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The following feature of this site features divrei torah and articles written by American Board Of Rabbis President,Rabbi Mordechai Friedman,Shlit"a.

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by Rabbi Mordechai Friedman

The world is telling the Jewish people and the Jewish State, “keep a low profile, do not assert your religion, your self, nor your sovereignty!” Your assertiveness, nay your mere existence offends the world! The mere birth of a Jewish individual infuriates the world ipso facto anti-Semitism ensues. Indeed, the world would like to see the Jews disappear, preferably by self destruction.
The Jewish people should have been eliminated by the sword, conversion, and the Holocaust, yet, we continue to exist! Thus, the moment a Jewish person is born, stirs the wrath of the world. Indeed, CHAZAL-our sages stated ESAV (Gentiles) SONEH ES YAAKOV (Hate Jacob-Jewish people). The Talmud in the Tractate of ROSH HASHANA 22:a, states, “VIM TZODAH LOHAM LOCKCHIM BEYODOM MAKLOUS - when Gentiles wait to ambush, JEWS must take arms to protect themselves.” Wrapping oneself in any nations flag other than the Jewish one, is an exercise in futility, a lesson that should have been learned from the ashes of the Holocaust!!!!!!

In the U.S., both Democrats and Republicans deny the Jewish people, JERUSALEM, as the capital of Israel.
Most of the world deny not only JERUSALEM and the Temple Mount but all of the Holy Sites of Judaism as BET LECHEM (Bethlehem) Tomb of our Matriarch Rachel whom the Prophet Jeremiah foretold ‘Rachel weeps for her children and they shall return to their boundaries”, (Jeremiah, Chapter 31:
Verses 14&16) and the MAARAS HAMACHPAYLAH the Tombs of our founding Fathers of Judaism. The Jewish people are denied their identity, as the Nazis did in the extermination camps. The DEATH CAMPS continued to operate unabated, while the world sat smugly by, awaiting a two thousand year dream, the elimination of the Jewish people.

Anti-Semitism abounds in the USA. Black anti-Semites as Andrew Young, Charles Rangel, Louis Farahkahn, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and David Dinkins among others. Dinkins threatened the Jewish community not to protest when the terrorist Nelson Mendelah came to New York “Don’t rain on my parade” he shouted at the Jews! And Charles Rangel threatened Jews not to vocally attack Dinkins for he did not know where it may lead to, who is another black anti-Semite! They both were responsible for the CROWN HEIGHTS POGROM in, August, 1991, when Yankel Rosenbaum was stabbed to death, and four days of pogroms while Mayor Dinkins and Congressman Rangel sat by while doing nothing!

White anti-Semitics such as David Duke,Matt Hale, Harold Covington and Pat Buchanan etc., abound among others. Buchanan is opposed to bringing Nazis to justice. It is because he identifies with their murdering of Jewish children, women and men. He referred to Capital Hill as “Israeli - occupied territory” (McLaughlin Report, June 1990). In 1987, Buchanan lobbied to stop the deportation of Karl Linnas, the accused of Nazi atrocities in Estonia.
Adding insult to injury to many more of his anti-Semitic ranting was his appearance at the Republican Convention 1996. Shame on the REPUBLICAN PARTY!!

Bill Clinton is an enemy of Judaism. Examples are TWICE he came to New York to prop up the racist whining past Mayor David Dinkins. Clinton gave full support to the Ultra left-wing anti-religious, anti-Zionist Peres minority government. Clinton put Rabbi Meir Kahane’s,ZT"L,HY"D Kach movement & it's splinter Kahane Chai on the terrorist list. To further add insult to injury he met with the master terrorist Yasir Arafat YEMACH SHMO! And pressured Israel to give up parts of our sacred Holy Land! Clinton has refused to pardon or release Jewish American Hero Jonathan Pollard for having given Israel information pinpointing Arab terrorist bases throughout the Middle East. All of Clinton’s actions show his anti-Semitic feelings, both by his deeds or lack of them and by whom he meets and supports. Indeed, he personifies ESAV SONEH ES YAAKOV!!!

The TERRIBLE CHILUL HASHEM of dealing with mass murderer Arafat and giving up Holy Land will be BECHIYA L’DOROS - mourning for generations to come. THE JUDENRAT government of Labor and Likud continues to destroy the Jewish people. Arafat has not been brought to justice and is being given even more of our Holy Land. The Judenrats in the U.S. supports these suicidal policies. The RAMBAM is very explicit regarding such anti-G-d Jews. A Moser is one who gives up fellow Jews to Goyim, and gives Jewish property (Land) to GOYIM, and should be executed on the spot. The great RAMBAM knew that there would be those who would attempt to say, this Psak was only when we had a SANHEDRIN, so the RAMBAM states “VAFILU BIZMAN HAZAH SHAIN DONIN DINAI NEFOSHOS, UMOOTAR LHORGO MITZVAH LOHORGO VCHOL HAKODAM LHORGO ZOCHA” - Even though today we do not judge matters of life and death, nevertheless, it is permissable to execute him and the first one who rushes to execute is meritorious.
(Maimonides Nezekin Hilchous Chovel U’Mazek Chapter 8: 9-10).

The late so-called Chief Rabbi (sic) of England, who was nominated by the British Judenrat, Immanuel Jakobovits espoused giving the Arafat murderers our Holy City, JERUSALEM. Jakobovits vigorously opposed the internment of the remains of the two Jewish Heroes on Mount Hertzel in JERUSALEM, who were hung and buried in Egypt, for assassinating the anti-Semitic British Lord Moyne. Jakobovits personified the declaration of the Prophet Isaiah, “Thy destroyer and they that made you waste, shall go forth from you.” (Isaiah 49:17).

The threat from within

The greatest threat to the JEWISH people emanates from within!
(“Thy destroyers and they that made you waste shall go forth from you.” (Isaiah Chapter 49: 17).

Senator Joe LIEberman, is a JEWISH ANTI-SEMITE! He signed and circulated a letter to the president not to pardon Jewish AMERICAN hero JONATHAN POLLARD.
JONATHAN POLLARD saved many JEWS BY PINPOINTING ARAB terrorist bases in the Middle East. LIEberman told a RABBI he signed and circulated the letter because he feared GENTILE SENATORS WOULD ACCUSE HIM OF DUAL LOYALTIES.

He is a quisling, GHETTO Jew! If he lived during the MIDDLE AGES he would have BEEN BAPTIZED and would have led pogroms against ex co-religionists, indeed, he would have massacred whole Jewish communities, as many Baptized JEWS did during the Middle Ages.

If Joe LIEberman had lived during the holocaust, he would have been part of the JUDENRAT the Jewish councils appointed by the Nazis who collaborated with them in the final solution of fellow JEWS. Joe LIEberman met with CATHOLIC IRISH ANTI-SEMITE PAT BUCHANAN, THE VICIOUS WHITE RACIST and had lunch with him and stated that BUCHANAN IS MISUNDERSTOOD AND IS NOT AN ANTI-SEMITE. He wants to meet with the BLACK RACIST ANTI-SEMITE LOUIS FARRAKHAN!!

Joe LIEberman received an award from the Jew Hating racist american muslim council which advocates that israel has no right to exist. Arabs had no delegates to a previous DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION, HOWEVER, Joe LIEberman SPOKE TO CLINTON AND ZOGBY OF THE Israel hating ARAB AMERICAN INSTITUTE became a delegate along with other ARABS to the convention. Joe LIEberman stated that he does not want the U.S. Embassy moved from Tel Aviv to JERUSALEM! Also Joe LIEberman supported the sale of F 15’s to Saudi Arabia a real threat to ISRAEL!

Senator Joe LIEberman marched for Civil Rights for Blacks but not for Soviet Jews or any other JEWISH CAUSE! Joe LIEberman campaigned for black racist Mayor David Dinkins of New York prior to the Crown Heights Pogrom of August, 1991, and after the Pogrom. Indeed, where was Joe LIEberman during the four day Pogrom? In 1994, he voted to confirm STROBE TALBOT as undersecretary of State. Talbot compared Israel to Saddam Hussein, and called the JEWISH STATE “A nasty and bitter nation, expansionist, scowling and obsessed with the so called HOLOCAUST.” He also stated that the Master Terrorist Yasir Arafat is a friend of his! He remained silent at the DEMOCRATIC convention when MAHER HATHOUT delivered the invocation. MAHER HATHOUT is a Muslim who called HEZBOLLAH, “Freedom Fighters.”

Joe LIEberman alleged “ORTHODOXY” (sic) is a (lie) and it is reflected in the first three letters of his last name. (LIEberman) Joe LIEberman belongs to three Modern Orthodox Institutions. Modern Orthodoxy is the weakest link in the Orthodox chain and Lieberman is a missing link! Joe LIEberman is for GAYS and LESBIANS, their cause is to become part of mainstream life, that are in ANTITHESIS to ORTHODOX JUDAISM. Joe LIEberman, stated that he sometimes does violate the sanctity of the SABBATH. He claims that he is like a doctor, thus he may desecrate the SABBATH. A doctor is allowed to save a LIFE ON THE SABBATH, but who does he save? He does not wear a yarmulka-kipa - skullcap! nor does he wear tziZis (fringes). Joe LIEberman claimed that judaism allows interregilious MARRIAGES. that is an ANTITHESIS to judaism ipso facto LIeberman’s views are HERETICAL!

In the New York Times August 28, 2000 Page A14; he stated “Without biblical traditions from the Ten Commandments to ‘compassion and love and inspiration of JESUS of Nazareth,’” he said, etc. All these statements constitute Heresy And Excommunication of Joe LIEberman!


From: Murry Kahl
To: Whom It May Concern:
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 12:02 PM
Subject: Lieberman Tries To Evict Injured
Immigrant Tenant

Tuesday, September 12, 2000
Volume 355
*****News Flash.****
Lieberman Tries to Evict Immigrant Tenant...

Tracy Mayberry II? It is Tracy Mayberry Part II?
Just when the Gore/Lieberman campaign thought the saga of “Al Gore - Tennessee Slumlord” was over, the story of “Joe Lieberman - Landlord from Hell” is now inching its way into the news. Associates Press reports this morning that in 1995, Lieberman’s rich uncle died and left him executor of his $48 million estate. Living in one of the uncle’s properties was Monica Beach (that is her real name - we did not make it up), then a 55-year old Jamaican mother of five children, who worked at the Stamford Marriott as a linen room attendant. In March of 1996, Mrs. Beach slipped on the ice covered back stairs of the same house, injuring her back and neck and leaving her unable to work.
Mrs. Beach said the handrail had been broken for some time - despite repeated requests for it to be fixed. Said Mrs. Beach to the Hartford Curant in 1997. “This is the worst time of m life...I cannot sleep at night. I don’t know what I am going to do.”
Get outta town. Injured, in pain day and night and unable to work, Mrs. Beach fell behind in the $865-a-month rent to Lieberman. Lieberman responded to Mrs. Beach’s dilemma with Gore-like compassion: he filed a lawsuit demanding her eviction. When the eviction went through and the press caught wind of the story, Lieberman had a great alibi for the reporters, saying Mrs. Beach’s future was up to estates’ lawyer, even through his uncle’s will clearly stated that Lieberman has “full responsibility for the “management” of the estate. In any event, Lieberman’s lawyer revealed the truth asked him point blank, “said the lawyer representing Mrs. Beach, “Had the executors (Lieberman} approved of the eviction proceeding? He said ‘Yes, they had.’ “Said Mrs. Beach to the Hartford Courant in 1997”: Lieberman is so unkind...I thought he would treat people with a little more respect.”
Not over yet. On April 3, 1997, Mrs. Beach was forced to counter-sue Lieberman and the estate to recover for her personal injuries from the accident. Her case is still pending and will not come to trial until February 5, 2001. Stunning, this is the same Joe Lieberman who, while serving as his state’s attorney in 1984, wrote an op-ed for the New York Times on how to manage Landlord/tenant disputes - so they don’t end up in harmful court battles! And in 1973, then state Senator Lieberman introduced a bill to “provide a remedy to tenants who cannot motivate their landlord to make repairs and deduct the cost of such repairs from the rent.”

Can you spell “chutzpah,” Joe?

Call the RNC Radio Hotline @ 202/863-8550.

IS THIS A MORAL AND ETHICAL INDIVIDUAL? THE MORAL CONSCIENCE OF THE SENATE! HIS ACTIONS AGAINST JEWS, JUDAISM AND ISRAEL constitutes his being a MOSER (an informer - traitor). (Sources: Maimonides, Nezekin, Hilchos Chovel Umazek, Chapter 8, Laws 9-10 and the Shulchan Aruch Definitive Code of Jewish Law, Choshen Mishpat Hilchos Mabad Mamon Chapter 388, Laws 9-10).

LAST BUT NOT LEAST -- He supports the Clinton/Gore anti-Pollard and anti-Israel policies. Joe LIEberman support for the White House’s Hillary RODHAM Clinton is well known, when he and other members of the elected JUDENRAT had a press conference defending her after it became public knowledge that she made anti-Semitic remarks. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! On Friday, September 15, 2000, Joe LIEberman was with her at a public gathering in New York to say that she would be a great Senator from New York to defend ISRAEL. THIS IS LIKE ASKING A LION TO GUARD THE SHEEP.


She has made numerous vicious anti-Semitic slurs! her funding of hamas and Plo terrorist organizations makes her an enemy of the Jewish people! Her advocacy of a PLO state, AND KISSING SUHA ARAFAT AFTER THAT REMARK “THAT ISRAEL’S GASES ARABS” TELLS IT ALL!!!!
Her refusal to request a pardon for JONATHAN POLLARD and the MEANNESS of stating that JONATHAN POLLARD is a security risk to the USA is indicative of her outrageous anti-Semitic hostilities!
What DID HE DO? All he did was to pinpoint Arab terrorist bases throughout the MIDDLE EAST and let ISRAEL know the locations, APPARENTLY SAVING JEWISH LIVES is a violation of AMERICAN NATIONAL SECURITY. And Hillary Rodham Clinton backed up this outrage by mentioning that her GOOD FRIEND JOE LIEberman looked at the Jonathan Pollard file and declared that Jonathan Pollard should never be pardon or released. Hillary Rodham Clinton went to Al Sharpton’s racist offices in Harlem the so-called National Action Network. So why does she go to a racist anti-Semite? One of Al Sharpton’s buddies the not so Revered, Rev. NORRIS, made anti-Semitic REMARKS while Hillary Rodham Clinton was there! (January 17, 2000).



1.Why did you give money to the PLO even before it “renounced” terrorism?
2Why did you invite people known to raise money for the Hezbollah to a Ramadan party in the White House?
3.How do you explain your silence when Suha Arafat made her blood libel against Israel?
4.Who are you to reject Israel’s sovereignty over an undivided JERUSALEM?
5.Do you have such contempt for the people of New York that you think they would allow you to use them as a vehicle for your ambitions?
6.How can you claim to be an advocate of women’s rights while not speaking out against your husband’s treatment of women as sex objects?
7.How can you run for the Senate, when you never even lived in NY before?
8.Why is it that anyone who has ever done business with you has ended up in either prison or dead?
9.Why have you refused to speak out against the obscenely harsh and unfair sentence given to Jonathan Pollard?
10.How can you pressure Israel to give up Jewish land to Arab terrorists for a false peace, while you live here in the U.S.

Hillary;No force in the world can stop the historical process of the Jewish return to Zion.
Countless tyrants and empires from the Romans of ancient days to the Nazis of our time have tried to suppress Jewish destiny, all of them are now in the ash heap of history. You Hillary, support our enemies, the killers of innocent women, children and men: you Hillary, try to suppress our destiny. YOU will fail, just like all others, JERUSALEM, the eternal capital of the Jewish nation, will not be sacrificed on the altar of your political prostitution.



1.Hillary Clinton (or better yet Hellary) was on the board of the New World Foundation funneling money to the PLO in the 1980’s. At that time the PLO was known to be a terrorist organization, dedicated to the destruction of Israel, and calling for terrorist acts. (Boy Clinton by Emmett Tyrell)

2.“Feb., 1996 - Hillary hosted a reception at the White House with leaders of groups such as the American Muslin Council, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, (CAIR), and other apologists for Hamas terrorists.” (Forward - June 25, 1999)

3.“The Clintons embraced Islamic radicals, the American Muslim Council (AMC), Abdulrahman Alamoudi, the AMC’s executive director, is champion of Mousa Abu Marzook, the person responsible for creating the group’s death squads. The AMC considers Hamas to be “Freedom fighting organization.” (Friends of Hamas in the White House by Steven Emerson, The Wall street Journal March 13, 1996).

4.January 29, 1998, Hillary hosted a reception at the White House to mark the end of Ramadan. Organizers were Salam-al-Marayati, Director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), and the Muslim Women’s League, headed by Salam-al Marayati’s wife. They and their sister organization, the Islamic center of Southern California (ICSC) have defended militant Islamic Fundamentalism, supported radical Islamic groups, rationalized terrorism and issued anti-American, anti-Israeli and even anti-Semitic statements. (Steve Emerson - The Muslim Public Affairs Council and Case Study in Deception - Summer 1998.)

5.The Hillary endorsement of Salam-al-Marayati, implicit in his being welcome at the White House, clearly had a role in influencing his appointment to the National Commission on Terrorism by House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt (D-MO.) al-Marayati has attacked efforts to investigate U.S. fund-raising links to such terrorist groups as Hamas and Hezbollah. Two years ago he called for the resumption of the anti-Israel boycott by Muslim governments. Naming and apologist for terrorism to a commission charged with investigating its sources and U.S. connections is carrying diversity to ridiculous extremes. (The New York Post Opinion - June 30, 1999).

6.May, 1998 - Hillary declared support for a Palestinian state that “would be on the same footing as other states.” As recently as February 21, 1999, Mrs. Clinton’s spokesman told UPI that “she stands by what she said” concerning a Palestinian state. (Would Senator Hillary Clinton Be a Friend of Israel?
By Morton Klein - The Jewish Week, July 9, 1999).

7.July 1 - President Clinton advocated the right of return for “Palestinians” who would live wherever they like, wherever they want to live,” alarming Israelis with this very open door policy. Does Hillary espouse these same sentiments? Shouldn’t a statement from her opposing this opinion be forthcoming? It appears not!

In Conclusion:

The so-called world nations represented in the UN ARE CONTINUOUSLY ESPOUSING VICIOUS TIRADES AGAINST JEWS, JUDAISM AND ISRAEL. They have the gall to deny our ancient religo-national JERUSALEM as the capital of Israel. The VATICAN whose hands are dripping with JEWISH BLOOD STATED THAT, “JERUSALEM’S future must not be decided by ISRAEL ALONE, THE VATICAN SAID, CALLING SUCH A POLICY “MORALLY AND LEGALLY UNACCEPTABLE.” (The Wall Street Journal February 16, 2000.)


The cowardly crusaders rounded up all the Jews they could find in JERUSALEM. Then hurdled them into the largest synagogue and burnt children, women and men alive! Throughout the history of the Vatican Jews were being outrageously persecuted, and it has the DEMONIC ARROGANCE to pontificate to the Jewish people that the have no “moral or legal right” to JERUSALEM!

During the Holocaust they did nothing, however, they abducted Jewish children after W.W.II, refusing to give them back to parents, survivors, nor to Jewish organizations!! After W.W.II the Vatican did give the NAZI war criminals false papers to escape JUSTICE!

The Vatican desires to beatify/sainthood the not so pious Pope Pious IX, he was responsible for abducting a Jewish child Edgardo Mortara, in 1858, from his Jewish parents, never to be seen by them again. This very same pope called Jews, “DOGS.” And the Vatican also desires to beatify/sainthood to the notoriously anti-SEMITIC not so pious Pope Pious XII. This pope was proNazi and deadly silent during the Holocaust. And gave Nazis (SS and Gestapo) false papers to escape.
Also this pope wrote anti-Semitic Epistles.

Now! This dumb Pollack Pope John Paul II desires to beatify both anti-SEMITIC popes! The pollacks have been brutally Anti-Semitic for centuries. When this pope came to YAD VASHEM - HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL IN JERUSALEM, he had the outrageous nerve to demand that “Jews do not attack Christians.” Did you ever hear such outrageous libels!? There has never been an historical instance where Jews killed Christians. On the contrary Christians massacred Jews throughout history!! The dumb anti-Semitic Pollacks erected huge crosses in front of Auschwitz to insult the Jewish dead and the living. The Poles then setup a dance social club in front of the death camp, Auschwitz and drunken Pollack teenagers celebrated with a variety of polkas.

The present Clinton administration adamantly refuses to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to JERUSALEM! And too add insult to injury the US Consulate in JERUSALEM is staffed by Arabs who are insulting, rude, sneering, uncouth and anti-Jewish.

The republicans sold deadly AWACS to Saudi Arabia, threatening Israel! Ronald Regan went to honor SS and the Gestapo Nazis at Bittburg, Germany!

Not since the era of Father Coughlins anti-Semitic radio broadcasts have there been such anti-Semitism until Jesse Jackson’s at a past Democratic Party Convention. This Jew-Hater and his followers stopped the Democratic Party from passing a resolution condemning anti-Semitism.

The world Jewish Community must turn inward, utilizing every means to insure the survival of JEWS, JUDAISM and ISRAEL. This includes economic, social, political, conventional and non- conventional weapons. In this the NUCLEAR AGE has presented the Jewish people with weapons that may indeed, serve as a deterrent. There will never again be a HOLOCAUST LIMITED JUST TO JEWS!!!

Wrapping oneself in any nation’s flag is an extreme exercise in futility, a lesson learned from the holocaust! The Talmud instructs us, “If one comes to slay you, arise and SLAY HIM FIRST.” (Talmudic Tractate Brachos 58.). We ask all JEWISH doctors, dentists, attorneys and CPA’s do not heal or service anti-Semities.

The present JUDENRAT GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL is headed by GENERAL KAPO EHUD BARAK. He collaborated with mass murderer YASIR ARAFAT, and has given up, and is giving up JEWISH HOLY LANDS and is dismantling the STATE RELIGION IN ISRAEL. HE IS A BLASPHEMER AND TRAITOR! In the High Holiday prayer we recite, “KEY TA’AVIR MAMSHALAS ZODONE MIN HARATZ!” “May the ALMIGHTY DESTROY A GOVERNMENT OF TYRANNY!!” Indeed BARAK’S GOVERNMENT is a diabolical tyrannical entity.


For Further Information And Comments, Write:
GPO Box 520
New York, NY 10116-0520

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The American Board of Rabbis demands the immediate resignation of Senator Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., for perfidious actions against Jews Judaism and Israel.

The American Board of Rabbis demands the immediate resignation of Senator Joe Lieberman D-Conn., for perfidious actions against Jews, Judaism and Israel. Lieberman’s infamous letter to the President requesting that Jewish American Hero Jonathan Pollard who helped Israel save Jewish lives by pinpointing Arab terrorist bases of death in the Middle East should not be pardoned is an act of the worst type of depraved anti-Semitism namely Jewish anti-Semitism. According to the Code of Jewish Law of Maimonides, “one who turns over another Jew or Jewish property to Gentiles does not have a share in the world to come (is condemned to the inferno of HELL.” (Title 9). “The Moser (an informer who turns over Jews or their property to the Gentiles) is to be 0executed, although today, we do not have capital punishment because we do not have a Theocratic Jewish state, it is permissible, it is a Mitzvah (Commandment & Good Deed) to execute the Moser and whom ever executes first is meritorious” (Source: Code of Maimonides, Hilchous Chovel Umazek; Chapter 8 Title 9-10.) In addition, the Definitive Code of Jewish Law known as the Shulchan Aruch stipulates, “It is prohibited to turn over a Jewish person or his property to gentiles whom ever does it, shall not have a share in the world to come (is condemned to the inferno of HELL.”) (Title 9). “It is permissible to kill the informer in any place, even in this time.’ (Title 10). Source: Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, Hilchous Mabad Mamon (Chapter 388 Title 9 and 10). This illustrates the extreme severity of Lieberman’s transgression against the Jewish people. “However, we only advocate Leiberman’s immediate resignation from the Senate, declared Rabbi Mordechai Friedman, President of The American Board of Rabbis.”

Senator Joe Lieberman supporting of the PLO agreements is blasphemous, suicidal, treasonous and traitorous. His support of the mass murder, master terrorist Yasir Arafat make him an accessory to the murder of Jewish children, women and men. Lieberman’s support of giving away parts of the Jewish Holy Land violates the Covenant between the Almighty and the Jewish people ipso facto incurs the punishment of Excision.

Lieberman’s support of the Pro-Arab Hillary Rodham Clinton who has a track record of hostility towards Jews, Judaism and Israel smatters of Jewish anti-Semitism. Had Lieberman been in Nazi occupied Europe he would have been a member of the Judenrat(the Nazi appointed Jewish council that collaborated with the Nazis in the liquidation of Jews, stated Rabbi Friedman.

After Lieberman’s resignation from the Senate, it is highly recommended that Joe Lieberman seek psychiatric therapy to resolve his being in conflict with his Jewishness.


Is Everything Kosher At The OU?

We ask you to call, fax or send email to the OU (Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America) and let them know that their decision to honor the L'Oreal Corp. is abominable and detestable. Numerous calls and letters have been sent to the OU by its affiliate members and community leaders (many of whom wanted anonymity). Protest has been voiced from within the OU who were disgusted by OU's decision to accept money from L'Oreal and give an honor in return. The OU obstinately continues to refuse to admit that erred and rescind the honor. Rather, according to certain individuals within the OU who spoke on the condition of anonymity, the OU's president, Mandell Ganchrow is planning to seek more money from L'Oreal!

The L'Oreal Corp. has past ties to Nazi Germany and recently paid a $1.4 million fine for its participation of the Arab boycott of Israel. It has recently given large sums of money to certain Jewish organizations such as OU & B'nai B'rith's ADL to buy respectability. The OU admitted to accepting the money, but won't say how much. The OU will present the L'Oreal Corp. and their corporate leadership an award, an affront to all decent Jews and Gentiles.

Only the OU (and perhaps the ADL) knows why this company is deserving of an honor, but they will not answer the burning question: Would they be honoring L'Oreal if L'Oreal didn't give them money?

And shame on those who remain silent in the face of this reprehensible behavior by an organization which should know better.

We urge you to contact the Orthodox Union to register your feelings on this matter. The OU's telephone number is (212)563-4000, their fax number is (212)564-9058. Email OU president Mandell Ganchrow at and also OU chairman Marcel Weber at


The American Board of Rabbis/Vaad HaRabonim of America and The JDL Demand Immediate Resignation Of OU President Mandell Ganchrow!

Rabbi Mordechai Friedman, President of The American Borad of Rabbis/Vaad HaRabonim of America & Rabbi Yerachmiel Gersh, Eastern US executive director of the Jewish Defense League, are issuing a joint statement demanding the immediate resignation of Orthodox Union President Mandell Ganchrow.

The statement reads: The Jewish Defense League in conjunction with The American Board of Rabbis/Vaad HaRabonim of America are hereby demanding the immediate resignation of OU president Mandell Ganchrow for his role in accepting hush money from the L'Oreal Corp.

The L'Oreal Corp has had past ties with Nazi Germany and has recently paid $1.4 million in fines for its role in the Arab boycott of Israel.

To add insult to injury, Mr. Ganchrow has praised both Yassir Arafat (Yimach Shimo Vzichro) and Yitzchak Rabin and Shimon Peres as "men of peace" and has openly declared his support for the Oslo accords, an act which is repugnant to the overwhelming majority of religious Jews.

The JDL and The American Board of Rabbis both ask the question: "How can a man whose behavior is so reprehensible and repugnant remain as the official of an organization whose rank and file members (rabbinic as well as lay people) cringe at the very mention of such actions?"

Therefore the JDL and the American Board of Rabbis are asking all grassroots Jews to join with us in our demand for Mr. Ganchrow's immediate resignation!!!


By Rabbi Mordechai Friedman
In the year 165 B.C.E., Hellenist apostate Jews marched into the city of Modin. The Jewish Hellenists ate swine and commenced to coerce the inhabitants to ingest pork and worship the diabolical King Antiochus and Zeus. The Jewish traitor soldiers and Gentile Syrian Greeks were the enforces. Mattathias the Kohen assassinated the Jewish Hellenist leader and with his sons assassinated the Jewish Hellenist and Gentile Syrian-Greek soldiers. Mattathias and his sons initiated the revolution, indeed a civil war ensued! Judah the Maccabea, his family, the Hasmoneans and the Jews became zealots who assassinated the followers of King Antiochus who defiled the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. In that era, there was a so-called "Peace" Party that instituted a "Peace Process" (sic) over the objections of Judah. The "Peace Process" was violated by both Jewish Hellenists and the Gentile Syrian-Greeks and the armed struggle resumed. It took many years to rid the country of Jewish traitors and Gentile occupiers( Today, the secularists, heretical sects (reform, conservative, reconstructionist etc.) and some ritualists have collaborated with the Arafat PLO murderers in a fraudulent blasphemous traitorous so-called, "Peace Process." Furthermore these heretical sects who are anti-Halacha are attempting to gain recognition in Israel. Pork is openly eaten in Israel by over 200,000 Non-Jewish Russians and some Jewish Russians. Former Prime Minister Rabin ate bacon while in New York. If Rabin, Peres, Natanyahu and Barak, etc. etc., had been alive during the Chanukah era they would have been Hellenists ipso facto the Maccabeas would have surely assassinated them! Indeed, Chazal our Sages instituted the Al Hanisim prayer to be recited during Chanukah. The prayer reads, And for the miracles, and for the salvation and for the mighty deeds and for the victories, and for the battles which you performed for our ancestors in those days and today!

In The Days Of Mattisyahu, The Son Of Yochanan, The High Priest, the Hasmonean, and his sons(when the wicked Greek kingdom rose up against Your people Israel to make them forget Your Torah and compel them to stray from the statutes of your Will You in Your Great mercy stood up for them in the time of their distress. You took up their grievance, judged their claim and avenged their wrong. You deliveried the strong into the hands of the weak, the many into the hands of the few, the impure into the hands of the pure, the wicked into the hands of the righteous, and the wanton into the hands of the diligent students of Your Torah. For Yourself You made a great and holy Name in Your world, and for Your people Israel You worked a great victory and salvation as this very day. Thereafter, Your children came to the Holy of Holies of Your House, cleansed Your Temple, purified the site of Your Holiness and kindled lights in the Courtyards of Your Sanctuary, and they established these eight days of Chanukah to express thanks and praise to Your great Name.

Indeed, the main miracle was the few overpowering the many. The miracle of the oil for one day, lasting eight days was also a miraculous occurance!


American Board Of Rabbis condemns the giving up of Holy Land to anyone generally and especially to Master Terrorist Yasir Arafat!

American Board Of Rabbis condemns the giving up of Holy Land to anyone generally and especially to Master Terrorist Yasir Arafat. "It is blasphemy, treasonous and traitorous to give up any part of the holy land that the Almighty gave to the Jewish people declared Rabbi Mordechai Friedman, President of the American Board of Rabbis."

Anyone giving up Parts of the Holy Land violates the covenant between The Almighty and the Jewish People that incurs the punishment of Excision stated Rabbi Friedman.


American Board of Rabbis Condemns Al Sharpton of Racist anti-Semitism

The American Board of Rabbis condemns Al Sharpton of racist anti-Semitism. "Sharpton incited mobs during a four day Pogrom in Crown Heights during August, 1991, when Yankel Rosenbaum was stabbed to death by a black mob screaming KILL THE JEW, declared Rabbi Mordechai Friedman president of the American Board of Rabbis."
Furthermore, adding insult to injury in wake of the Crown Heights pogrom he flew to Israel to incite and upon his arrival in Israel was jeered by Israelis and visiting American Jews.
Sharpton incited Anti-Semitic racist tirades by calling a Jewish store owner of Freddys European Custom Tailoring in Harlem a "white interloper." His association with racist Louis Farahkahn is consistent with Sharpton's vicious Anti-Semitism stated Rabbi Friedman... Another Anti-Semitic incident occurred at a meeting on January 17, 2000 by a board member of Sharpton's National Action Network at their headquarters in Harlem, the not so Reverend Charles Noris stated derisively after having been employed by Jewish owners "I was fired by a Jew!"




Pope John Paul II apology for the wrongs in the past failed to mention the Holocaust. This outrage follows his recent pronouncement that Israel's eternal capital Jerusalem, must not be decided by Israel for it is "morally and legally unacceptable," for Jews to have Jerusalem as their capital.
"This papal position hit a raw nerve of world Jewry and is traditional Vatican anti-Semitism, stated Rabbi Mordechai Friedman, president of the American Board of Rabbis."
The Holocaust was not mentioned by the Pope due to the silence and open anti-Semitism of the Holocaust era Pope Pius XII, when millions of Jewish children, women and men were massacred. In addition, the Vatican gave numerous Gestapo and S.S. war criminals passports and visas to escape justice. Thousands of Jewish children that were hidden in European Catholic institutions during World War II were kidnapped by the Church who refused to return them to parents, survivors and Jewish organizations declared Rabbi Friedman.


The American Board of Rabbis requests all people of goodwill not to support Hillary Rodham Clinton

The American Board of Rabbis requests all people of goodwill not to support Hillary Rodham Clinton, “her track record is of hostility towards Jews, Judaism and especially Israel and being pro-PLO/ Hamas,“ stated Rabbi Mordechai Friedman, president of the American Board of Rabbis.

Any jewish person or jewish group giving support, aid and comfort to anti-Semites as hillary Rodham Clinton will face excommunication declared Rabbi Friedman.






Pesach Geula-Redemption

The Pesach Holiday is personified by the words,BeNissan nigalu uv'Nissan L'higael (In the month of Nissan we were redeemed & we will be redeemed in the month of Nissan). Indded,the fundamental idea of Geula-redemption is a contemporary with the rebirth of Israel.

The Vilna Gaon states in Even Shleima that the last redemption will be enacted with G-d's goodness,even without repentance! The redemption shall come to fruition due to the merits of our forfathers. In addition,the Radak comments on Psalm 108:5 that Geula will come regardless of whether we are worthy or unworthy.

Geula is a contemporary Pesach theme as we recite in the Hagada,"Next year in Jerusalem." Indeed,Maimonides in Hilchos Melachim U'Milchomoseyhem (Chapter 5:12) states,"L'olam yadur odam b'Eretz Yisroel-a person should always live in Israel." Dayan Tzvi Hirsch Kalischer,ZT"L whose Tzvi L'Tzadik commentary appears in Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh Deah) wrote in Drishat Tzion:"It is an obligation to redeem the Holy Land by settling,in our says,even before the coming of Moshiach." Dayan Kalischer was the founder of Chovevai Tzion-19th century Aliyah societies throughout Europe.

It is an issur (prohibition) to renounce redemption by giving up parts of Eretz Yisroel. The boundaries are divinely illustrated in the Torah,"From the River of Egypt to the great river,the Euphrates." (Genesis 15:18). Rashi and the Vilna Gaon concur that the "River of Egypt" is the Nile. The Shulchan Aruch (Hilchos Shabbos Chapter 329) states,"As for strangers who march against Jewish cities,even if their intention is to take straw & stubble,one must desecrate Shabbos and take arms against them to prevent them from conquest," Indeed the Mechaber (Author of the Shulchan Aruch) contends it is the intention of Gentiles to take away our Holy Land! The Rambam (Maimonides) states in Hilchos Chovel U'Mazik Chapter 8,9:10 A person who turns over a Jewish person or his property to Gentiles is a Moser and the Rambam stipulates in subtitle 10,It is permissible and a mitzvah to execute the Moser even though today we do not have capital punishment, and he who executes the Moser first,has great merit. Indeed,giving up land today to Goyim is apropos! Of the Rambam's psak!

HaRav Eliezer Silver,ZT"L a past president of Agudas HaRabbonim-the Union of Orthodox Rabbis os the US and Canada,is quoted in his sefer Tzamach Erez: "It is prohibited for the State of Israel to give up even one inch of her territory. This is according to the din,as well as other reasons. It is prohibited to give up land under any circumstances."

As long as hostile residents in habit the Land of Israel,the Geula is inhibited!
The Torah instructs US to "remove all hostile residents."(Numbers 33:50-56).
Rashi,Ramban,Ibn Ezra and Rashbam comment in unison on the aforementioned Verses;the hostile inhabitants must be removed or else the Jews will be evicted! How unfortunately true it is today!

Furthermore the Rambam stipulates in Hilchos Melachim;Chapter 6:1 that a resident Gentile must be paying a heavy tax,not rule over Jews and be of a low status. Today they not only transgress their condition but they rape,murder and sit in the Knesset,ipso facto they must be transferred! In addition,the concept of pikuach nefesh (danger to Jewish lives) is apropos: the removal of all hostiles wil save Jewish lives!!!!

In the era of Exodus we experienced a redemption (in Nissan),in a future Nissan we will be redeemed! May we merit to witness the Geula Shleima-the complete redemption speedily in our days!


Shavuos.... The Covenant Between Hashem & The Jewish People

Shavuos denotes the entire relationship between G-d & the Jewish people,Zman Matan Torasainu,it is the holiday,when we accept the Torah! This acceptance known as the COVENANT-BRIS,specifies the entire NEXUS between the Jewish people & the Creator of the World.

What does this "Bris" denote? We must refer to Bereishis/Genesis 15:18,"In that day G-d made a Bris-Covenant with Avrohom saying saying unto thy seed have I given this land from the river of Egypt unto the great river,The River Euphrates." We are not only informed that Bris means that G-d gave us the Holy Land but its exact boundaries are from the river of Egypt unto the great river,the River Euphrates. Indeed,the entire relationship between G-d & the Jewish people is graphically enumerated in Bereishis/Genesis 17; Verses 7-14. In verse 7,G-d assured Avrohom that the Covenant will be forever & Hashem will be our G-d for all generations to come. Indeed we have a Quid Pro Quo,G-d gave us the Holy Land & we accept Hashem as our G-d.

In addition,G-d demands of us a sign a testimony that the Covenant ensued & is everlasting." Specifically,Verses 10-14,declares OS BRIS-Cirumcision is the Sign of the Covenant! And in Verse 14,G-d states that one who is not circumcised,"Shall be cut off from his people." Furthermore,by the method of pilpul,we may deduce the following:If one does not have the Sign of the Covenant,he is to be cut off from the Jewish people,ipso facto,if one denies the Covenant itself,he is to be Excised! In other words,if one does not have the sign of the Covenant,is to be cut off from his people,then surely one who denies the Covenant-Eretz Yisroel (From the Nile to the Euphrates) itself,is surely to be cut off from his people.

Shavuos personifies the relationship between Hashem & the entirety of Klal Yisroel. We accept Hashem (The Torah),& in return,we recieve Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates.



By Rabbi Mordechai Friedman In the year 165 B.C.E., Hellenist apostate Jews marched into the city of Modin. The Jewish Hellenists ate swine and commenced to coerce the inhabitants to ingest pork and worship the diabolical King Antiochus and Zeus. The Jewish traitor soldiers and Gentile Syrian Greeks were the enforces. Mattathias the Kohen assassinated the Jewish Hellenist leader and with his sons assassinated the Jewish Hellenist and Gentile Syrian-Greek soldiers. Mattathias and his sons initiated the revolution, indeed a civil war ensued!
Judah the Maccabea, his family, the Hasmoneans and the Jews became zealots who assassinated the followers of King Antiochus who defiled the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. In that era, there was a so-called "Peace" Party that instituted a "Peace Process" (sic) over the objections of Judah.
The "Peace Process" was violated by both Jewish Hellenists and the Gentile Syrian-Greeks and the armed struggle resumed.
It took many years to rid the country of Jewish traitors and Gentile occupiers Today, the secularists, heretical sects (reform, conservative, reconstructionist etc.) and some ritualists have collaborated with the Arafat PLO murderers in a fraudulent blasphemous traitorous so-called, "Peace Process."
Furthermore these heretical sects who are anti-Halacha are attempting to gain recognition in Israel.
Pork is openly eaten in Israel by over 200,000 Non-Jewish Russians and some Jewish Russians.
Former Prime Minister Rabin ate bacon while in New York. If Rabin, Peres, Natanyahu and Barak, etc. etc., had been alive during the Chanukah era they would have been Hellenists ipso facto the Maccabeas would have surely assassinated them! Indeed, Chazal our Sages instituted the Al Hanisim prayer to be recited during Chanukah. The prayer reads, And for the miracles, and for the salvation and for the mighty deeds and for the victories, and for the battles which you performed for our ancestors in those days and today!

In The Days Of Mattisyahu, The Son Of Yochanan, The High Priest, the Hasmonean, and his sonswhen the wicked Greek kingdom rose up against Your people Israel to make them forget Your Torah and compel them to stray from the statutes of your Will You in Your Great mercy stood up for them in the time of their distress.
You took up their grievance, judged their claim and avenged their wrong. You deliveried the strong into the hands of the weak, the many into the hands of the few, the impure into the hands of the pure, the wicked into the hands of the righteous, and the wanton into the hands of the diligent students of Your Torah.
For Yourself You made a great and holy Name in Your world, and for Your people Israel You worked a great victory and salvation as this very day.
Thereafter, Your children came to the Holy of Holies of Your House, cleansed Your Temple, purified the site of Your Holiness and kindled lights in the Courtyards of Your Sanctuary, and they established these eight days of Chanukah to express thanks and praise to Your great Name.

Indeed, the main miracle was the few overpowering the many.
The miracle of the oil for one day, lasting eight days was also a miraculous occurance!

Your generous support is greatly appreciated.
Tizku lmitzvous!
GPO Box 520
New York, NY 10116-0520


By Rabbi Moshe Antelman
P.O Box 382 Rechovot, Israel
Both Lenin and Stalin had great plans for a Black revolution in the United States. Stalin, however, started to put the plan into effect under his American Black Belt Program.
The plan was discussed at the Sixth World Congress of Communists. It included contemplated confiscation of all white property, seizure of all government agencies in Southern states and merger of the states into a Negro Soviet. 1; 2
These plans never materialized.
Revolution in the streets of America and the mass destruction did.
One of the central figures to bring this about was Martin Luther King, a Communist agent.
In the wake of the 1992 Crown Heights (Brooklyn, New York) pogrom,, erudite Jewish columnists condemned such black Nazis as Sharpton and Jeffries in contradistinction to Martin Luther King, Jr. whom they praised.
Unfortunately, there is much misinformation that needs to be corrected in this area.
To begin with, it is very difficult for one to understand how representatives of Judaism could praise King, which has universal message of morality as embodied in the Noahide laws as expressed so well by Maimonides, “to coerce all the inhabitants of the world to accept the commandments given to the Noahides“ (Hil, Melachim 8:10). It is well known that Martin Luther King committed adultery on many occasions with married women as a Noahide, he deserved to be put to death. Moreover, there were many books, which document that King was not all that he was cracked up to be.
In a book written by the late Mrs. Julia Brown who was a black undercover agent for the FBI, which was, called, I Testify.
She surfaced in 1962 from her undercover work to tell Congress that blacks were being used as Communist fodder in various racial agitation programs.
Based on her evidence, King was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party and the FBI Chief, J. Edgar Hoover called him, “the most notorious liar in the country,” Brown said, “King was one of the worst enemies my people ever had.”
She characterized the Civil Rights movement as a fraud, calling it in reality a civil turmoil movement and she was active in an organization called TACT Truth About Civil Turmoil.
The FBI’s policy statement on black turmoil, endorsed by TACT, read that the Communist Party goals in this area were to:

1.Convince the American Black population they were no better than slaves.
2.Promote race consciousness and resentment as part the CPUSA’s (Communist Party United States of America) ‘divide and conquer’ policy.
3.Promote Martin Luther King as the grand savior of the Blacks.
Perhaps, Julia Brown was hired by the government to smear King? Hardly; the evidence is that King actually was a communist and was trained by them. TACT published a photograph of King at a Communist training school in Tennessee with Abner Berry of the Central Committee and Aubrey Williams of the Southern Educational Conference Fund, a Communist Front.
King was a genius at using Jewish money for his own purposes. He captivated Jews with such phrases as “anti-Semitism is the Socialism of fools.”
However, his disciples who were really close to him, such as Jesse Jackson, got the message straight. King interfaced with violent groups.
Contrary to what the late Marc Tennenbaum of the American Jewish Committee tried to tell the readers of the Jewish Press (January 13, 1989) where he intimated that the establishment of Martin Luther King’s birthday as a national holiday had the undivided support of all Jewish Members of Congress; it should be noted that the United States Senators, Chic Hecht, Warren Rudman, and Edward Zorinsky, went on record against making King’s birthday a national holiday. 3
It is interesting to note that the American Jewish Committee’s Black Affairs expert in the 1970’s Milton Ellerin, knew all this information about King.
The author had the pleasure to meet with him at the time in the offices of the American Jewish Committee in New York City at the behest of the then president of Herut Zionists if America, Dr. Howard Adelson.
Tennenbaum made false pro-King statements of behalf of the American Jewish Committee when their own top expert had contrary information on King.
Here is a list of other things King did:

Wrote the prologue to the violent book by Robert F. William’s entitled Negroes With Guns published by the Communist party publisher, Marzani & Munsell, which advocated blacks killing Caucasians and taught making molotov cocktails and terrorist tactics. 4

Had top Communist advisors Hunter Pitts O’Dell and Stanley David Levison.

Honored W.E.B. Dubois at a Communist-sponsored gala in New York Kith in 1968.5

Called the United States the “greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.”

Accused American Forces in Vietnam of killing close to a million children.

Denigrated the Shoah by comparing American forces in Vietnam to the Nazis declaring that United States forces were testing its latest weapons on the Vietnamese similar to the way Nazis “tested out new medicine and new tortures in the concentration camps.”

Refused to lend his name to the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry to denounce Soviet persecution of Jews after their leadership, who had participated in the Civil Rights movement implored him. Little did they know he was a Communist.

Attempted to have several clergymen in Selma, Alabama participate in such a manner as to subject them to bodily injury. One clergyman was conned and realized “they wanted dead bodies - our bodies.”6

Wrote that inciting people to violence is the key to success of the Civil Rights March.7

What the blacks needed most was not a rabble rouser but-as the Jewish experience of being former slaves in Egypt can well testify to - a law giver. Rabbi Yaakov Berman in his Halacha L’Am points out, the slave mentality is one where there is contempt by the slave for the master’s property. Morality in the slave community is difficult with the master dictating the rules.

Therefore, the commandments against adultery, stealing (of property and kidnapping) and murder become important in changing a society from slavery to freedom. American Blacks today desperately need a lawgiver to straighten out their lives.

The truth about King should be revealed to Jews who as a people with a memory for Amalekites, Moabites and Ammonites, who as a kingdom of Priests and holy nation, have an obligation to teach the Noahidic Jews to Gentiles - to serve notice to the Blacks of the United States that King was not their savior. His holiday is a disservice to them.
There is need for their masses in the inner-core cities of the United States to embrace the universal laws of morality and put away out of their lives their violence, murder thievery, and semitism which is not unlike the Moabites and Ammonites who failed to recognize the debt they owed to our people.
“An Ammonite or a Moabite shall not enter into the Assembly of the Lord...because they met you not with bread and water in the way, when you came forth out of Egypt; and because they hired curse you.” (Deuteronomy 23:4,5)

In our helping them achieve equality, their leaders, such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, pay us back with hatred and alliances with our enemies.

These alliances are evident everywhere. The late Reform Movement leader, Kivie Kaplan, at one point, was President of NAACP. He loved in the Boston metropolitan area and was silent and insular, never saying a word when Black Nazis persecuted Jews in Boston.
He was eulogized by prominent leftist Jewish organizations on June 30, 1975 at the NAACP National Convention in Washington, DC.8 The Israel Embassy under the leftist control of Shimon Peres, then Foreign Minister, celebrated Martin Luther King Day in 1987 desecrating the memory of Jews murdered through his plans and mocking the rapes, robberies and violence perpetrated against our people.

As if that were not enough, Peres declared King made9 “a singular contribution to the moral heritage of humankind...” and that King “identified with the historic faith and ideas of the Jewish people.”
Aside from extolling Arafat, Peres is a member of the Socialist international and, as was evident in the Israeli National elections of 1996, was considered a traitor by the majority of Jews.

It is even more amazing that Shimon Peres paid tribute to King from the Israeli perspective for King’s activities led to the shooting murder of Samuel Matross (Boston Fire Marshall)10 in November of 1969.
He was the Boston Metropolitan Chairman of Israel Bonds.
Furthermore, Boston black Nazis burnt down the Boston Israel Consulate on Martin Luther King Day in 1973.11

In August, 1983, Reform Temple Sinai, Washington, DC, sponsored a Shabbat service to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Kings’ march on Washington; so did the excommunicated pro PLO and sexual perversions, New Jewish Agenda which was addressed by Martin Luther King III, together with the daughter of Abraham Heschel, Susannah, author of a book advocating lesbianism and homosexuality.

As King’s poison began to percolate through the Black community in 60’s, one finds that the more affluent Reform and Conservative anti-Judaic Congregations moved to the suburbs and had nothing to do with Blacks except to pay lip service. They left behind religious Jews who lived together in peace with the Blacks in inner-core cities.

This was the situation at the end of July of 1964 when Black rioting erupted in Rochester, New York and Bedford Stuyvesant in Brooklyn, New York. About 100 Jewish businesses were looted in Rochester and 1000 in Brooklyn.
Rabbi Samuel Schrage, the organizer of the Maccabee Civilian Patrol pointed out that Arab students had entered the Brooklyn area from Manhattan and stirred up trouble against the Jews.

1.The Communist, February, 1931, PP. 153-167.
2.W Z Foster, The Negro People and American History, House Report, 22-44, pp. 265-276.
3.Jewish Advocate, October 27, 1983, p. 2.
4.Gary Allen, Communist Revolution in the Streets, Western Islands (1967-.
5.New American, December 8, 1986.
6.Gary Allen, Ibid. P. 63.
7.M.L. King, Jr., Behind the Selma March, Saturday Review, April 3, 1965. Pp. 16, 17, 57.
8.Jewish Week, Washington, DC, June 26, 1975. P. 5.
9.R.I. Jewish Herald, January 23, 1987.
10.Boston Globe, November 24, 1969. P. 3.
11.Jewish Press, February 2, 1973. P. 55.