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AJ's thoughts on being a BSB.

What does
AJ McLean think of
being a BSB?
Read and find out!

Do you ever feel you don’t have any control over your life? Yeah. Like last night we all wanted to go and see Toni Braxton, but we knew we had to do loads of phone interviews with some US magazines. I was going mad saying ‘Can’t we do them another day!’ but it was definitely no go.

How often do you get fed up of being told what to do? It’s not so bad any more. If it really gets to me I’ll let rip and yell at one of the guys. It’s already happened a couple of times a week.

Which BSB gets the most upset when you lay into them like that? Howie or Nick. Especially if you keep on pushing it.

Ever made them cry? Almost. Not intentionally, but I have gone too far before and hit a real sore spot.

Thrown any Showbizzy Tantrums Lately? Nah! I threw tantrums all the time when I was a kid and I once called my mum a witch! She’d never let me get away with that now.

Has having your mum constantly on the road with you ever caused problems? Well, sometimes I have to watch my back, but I’m never on my best behaviour anyway so I just do what I want. It’s like having a big sister on the road with you – she doesn’t really care what I do as long as it’s not something totally stupid.

If we could take one personal problem away from you right now, what would that be? The fact that I’m a little uncomfortable with my body. I wanna be bigger and build up my top half. Girls say I’m fit and I appreciate the compliment but I don’t think it’s true.

As you don’t get much time for relationships do you find you think more about sauciness? It depends. Sometimes I don’t think about it at all but other days I’m thinking about all kinds of girls! I met Donna and Michelle from N’tyce yesterday and I couldn’t stop thinking about them all day. Wooo!

How often do you have rude thoughts? A couple of times a day

Only twice? Yeah, but they’re really, really rude! I couldn’t even begin to tell you!

What’s the most outrageous proposition you’ve received from a girl? Nothing too major but there’s a girl in Holland who wants to propose to me on stage. Can you imagine if she asked me in front of thousands of people. I’ll be like, ‘err, let me get back to you on that one!'

Now you’ve finally burst into the charts back home are you prepared for all the attention? I don’t know what to expect so I’m kinda excited. I used to be able to walk through shopping mall back home and not be bothered by fans at all, so it’ll be weird to hear the first American go ‘Hey, you’re AJ!'

Can you sum up in one phrase how you feel today? I’m so, so tired and looking forward to being back home and chilling