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Judaism The Series

Obtain the most visually dynamic inspiring video tapes of "Judaism The Series!"

To Receive the video tapes of "Judaism The Series" Hosted by Rabbi M. Friedman. This should be part of every Jewish Library. "(SEND FOR IT TODAY) by mailing your order and check payable to Rabbi M. Friedman. At 292 5th Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001"

1 Latest Show taping at $29.95 Plus 5.00 Postage & Handling = $34.95

4 Latest Shows on 1 Tape at $49.95 Plus 6.50 Postage & Handling = $56.45

32 Shows on 8 Tapes at $99.95 Plus 8.00 Postage & Handling = $107.95

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