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50 BSB Facts

*Taken From The Backstreet Boys Edition of the: Gold Collectors Series Entertainment Magazine

1. The Backstreet Boys recieved their first Triple Platinum award thanks to their loyal fans in Canada, especially the city of Montreal. 2. The Backstreet Boys are named after Orlando, Florida's open-air shoppers paradise, the Backstreet Market. 3. Nick and Brian usually share a hotel room when they're on the road. 4. Kevin takes an envelope filled with pictures of his family when he goes on the road. 5. In March 1997, AJ sprained his ankle when he was caught in a crush of fans at Musique Plus, Montreal's on version of MTV. He managed to perform that night and later allowed a Montreal radio station to auction off the cast for charity. 6. Whenever they are in a forgein city, Howie and Kevin like to try the local food, while Nick, AJ, and Brian seek out the closest McDonald's. 7. According to an informal poll of the boys, Brian keeps his room the messiest, while Howie is Mr. Neat. 8. Howie is most likely to lose his luggage on a trip to Europe. 9. Nick is the prankster of the group. 10. Nick's most evil prank-The time he gave his manager gum that tasted like fish. 11. Kevin and Nick are most likely to get into a friendly fight. 12. Howie is Mr. Mediator.says AJ. 13. AJ is definately the biggest flirt. He is most likely to serenade a special someone with a song. 14. The guys say Brian is the shyest member of the group. 15. The guys also think Brian will be the first to get married. 16. Part of the BSB's first album was recorded at Platinum Post studios in Altamonte, Fla. 17. The boys agree that one day the would love to harmonize with Boyz II Men. 18. Howie goes on double dates with his sister. 19. Brian is the BSB most likely to be found in a church on Sundays. 20. AJ admits most of his time is spent on the telephone. 21. Howie loves to go clubbing. 22. Nick likes to draw comics. 23. When Howie wants to be unrecognized he wears a baseball cap. 24. AJ admits he still gets nervous before performing a song. 25. Howie doesn't sleep until he does push-ups and crunches. 26. On stage AJ plays bass, Nick plays drums, and Kevin is on the keyboard. 27. AJ is rarely seen w/o his sexy sunglasses. 28. Nick is a licensed Scuba Diver. 29. Howie loves to videotape everything and everyone while the boys are on tour. 30. The BSB have been banned from 3 European hotels because of wild fans. 31. AJ carries a travel diary with him on tour..although there is hardly anything written in it. 32. Nicks favorite cars are Cameros and Stingrays. 33. Boo and Pumpkin are Kevin's secret nicknames. 34. While at home, Brian sleeps in his king-sized waterbed that he bought for only 50$. 35. Howie admits he's a perfectionist. 36. Kevin worked as Aladdin in Disney World before becoming a BSB. 37. Howie sings most of the amazing high notes. 38. AJ admits he is the biggest worrier of the group. 39. Nick started playing the drums when he was 14 years old. 40. Nick's favorite holiday is Halloween. 41. Kevin hates arrogant people. 42. AJ collects hats. 43. Nick's dad added a fence around their Florida home so fans wouldn't take flowers or grass from his house. 44. Kevin wants to star in a movie. 45. Howie is 1/2 Irish and 1/2 Puerto-Rican, he learned Spanish in school.(He doesn't speakit at home) 46. Brian's worst habit is biting his nails. 47. Nick says he would definately date a fan. 48. AJ's favorite color is yellow. 49. Kevin is the only member of BSB that is left-handed. 50. Howie and Brian both have a fear of heights.