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Fan Fiction:: *Friends* !AJ and Sandra!

*Chapter One*

"Sandy! He's here!" Sandra's mother yelled. Sandra took off her reading glasses and ran out of her room down the stairs.

"AJ!" Sandra yelled.

"Hey Sandy!" AJ said giving her a big hug. Sandra looked at AJ and AJ looked at her.


"You never even mentioned me being one of your best friends back home in this magazine you fart knocker!" Sandra said after she hit AJ.

"Ouch! I Love You Too Sandra, I missed you!" AJ said.

"AJ McLean..." Sandra said smiling.

"Look at you!" AJ said as he turned her around and saw how different she was.

"What?" Sandra asked half embarrassed.

"You look...Like a girl." AJ said after a while.

"Look at you! You look like a girl? What the hell does that mean?" Sandra asked upset. She punched AJ and ran up to her room.

"Get back here!" AJ yelled chasing her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Ring Ring*

"Hello? Yes, who is this? Brad? Just a moment please. SANDRA! PHONE!"

"Got it Mommy!" Sandra yelled.

"Hello?" Sandra asked.

Brad: Hey Sandra what's up?

Sandra: Oh not much.

"who is it Sandra?" AJ asked.

Brad: Who's that?

Sandra: AJ's back from overseas.

Brad: That fag?

Sandra: Brad grow up!

"Sandy who is it?" AJ asked.

"It's Brad." Sandra answered.

Brad: Tell him I think he sucks!

Sandra: Why are you being such a jerk?

Brad: Cause! He shouldn't be there you're my girlfriend remember?

Sandra: Yeah, well he's my best friend!

AJ grabbed the phone and hung it up.

"Oops." AJ said.

"Thanks!" Sandra said.

"We're gonna go to a party!" AJ said.

"What?" Sandra asked.

"Welcome Home BSB Party. I can take a date. So, I'm here to pick you up." AJ said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "This wine colored dress or this outfit?" Sandra asked.

"What do the shoes look like?" AJ asked.

"These pumps go with the Dress and these chunky heeled ones go with the outfit." Sandra answered.

"The Dress. Wait no! The guys will stare at you. The outfit." AJ said.

"Oh! Well, then I guess I'll go in the dress." Sandra said smiling.

"No, you're not! We're going together so I say you wear the outfit." AJ said.

"Men!" Sandra said and walked back to her bathroom.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What do you think?" Sandra asked with the outfit on.

"Can we just stick you in some sweats and a sweater?" AJ asked.

Sandra laughed and gave AJ a big hug and a little innocent kiss on the lips.

"I missed you." Sandra said.

"I missed you too babe." AJ said.

"Ya ready to go?" AJ asked after a while of holding each other.

"Yeah, lets go." Sandra said.


*Chapter Two*

"Hello everyone!" AJ yelled as Sandra and him walked into the back yard hand in hand.

"Hey AJ!" The rest of the BSB said.

"You hungry?" AJ asked.

"No, I'm fine thank you." Sandra said

"Guys! This is the love of my life." AJ said smiling. "Her name is Sandra and yes she is single!" AJ said showing off.

"AJ! I am not!" Sandra said blushing.

"Hello Sandra!" Everyone said.

"Hi!" Sandra said smiling.

"This is Nick. (Hi!) Brian (What's up?) Kevin (Hello) Howie (How we doing sweetheart?) and you know me!" AJ said with a big smile on his face.

"It's nice to meet you all finally." Sandra said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Lets watch the home video!" Howie said.

"Home video?" Sandra asked.

"See Sandy..." Nick said.

"Sandra! Her name is Sandra." AJ corrected Nick.

"She said I could call her Sandy..." Nick said defending himself.

"I can only call her Sandy!" AJ said looking at Sandra hurt.

"It's just a nickname AJ..." Sandra said looking at him in the eyes. AJ was shocked that Sandra would let another guy call her Sandy when she only liked him saying it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You still upset cause I let Nick call me Sandy?" Sandra asked AJ after everyone had left.

"No..." AJ said putting his back towards her.

"Baby...I'm sorry...I didn't think you would care..." Sandra said giving him a big hug.

AJ was resting against the car hood and took Sandra in his arms. She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest.

"You just never let any other guys call you that..." AJ said.

"Times have changed...I mean I never wore dresses but now I do...I don't play out in the dirt anymore like we use to AJ...We're growing up..." Sandra said. AJ kissed her softly and nodded his head.

"Yeah, I know..." AJ said and sighed. Sandra smiled and gave him a hug.

"I love you buddy." Sandra said.

"I love you too kid." AJ answered as they walked to his car.

*Beep Beep Beep*

"Who is it?" AJ asked.

"My boyfriend..." Sandra said rolling her eyes.

"Why don't you just dump him?" AJ asked.

"Cause...I don't know..." Sandra said.

"Well, I think you should. I'll even let you do it over the cell phone!" AJ said.

"Oh goody can I?" Sandra asked in a sarcastic tune. AJ laughed and handed her the phone.

"Thanks." Sandra said as she dialed the number.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Where are you?" Her boyfriend asked.

"I am at a party..." Sandra said.

"With who?" He asked.

"With AJ..." Sandra answered.

"What time are you going to be home so I can call you?" Brad asked.

"I am gonna get home whenever AJ and I feel like it..." Sandra answered.

"Don't talk to me in that tune of voice Sandra." He said.

"Page me when you get home and I'll call you..." He added.

"Look! This is my damn life! It's not like we're married so stop being a little jackass! I will call you later!" Sandra said and hung up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You okay?" AJ asked as she walked back into the house. AJ saw the look on her face and opened his arms. She walked into them and started crying.

"I can't dump him AJ. You know I hate that!" Sandra said crying,

"It's okay baby." AJ said kissing her forehead.


**Chapter Three**


"Thanks for taking me out." Sandra said as AJ pulled into her drive way.

"No problem babe. I'm glad you had fun." AJ answered.

"Great!" Sandra said as AJ turned off his headlights.

"What is it?" AJ asked.

"My boyfriend is waiting for me. In my room." Sandra said.

"What an idiot doesn't he have a home?" AJ asked upset.

"Let me go talk to him." AJ said putting his car in park.

"No AJ! I will kick him out. You need to go get some rest for your photoshoot tomorrow." Sandra said putting her hand on his.

"Well, if anything happens. You call me okay?" AJ asked.

"C'mon AJ I'm not a weakling who needs a man to rescue her. I might have great legs and a great butt but, I have a great right hook." Sandra said with a smile. AJ touched his jaw and had a look of pain on his face.

"I know. You showed it to me in the 5th grade." AJ said. "OH yeah! You teased me cause I was wearing a pink dress and I teased you for the rest of the week after I punched you." Sandra said laugh.

She kissed AJ on the cheek and got out.

"Goodnight Brat." Sandra said.

"Goodnight Punk." AJ replied. He watched her enter her house and then left.


"Where the hell were you?" Brad asked.

"Out with AJ." Sandra answered.

"Why are you even in my house?" Sandra asked.

"Listen, I don't like my girlfriend going out with that loser!" Brad yelled.

"He is not a loser. He will have a greater effect on this earth within two years then you ever will in your life time! Don't you ever talk about my friend like that. I asked you a question. Why are you here? Who invited you and why are you such a controlling asshole?" Sandra asked outraged.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch." Brad said sitting down.

"Oh Trust me Brad, you will never have the slightest effect on my panties." Sandra retorted.

"Now, get out!" Sandra said.

Brad walked up to her and grabed her arm.

"Brad, what are you doing? You're hurting me." Sandra said trying to get away.

He grabed harder and tried to kiss her. She slaped his face and he punched her. She fell to the floor and held her cheek.

"Get out! It's over!" Sandra yelled. He left and she waited till she heard the door slam. She ran to the door and locked it. She ran to her room and noticed his pager on her bed.

"Hey Brad!" Sandra yelled.

He turned around and saw the pager flying right into his face. She shut her window and went to sleep.


**Chapter Four**

Sandra got up the next morning and looked at her cheek.

"Stupid idiot!" Sandra said as she got out of her bed.

She took a shower, got dressed (She wore old blue jeans, a white shirt, some white tennie shoes, and put up her in a pony tail, She got her purse and got ready to go see the guys.


"WHO DID THIS TO YOU?" AJ yelled outraged.

"AJ Please. lower your voice. The press is all over this building." Sandra said.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Who did this to you!?!?" AJ said again.

"Brad." Sandra answered. The guys were surrounding Sandra as AJ looked at her cheek. He gently lifted her chin with his hand and tilt it towards Nick.

"Hey Nicker Bocker." Sandra said

"Hey Sandra." Nick said laughing.

"We're gonna go have a chat with this Brad guy." Kevin said putting on his baseball cap.

"No you guys! Please! Leave him alone." Sandra pleaded.

"Sandra. This guy is not a man. If we don't beat the crap out of him he'll do it to you again." Kevin said.

"I broke up with the loser right after he hit me. Then I through him out of the house." Sandra said.

"He'll do it to another girl. And maybe she won't be as strong as you are." Brian said.

"I'd rather you called the cops." Sandra said.<*P> "No way! This sucker is mine." AJ said getting mader.

"AJ please! Don't!" Sandra said as she jumped up and caught AJ's face in her hands and looked into his eyes. They looked at eachother for a very long time. AJ started to calm down and his body wasn't tense anymore.

"Please AJ. Don't do what he did. Don't use violence...Please..." Sandra said looking in his eyes.

Sandra looked away and grabed her purse. She looked at AJ and walked away.


"Hi Brad" AJ said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, what do you want?" Brad asked.

"I wanted to tell you something." AJ said.

"Wel, make it quick." Brad replied.

"Come on in Officer Ross." AJ said. The big Office came in and Brad's face fell.

"There's the guy." AJ said and walked away.


*Knock Knock* "It's open." Sandra yelled.

AJ walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Hi." AJ said softly.

"Hello." Sandra replied. She sat up on her bed and AJ sat at the foot of it.

"I called Officer Ross. He took care of Brad." AJ said.

Sandra moved further away from AJ and sighed.

"Oh." She said.

"Sandy I swear to you if he comes near you again and hurts you like that I will kick his..." AJ started to say.

"AJ, all you could do for me is be there. I don't need you to act like you have to save me. I can save myself babe." Sandra said.

"I know. It's just all these guys at work want you...And they say these realy sexual things about you. And I just have to yell at them. I don't like it." AJ said.

"You don't have to. They would never get with me." Sandra said.

"I know but still..." AJ said.

"I Love You." Sandra said.

"I Love You Too Punk." AJ said.

"Lets go swimming." Sandra said.

"I don't have anything to swim in." AJ said with a funny look on his face.

"I have a pair of trunks you can wear." Sandra said.

"Okay." AJ said.


Sandra and AJ fought in the pool and talked.

"You want a drink?" Sandra asked.

"Sure!" AJ said.

"I will be right back." Sandra said.

She got out of the pool and AJ stared at her the whole time.

"Stop it AJ!" AJ told himself.

"This is Sandy we're talking about!" AJ said to himself.

"Are you okay AJ?" Sandra asked.

"Yeah, I'm great." AJ said.

AJ and Sandra talked and AJ started to flirt with Sandra. To his surprise she fllirted back a bit.

"Come here!" AJ said taking Sandra into her arms.

Sandra huged him and AJ started to speak softly in her ear. She felt a shock go through her body. It made her shiver.

"You cold?" AJ asked.

"No, just a sudden chill." Sandra answered.

Sandra pulled away and looked into AJ's eyes. As they were starring Sandra was looking at AJ in a whole new way. He caught her chin and gently brushed his lips on hers. She responded slowly and softly. They were kissing for a very long time. They both loved it. Sandra pulled away and turned her back to AJ.

"Oh my god!" Sandra said. AJ swam around her and looked in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." AJ said.

"I am too...AJ, What's going on?" Sandra asked.

"I don't know..." AJ said kissing her neck.

"AJ please...I'm really confused." Sandra said.

"I better go. So we can think this over." AJ said kissing her one last long time. Sandra didn't want him to stop but felt like she was going to go insane if he stayed.


Chapter Five

Sandra got out of the pool and walked into her house. She closed the door and locked it. She made her way to the stairs and walked up them slowly. Looking at her feet. She bumped into AJ. They moved out of the way for eachother and brushed slowly against one another as they went their seperate ways. AJ grabbed Sandra's face between his palms and kissed her softly. It made Sandra weak in the knees. AJ could sense what effect it had on her and pushed her gently against the wall for support. She broke the kiss and was breathing heavy as well as AJ.

"AJ what is going on?" Sandra asked confussd.

"I don't know..." AJ said tracing Sandra's full lips with his index fingers and softly kissing them again.

"AJ, stop it...I'm really confussed here." Sandra said pushing AJ off of her and running up the stairs.

"Sandra!" AJ said as she was about to go in her room.

"What?" Sandra asked as she turned around.

"I don't know what's going on either...All I know is that I like it..." AJ said. Sandra lookd at AJ and couldn't say a word.

"I'm sorry..." AJ said.

"You know, I'm sorry too...cause I really liked it and we're well you know Friends!" Sandra said with a big heavy sigh after it.

"I'll leave now..." AJ said.

"Okay, goodnight AJ." Sandra said and walked him out locking the doors.

"Oh my god!" Sandra said with a big grin on her lips. She rest her head back on the door and touched her lips thinking about what had just happened. All of a sudden the door bell ring. She check who it was through her window and saw AJ. She opened the door and AJ practaclly ran through the door into her arms slamming the door with his foot locking it as well and kissed Sandra passionately.


"Wait a second! I don't think so!" Sandra said half an hour later.

"What?" AJ asked.

"I'm not gonna you know 'do it'! Are you crazy!?" Sandra asked.

"Sorry, I got carried away." AJ said.

Sandra kissed AJ and got up.

"I need to take a shower..." Sandra said.

AJ got up and held her for a while.

"You can watch TV in my room." Sandra said.

"Okie dokie." AJ said.


"Okay, I'm done! I'm really tired too..." Sandra said.

"Wanna go to bed?" AJ asked.

"Yeah, I'm really tired for some reason." Sandra said.

AJ put her in bed and got in with her after he got undressed and dressed in Sanra's big sweat pants.

"Nice!!!!" Sandra said feeling AJ's stomach.

"Why thank you." Aj said laying down. He turned off her lamp and held her. She laid on her back and then took off her sweater. She had a short tank top on and boxers.

"You hot?" AJ asked.

"Yeah, a little." Sandra said.

She took off her covers and AJ saw her nice toned stomach as the moonlight shined on her. He started to gently rub her stomach and Sandra laughed.

"What's so funny?" AJ asked.

"What are you doing?" Sandra asked as she giggled.

"I'm rubbing your tummy! It's a nice tummy!" AJ said.

"Oh...I see..." Sandra said kissing AJ and going to sleep.


Sandra woke up and found flowers and breakfast for her in her room...


Chapter Six

Sandra rubbed her eyes really fast and hard and opened them up again. (p) "Oh dear..." She said to herself.

AJ walked into her room whistling as if nothing had happened. She looked at AJ and then sat up in her bed.

"AJ...What's all this?" Sandra asked slowly unsure herself.

"Oh, I wanted to make up everyday that I wasn't around. So each rose represents a day. Also, each sunflower, which would be your favorite flower ever, represents each holiday and birthday. I haven't been gone too long, but the biggest sunflower is for your birthday." AJ said and walked into her bathroom.

Sandra looked around her room and smiled.

"Thank You." She said to AJ.

"No, Thank You." AJ said from the bathroom. Sandra got out of her bed and walked to the bathroom. Standing in the doorway.

"Why are you thanking me silly?" She asked.

"Because, you are willing to put up with me and stand by my side." AJ answered as he shaped his goatee

"Oh." Sandra said and looked at the ground not sure what to say next especially after their little incident lastnight. AJ lifted her chin with his index finger and went to kiss her. she ducked and threw him out of the bathroom and lock the door behind her.

"What?" He asked confused.

"No, I'm not kissing you. I have morning breath." Sandra said as she started to brush her teeth.

"So!? I've smelt it before." AJ said.

"Ewww! AJ!" Sandra said disgusted

"What? What did I say?" AJ asked.

The door opened fast and Sandra came out and walked right past him. She got her clothes for the day and took a quick shower.

Two Weeks Later:
"So what's the deal with you and Sandra?" Howie asked AJ.

"Not much Bro. We're just friends." AJ answered.

'No! Nick put me down!' AJ and Howie heard Sandra yelled.

"She seems to show an attraction to Nick." Howie said.

"Nah, they're just playing around." AJ answered but couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Well, as long as you're happy." Howie said and patted his shoulder as he left.


The BSB had a photo shoot and Sandra was asked to stay for it. She did to support AJ and played in the sand at the beach.

Sandra was wearing her bathing suit and one of Kevin's old tuxedo's shirts. Her hair was flying everywhere and it stuck to her face at times since she was swimming in the ocean to pass time

*click click*

Sandra looked up and saw a guy with a camera. He kept taking pictures. She minded her own business thinking that they were taking pics for money to show The BSB's fans who AJ was friends with. But he said

"Wait! Can you put your hand back there please?" Sandra looked at him as if he were insane.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"You were removing a piece of hair and you were looking over there and the sun really made your eyes stand out. Can you do it again?" He replied.

Sandra did it just to get him off of her back.

"There you go! beautiful." He said and took several shoots.

"I'm Kenny Rogers." He said extending his hand to her. She shuck it and smiled.

"I'm Sandra. It's nice to meet you." She said.

"Did you ever think of becoming a model?" He asked.

"No, not at all." Sandra asked and got up to walk away.

"Turn your head back towards me." He said. She turned around and looked at the camera. Kenny followed her and she went into the ocean up to her knees.

"Splash the water around Sandra." Kenny demanded nicely. Sandra played in the water acting silly and smiling and then got a little serious and sexy.

***** "Yo Bone, check out Sandy." Nick said.

"Don't call her that! I only call her that. Where is she?" He asked.

The guys looked at the water and saw Sandra take off her shirt for the camera and show her new bathing suit. AJ's eyes opened wide and he walked over to the guy and Sandra.


Chapter Seven

AJ walked up to Sandra and the man and said.

"Sir, I don't wish for my friend to be bothered." Kenny looked at AJ and Sandra spoke up.

"No, it's fine. I'm having a blast! We're on our third roll." She said laughing.

"You're paying for this?" AJ asked.

"Well, no. He's doing it for free." Sandra said.

AJ looked at the man and asked.

"Who are you?" Kenny looked at him.

"I was going to do this photo shoot but I said I wouldn't be able to do it cause of some family problems. But, it all turned out well and I said I'd still do it. But, when I got here someone had beat me to the punch. And then I saw Sandra playing in the sand and I took pictures of her." Kenny answered.

"I'm going to have to ask you to show me some proof you're what you say you are." AJ said.

"AJ." Sandra said turning red.


"Good thing you checked up on that guy." Howie said.

"Why? What happened?" Kevin asked looking away from his book.

"He lied he was looking for some girls pretty faces to attach to people's naked bodies." AJ said upset.

"What???" Kevin asked.

"Yeah! I know. I was so pissed." AJ said.

"You took the film away right?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, all 3 rolls of film." Nick answered for AJ who was drinking his coke.

"Are you going to develop them?" Brian asked.

"I wasn't planing on it." AJ said.

"But, maybe I should. I'll be back guys." AJ said and left to develop them.

He went to the one hour photo store and went for a drive and went to go eat. When he got back into his car and opened up the packaged of photos he was surprised.

"Wow!" AJ said looked at Sandra. He was turning red in the face because he was looking at them with drool practically hanging out of his mouth.

"This second copy is mine." He said putting on his passenger seat.


"Dang!" The guys all said hovered around AJ. Sandra walked behind them. (p) "Hi guys!" She yelled really loud. They jumped up and looked at Sandra.

"Sandra, nice legs." Nick said.

"I am wearing jeans..." Sandra replied.

"Not here you aren't." Nick said holding up the picture.

"Who did this?" Sandra asked sitting into a chair next to AJ taking ALL of the pictures.

"This one is my favorite. It ook a copy." AJ said.

Sandra looked at the picture. She was walking towards the shore when 'Kenny' if that was his actual name, told her to look back at him. She had gave him a sexy look and her hair was messy and all over the place with the wind. Her eyes looked right into you making you shiver from it seeming like she were actually looking at you.

"I think you should become a model." Kevin said. >p> "You think?" Sandra asked titling her head looking at the picture of herself.

"Yeah, I think you'd be very good as a model." Kevin replied looking at other pictures.

"Look at how your features are so sharp. I mean, nobody has those cheekbones without surgery. You are a natural and you'd be wonderful!" Kevin said.

"Thanks." Sandra said.


"I have to lose 20 pounds!?!?" Sandra asked outraged but mostly bewildered.

"Yes." The agent said.

"But, why? I'm not over weight!" Sandra said

"Yes, I know but the thing today is for girls to be 120 pounds or less.

"Okay, I'm 5'7 wouldn't it just even out compared to being 5'3 or something?" Sandra asked.

"Nope. Sorry." She said.

"No, it's fine. I'll call you later." Sandra said and left for her house.

"I'm hungry." Sandra said as soon as she got into the car.

"Yippe! More carrot sticks for me." Sandra said and reversed out of the driveway.


"So lets go out Friday." AJ said kissing Sandra's neck.

"I can't I have my first photoshoot." Sandra said.

"So, ditch it and go out with me." AJ said.

Sandra pushed AJ off of her and got off of his bed and stood up with her hands on her hips.

"You are so selfish and inconsiderate." Sandra said pissed off.

"Why? What's so selfish about wanting to spend time together?" AJ asked.

"Nothing's wrong with going out with you. It's just I can't drop things like you can. You're famous I'm not. I don't have that kind of power." Sandra said as she sat down again.

"Well, I'll call them and make up an excuse." AJ said smiling.

"No! See, that's what I mean. You don't get it do you?" Sandra asked as she quickly got off of the bed.

"I can't blow things off like you can. You already have your life settled for you. And I don't. I'm nothing compared to you AJ." Sandra said and left home.

"What was that all about?" AJ asked himself and laid down to watch TV.

***** **Thanks Hope for writing this story!**