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Newspapers In Spanish

La Prensa Latina en Internet
Newspapers listed by countries.
One of Spain's largest national newspapers.
ABC Color
Political News from Paraguay.
Ambito Financiero
Financial news from Argentina.
Los Andes
National news from Argentina.
From the Peruvian News Agency.
A bimonthly publication from Mexico.
News from the Canary Islands.
Cyber-news from Argentina.
La Comida Mexicana
An on-line food magazine with a large collection of Mexican recipes.
El Cotidiano
A Mexican journal of political analysis.
Cronista Comercial
A business news summary from Argentina.
Desde Cuba
A U.S. based mothly magazine about Cuba.
Diario La Hora
Afternoon newspaper from Guatemala.
Diario Clarin
From Argentina. (Netscape only)
El Diario de Hoy
From El Salvador. <
El Diario Vasco
A daily Spanish paper.
El Diario de Yucatan
A Mexican daily with special collection on Mayan culture.
Colombian review of Latin American film.
Escuelas de Misterios
A Spanish "New Age" magazine. (Summaries of articles only.)
España Hoy
Daily summaries of news as reported in the Spanish press.
El Espectador
Daily news from Colombia.
Spanish literary studies magazine.
First Page for Argentina
A bilingual Spanish/English news and information site from Argentina.
From Mexico.
A business magazine from Guatemala.
A computer and communications magazine from Chile.
News from Argentina.
La Jornada
A Daily Mexican newspaper.
La Maga
Cultural news from Argentina.
Magazi Net
A "virtual magazine" from Chile.
Mexico Virtual
Monthly web news.
A computer magazine "for the family" from Chile.
La Nacion
One of Costa Rica's national newspapers.
Net Conexión
A monthly Internet magazine from Spain. (Includes editorial and summary of latest issue only.)
El Norte
From Mexico.
News from Mexico.
El Pais
One of Spain's most well-known daily papers.
Pasquin Yorugua
Sports news from Uruguay.
El Periódico de Catalunya
Online version of this Spanish daily.
La Prensa
Daily news from Honduras.
Prensa Libre
From Guatemala.
Texts of radio news from Ecuador.
Que Pasa en los Deportes
A weekly magazine dedicated to Latin American sports (especially soccer).
Alternative Spanish newspaper.
La Republica
A daily from Lima, Peru.
La Revista
The Sunday magazine from the Spanish daily El Mundo.
"A weekly magazine about Colombia."
Soluciones Avanzadas
A monthly information technology journal from Mexico.
Su Dinero
Weekly economic, financial and consumer news from Spain.
El Teclado
From Mexico. (Under construction)
Tercer Sector
Selected extracts from this philanthropic magazine from Argentina.
El Tiempo
From Colombia.
News from the workers party of Uruguay.
Ultima Hora
Independent Paraguaian Newspaper.
Venezuela Analitica
A journal of political and economic analysis.
La Voz
"The only paper from Lanzarote in the Canary Islands." (Currently includes editorial only.)
Magazine directory of tourist services in Bolivia
Internet news from Spain.

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