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Personal Life of AJ

AJ Mclean:

Up Close and Personal

SO AJ YOU'VE GOT THIS REPUTATION AS BEING A BIT OF A LAYDEES MAN. IS IT TRUE, THEN? Well, without being egotistical, yes I think it is! My parents divorced when I was young and I was raised by my mother and grandmother, so I've always had this real respect for women. I'm totally comfortable round girls and benefits me in the long run. I'm a very laid black guy, and I'm very upfront and blunt. I don't try to hide anything and I think girls like that.

ARE YOU NATURALLY FLIRTATIOUS? Oh definitely, and everyone knows it! Whenever we're asked who the biggest flirt is, they all just scream and point at me! But it's true, I'm not gonna deny it.

BUT DO YOU FIND IT DIFFICULT TO HAVE RELATIONSHIP? Yeah, it's really hard, which is why I'm still walking around single now!I think girls find it hard to latch onto me, but of course, you know who I really want to meet... (AJ's talking about Gwen from No Doubt, who he won't stop going on about, bless 'im!)

DO YOU THINK IT'S EASY FOR A GIRL TO TRUST YOU? Not really, but I do think it takes a whole a lot of time and patience to get to know the real, normal me, and only then would they really know what I'm like and that I am, in fact, trustworthy. But it's definitely not easy.

SO MR STUD-MUFFIN WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME A GIRL TURNED YOU DOWN? You know, I don't think I've ever been turned down! Maybe it's because I can spot if a girl's going to be interested in me, so I wouldn't bother asking her if I didn't think she was. I like real bad girls, the ones who seem to have all the attitude, but when you pull them aside you find they're really shy, sweet girls and they just put on this bad girl act. I like that.

DO YOU THINK YOU'VE GOT MORE SEXY SINCE YOU'VE BEEN IN THE BAND? I guess you're gonna have to ask the fans that one! I know I've matured and eveyone keeps telling me I've got taller and I'm like, 'Great, I don't want to get any taller- I want to get fatter!'

HAVE YOU EVER FELT TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL WHEN YOU'VE BEEN IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE? Yeah, I've gone totally overboard and lost two girlfriends by being too overprotective and jealous. I'm very serious when I'm in a relationship and try to make it as perfect as I can and the girls as happy as possible, and sometimes I think they feel I'm too pushy. I just try to be as romantic and nice as I can and sometimes I think girls don't like it.

DO YOU THINK THERE'S JUST ONE GIRL FOR YOU? Definitely, but I haven't found her yet. It's like people say, everyone's got a twin somewhere. I believe there's a perfect love match for everybody-you've just gotta find that person!

DO YOU JUDGE GIRLS BY THE WAY THEY LOOK? No, personality is what matters. It's how they act and the fact that they're not full of themselves that attracts me more than looks

YOU'RE PRETTY MATURE FOR YOUR AGE-DO YOU EVER GO FOR OLDER WOMEN? Well, yeah actually, but I don't do it deliberately. Sometimes I'll just click with someone and I find out they're, like, 25. Then they ask me how old am I and I'm like (coughing), '19'. But most of the time I say 'guess', and they usually say about 22 so I go, Yeah, OK then, I'm 22.Actually, I got caught out recently because I was talking to this girl and admitted to being 22 or 23, but her friend was talking to another band member who mentioned how old I really was. But I played it off as the innocent boy saying, 'But I didn't think you'd like me if you thought I was 19 and I got away with it!

EVER FALLEN FOR A FRIEND? Yeah, but I knew it was really bad move as I didn't want to lose a valuable friendship, so I was like, 'Look, I've got feelings for you stronger than just friends, but I don't want to jeopardise what we've got.' And it was cool.

HOW WOULD YOU REACT TO KISS AND TELL STORY? If it was good I think it was funny, but if it was horrible I'd go back to the source and ask them, Why? I'm quite lucky it hasn't happened yet,but I'm sure it will.

SO NONE OF YOUR PRIVATE LIFE'S GOT OUT, THEN? The nearest I've come to it was when my ex-girlfriend got herself onto the Internet and was printing pictures of us together when we were younger and stuff. So I called her and asked her why she was doing it and she said it was because nobody believe her, and I was like, ' Well why do you need to prove a point, you and I know what happenend, why do you need to tell the whole world?'

HOW FAR WOULD YOU GO TO WIN SOMEONE? As far as I had to. If I really set my sights on someone then I'll go to any lengths to get them. Like Gwen Stefani, for example..

WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST CHARM? My eyes and my personality. Everyone goes on about my eyelashes and how long they are- the girls really seem to like them!

HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU'RE IN LOVE? It's that unmistakable gut feeling. It's really like you say, 'Goodnight,I love you,' to your girl for months, then one day you say it and it hits you-you really mean it, and it blows you away..

OK, OWN UP THEN-WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'VE GOT TO OFFER AS A BOYFRIEND? Just myself. I'm very spontaneous, open minded individual. I'm very caring person and a real worry wart. I'm always concerned about people and I'm a bit like a big teddy bear. I'd never hurt anybody's feelings and when I'm with a girl I'm totally devoted............