Thank you.
* (most if not all of these symptoms are currently under control due to medications and years of therapy)

This Is What I Looked Like In Our Battalion (2/47th) Yearbook In 1969.
As you can see "The Thousand Yard Stare" was already there.

John Lyle's Gift

A Special THANKS to Mr. John Lyle of the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps Codename Vampire page for the use of the above graphic

and A Very Special THANKS To Webmistris' Original Midi Sequences

and yet another THANK YOU to Bruce Pollard for the award below.


ONE DAY IN NAM (For Chuck)
What Is PTSD?
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