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The Matrix *UNOFFICIAL* Fan Page Misc. Info

Ok, After some research, I have found quite a bit of good info. So, without further ado, here we go.
_-=| The WildCard |=-_

I've heard from many people checking out my site that they want the info regarding the glasses that are worn throughout the movie, well I've dug up some info on the glasses worn by Neo and Trinity. I don't have info on Morpheus' glasses, HOWEVER, I've been told that they are quite painful to wear. Ok here we go.
These glasses were designed by Richard Walker of Blinde Optics in Orlando, Florida. Unfortunately, the sunglasses are not on sale to the public, but producton has begun. Yeah I know this sucks, don't give up yet, there are several companies that sell glasses that are identical models to the ones used in "The Matrix".

However, I was recently comtacted by about Neo's glasses. It seems they sell the exact same glasses that IMPOSTER offers at $24.99 for a mere $10.00 a pair. They also come with a lifetime warranty, and can be purchased with blue or brown lenses as well as the black Keanu wears. I am definately looking into these. I suggest you check them out! Click above to go to their site.

However if you don't like cheap, high quality merchandies also check out the following web site:

EJ Sunglasses

It has come to my attention that you can order Neo's glasses from Imposter Wear for a mere $24.95 (US Currency). Also, a german site is selling the exact same model as Imposter Wear's, for a wallet shrinking $120.00. In conclusion, Haul ass over to Imposter Wear and order these glasses!

Cell Phone:
The Nokia 8110i is the cell phone used in The Matrix. The original 8100 was modified to include the cool quick sliding cover/mouth piece. This cell phone is quite impressive, it includes: Voice Recognition, e-mail, Internet Access, Paging Facility and Caller ID. Because of some features on this phone, it is not available to us in the USA. It is, however, available to people in the UK and other European countries and Australia (where the film was made).

I haven't gotten much response about this but these sites sell movie posters. If you are interested in owning a "The Matrix" movie poster, check out these sites.
Poster Now
All Posters

Seen the Matrix trailer? Loved the end piece of electro music? It comes from the second half of a track by Enigma called "The Eyes of Truth". As of my knowledge there is not a single of this track. You should have better luck finding it on the album called "The Cross of Changes"

You can now own your own your own copy of "The Matrix". It includes 3 special video segments ('What Is Bullet Time?', 'What Is The Concept', and Kung-Fu fighting scene info) and the DVD version includes the usual extras plus some for your computer.

The Wachowski Brothers have planned another 2 sequels to the Matrix. For all your Matrix 2 & 3 info check out my Matrix 2 & 3 info page!
Matrix 2 & 3 Information Page

Trinity - This means a group of three. Neo, Morpheus and Trinity maybe?
Zion - An idealized, harmonious community. Also a historic meaning is the land of Israel.
Nebuchadnezzar - A biblical king who had bad dreams.
Cypher - Zero "0"(Definition)
Neo - New (Definition), One (When letters are re-arranged) "1"
Thomas Annderson - Look for the letters of N, E, O. In order.
Anderson - Look for the letters of N, E, O. In order.

When the police burst through the door of Trinity's room in the opening sequence, the door number is 303. Neo's door number is 101, this is because he is the one!At the beginning of the film, the camera zooms in on the number 555. In numerology this means 'The Chosen One'.

When Neo meets the Oracle, the music in the background is "I'm Beginning to See the Light" by Duke Ellington, is this a reference to Neo realising he is The One?

To achieve the effect of the helicopter crashing into the building, a 1/4 scale model of the helicopter and part of the building was made. The helicopter was then attached to a rig and swung into the building. At the point of impact, 1Kg of explosives blew up the helicopter and the glass from the building. 8 slow motion cameras filmed this sequence, one at 300 frames a second! The FX crew had to use real glass, and by the end of the sequence, the green screen was full of holes from the glass spray.

Some of those that worked on the Matrix worked on MiB. The Matrix agents are called Smith and Jones, and in MiB, the actors are Will SMITH and Tommy Lee JONES.

During the film where Neo is running through the Agent program, everyone but Neo, Morpheus and the Girl in the Red Dress, has a double, this is easiest to see when the program is frozen and Morpheus looks up. Do you notice the two bald guys? This was probably done by Mouse to save on programming. (Or it could be a blooper mistaken for a hidden meaning)

The name 'Neo' is latin for New. He is also the one, or the Saviour of Humanity. This means that he must be the Messiah which makes Morpheus, John the Baptist and Cypher, Judas.

Trinity is also the name of the site of the first nuclear weapon test.