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") ResultWin.document.write("

The Matrix Quiz Results

") ResultWin.document.write("") ResultWin.document.write("") while(count != 20) { ResultWin.document.write("") score++ } else{ ResultWin.document.write("
No") } count++; if(count == 4 || count == 8 || count == 12 || count == 16) ResultWin.document.write("
") } percent = score/20 ResultWin.document.write("
Correct? Yes/No
") ResultWin.document.write(count+1) ResultWin.document.write(".
") if(gAnswers[count] == 0){ ResultWin.document.write("
") percentBar(percent, ResultWin) if(score != 11) ResultWin.document.write(+percent*100.0+"%

") else ResultWin.document.write("55%

") ResultWin.document.write("
") ResultWin.document.write("") ResultWin.document.write("
") ResultWin.document.write("") ResultWin.document.write("") } //-->

The WildCard's The Matrix HARD Quiz

20 Questions
1. At what date did Trinity get traced (in the beginning)?
2. At what time did Trinity get traced (in the beginning)?
3. What is the name of the hotel Trinity is traced at?
4. When Trinity controls the officers arm to shoot a gun how many shots does she fire at the other officer?
5. How many holes are in the grill of the truck that destroys Trinity's exit?
6. What brand of monitor does Neo own?
7. What is Neo's room number (His Apartment)?
8. What brand is Neo's alarm clock?
9. What time does Neo wake up from the white rabbit "dream"?
10. What color are Trinity's eyes?
11. How many metal clasps hold the hole on the back of his neck to his neck?
12. What year was the Neb. commissioned?
13. How many combat training series are there?
14. What was the actual model of nokia cell phone used in the movie?
15. How many electrical charge tanks are on the weapon Cypher uses against Tank and Dozer?
16. What is the name of the book Neo uses as a safe?
17. Morpheus, in greek mythology, is the god of?
18. Wells & Lake are actual intersections in what city?
19. Which of "The Matrix" cast member appeared in a 1993 tv series called "Matrix"?
20. The Neb. is a Mark __ Hover Craft?

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