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AJ answers REAL questions! About everything!

Are you happy with the Backstreet Boys' squeaky-clean image? No. I'd rather we could be ourselves more, express ourselves more. I'm starting to be that way as much as I can. I'm not saying we should go to extremes and have green hair or anything, just that we could be more open-minded and have a little say about things - especially what we wear. It's happening slowly but surely.

Would people be shocked if they knew what you get up to behind the scenes? I think they'd be really shocked. They'd be shocked just to know what we're like when we're chilling out at home. I don't think it would make our fans like us any less--I just think they'd sit back and have a laugh. We're five guys-five single guys-and those of us who live on our own get a little crazy sometimes. Y'know, I live with Brian and we party our little butts off!

If you could be anyone else in the band for a day, who would it be, and why? In this band? Oh, wow, that's tough. You know what? I'd like to be Nick, just to experience life as a 'superstar' through the eyes of a 17-year-old. To feel what he feels when we're on stage and someone introduces him as Nick Carter. I think it'd be weird to be in his position at 17 and be looked upon as a teen idol. There's got to be peer pressure involved, but then again, it's got to be pretty cool, hah!

What's the biggest sacrifice you've ever made for the band? (Seriously) I right kidney. (Breaks into a grin). Nah, just not being at home, being away from everybody. Things have gotten to the point where I might as well not even had an apartment back home, 'cos I'm paying out the butt in rent but I'm never there!

Does it all ever get too much? Yes and no. When we're on tour, we want to go home, but when we're home for, say, more than three or four days, we start climbing the walls and want to get back on the road.

Do you think you're good-looking? Do you think I'm good-looking? (That's not the question, AJ!) I can't answer that. (OK then, yeah.) Well, there you go. I mean, I think I'm OK. There are a couple of things I wouldn't mind changing, like my nose! I've got a big nose. And I'd get a couple of body piercings, if I could find the time and had the guts to do it! I'd like to get one right here (pinches bottom lip) and in my right eyebrow. A nipple would be possible, too!

Do you ever wish your mum didn't travel anywhere with you? No, I like it. It's more like having a big sister there -- she lets me do whatever I want. She's very down-to-earth and cool. I'mg lad she's like that, 'cos if she wasn't, it might make things a little uncomfortable. She's a little mom for the others, too.

Are you as tough as you look? Mentally, yes. Physically...erm, I can hang on for a little while, but I'd probably get the crap beaten out of me in a good fight.

Describe your first sexual experience... Wow! Erm,I was 16 and it was kind of weird 'cos it was more like a rushed situation. It was a wonderful thing and it was all done right, but it wasn't with someone whom I had a strong relationship with at the time. We did actually end up getting into one, though. It was a little awkward at first, but it was cool and I liked it! I'd do it again...

You have a reputation as being a bit of a ladies' man. How trustworthy are you? Hmmm, when I'm in love I'm very trustworthy. But when I'm not sure about it, I may just go out and have my fun. Y'know, I'm only 20 and I've still got a lot to learn about love and relationships. But the next girlfriend I find-wherever she may be-I'll wanna settle down with. Not get married, just have a commitment.

What turns you on? In a woman! Doh, of course! Her eyes. And I love women with long fingernails 'cos it feels good on my body. I like a woman who isn't afraid to do something on the spur of the moment - like go skydiving, or white-water rafting, or make love naked on a beach in Tahiti. Something just totally off the wall!

Have you ever snogged a fan? No, I haven't - unless they'd lied to me and made out they're a regular person. I've kissed fans on the cheek, but I've never officially, properly snogged a fan!