FreeSpirit open-sends to the tribe, **Can anybody think of a way to get dreamberries here? I heard SilverSun was a treeshaper...?**
Silversun, peeking out from the shadows of lurkingness, chuckles softly.**Heh... I can make you some dreamberries...Brightmetal ones, anyway. I shape cold metal and warm hearts, but not trees.** Suddenly, a piece of ornate woodwork appears behind him, and he fades into it.
Silvermist pulls her hand from a pouch and opens it up to reveal two small dreamberry seeds in the palm of her hand. She's not even sure how old they are but they've been in the bottom of her pouch a long while. She can't make them grow but if anyone is willing to try....
Moonslight grinned**Tee hee. Guess what's his name has been keeping you too busy**
**Keep it up and you won't have a head to be forgetting with** came the sleepy sending.**So if you haven't anything better to say, let me sleep**
Snowcloud laughed at her younger sister. **Moony, you can be so amusing sometimes. It is Kadyriah that is Starmist's recognized. Whether they are lifemates or not is another matter.**
**I'll lifemate to a rabid bear first, cousin** Starmist grumbled.**Keep up that conversation, the two of you will wish you were.** She looks down at her tummy curiously.**hmmm, girl or boy. Maybe I'll sic'em on you when this is all through. Since I've chosen to blame you for this**
Meanwhile,Freespirit runs in, grabs seeds, runs out, comes back in, grabs Silvermist, kisses her, and runs off laughing.
Silvermist spits, "Gah.. ick! What was that for you fool troll brained elf?!"
Foxeye laughed gaily as she strolled out from her sleepingplace, clad in a furcoat as white as the streak in her hair, and with her bow in a secure grasp. The pregnant elfess blinked at Starmist and sent **Why don't you come hunting with me, to forget your bad mood?**
She grinned widly, glanced over her shoulder to make sure Blizzard wasn't there, and whispered "I'm thinking about taking down a wolverine... Their fur is great."
"Just give me a minute to grab my swords." Starmist grinned, she rushed back into her cave and then back out witht he two ivory blades. "What are we waiting for? I'm ready for some action." She scowled as Moonslight giggled into an uproar. Starmist hissed and walked swiflty out.
Swiftspirit slaps Freespirit playfully and tries to grab his dreamberries. Freespirit jumps out of the way. Swiftspirit giggles. ***Silvermist I'm sorry my revolting brother kissed you, but you deserved it for showing him dreamberries!*** Swiftspirit runs up to Dalamar, says "Hi there handsome" and skips off, giggling.
**Do I know this elf?** sends Dalamar.
"Deserved? For a couple of old seeds? He's a trollbrained elf drunk on himself he doesn't need the help of dreamberries." Silvermist makes a face and then goes to wash her mouth off grumbling the whole way about vile male elves and how much trouble they can be.
Freespirit sneeks in to 'Mists den, quickly grows a small bush, and leaves.
Silvermist goes to her den later and emerges with a frown. She then stalks off to hunt down Freespirit... the bush WILL be removed from her den if she has to use the troll-brained elf's tongue to do it.
Freespirit runs back into the den with Silvermist on his tail, and whistles. Quickclaws hops between them while Freespirit continues to grow the bush... and little purple berries start to appear! "There! Happy now?! Dreamberries! Sheesh! And take back that Troll-brained elf crack, or say goodbye to the bush!"
Later on Freespirit, covered in Dreamberry juice, bumps into Silvermist. "Hiya, Sil! I'm here ta *hic* confess my deep love for ya." Starts giggling and then faints.
"Take the bush you troll-brained fool!" Silvermist tackles him into the bush wrestling with him energetically.
Soulwhisper walks out of her cave. She looks up to see what was going on. She quickly turns around and walks back in. "Very odd elves, running around. VERRRRY scarey." She mutters, then an idea comes to her. "Although that may make a very interesting prank....but first....I WANT A REMATCH YOU DUMB BIRD!"
Snowcloud watched everyone acting crazy over these berries. SilverSun still had mushrooms that DarkShroom had left for them a few suns back. Inquistively, she bit into a sweet-smelling blue one and giggled. Her head felt fuzzy and everything was turning interesting colors.
**A dansh!** She cried, her sending fuzzy. She watched FoxEye and her cousin Starmist leave. **Byeee!**
"All cubs go into the back will be there to watch you."
All the elves whooped in delight. It had been a long time since they celebrated for any reason. Elves hopped about and danced about. Fairvale started to sing and Kave began to play a wooden flute. Others elves started pairing off and twirling together.
"These berries are good!" Someone called out.
Kadyriah sat watching everyone enjoy themselves. He was now a future father. He had saved Starmist from jumoing off the clifs...and he didn't want her trying any other wild stunts. The voices in his head whispered and danced around, but he got up and ignored them. Silently, he followed Starmist and FoxEyes out.
"See, 'Mist! Our dreamberries are being celabrated!" Freespirit looks at Silvermist and winks, **Share a dance with me, pretty tanner?** then waits to be hit.
Silvermist bonks him again, ** Pretty tanner? You're eyes are crossed from the berries I'll wager. Can't repeat that sober can you? Troll-brained and fuzzy-headed fool. **
Swiftspirit is annoyed that there are no available guys to flirt with. She collapses on the floor laughing at Freespirit's failed flirting attempts, then realises that he is her brother and whacks him over the head. She stuffs a huge handful of dreamberries in her mouth in wobbles over to Dalamar "Hey gorgeous, *hic* how 'bout a *hic* dance?"
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