MY 411

Full Name: Ekachai Chinda

Nicknames(I have so many names): Bee, Ek, aznbee, (eka)cherry, wife beater, evil twin, devil, smart ass, dumb ass, stoopid ass...mostly anything with ass, Darth Bee(never underestimate the power of the dark side!!!), king....well maybe not now...but if all of the sudden 4 billion people die...u never know!

Birfdate: May 24th, 1979

Age: Lets see…minus five, carry the one, divide by pi…just figure it out

My Family: A mom, a dad, a 22 or 23 yr old sister, and a twin brother who I don't know is identical or not

Skewl: Stony Brook University

Occupation: Third Year Student, Major: ???? pick one 4 me

Nationality: 7/8th and 1/8th chinese

Location: Brentwood, NY (Strong Island)

Stuff thatz Fun to me: Just chillin with all my fwends, partying, catching up on sleep , tossing stuff out of my dorm window and almost getting busted, Drinking, drinking, and more drinking, watching wrestlin(the soap opera for guys), sleeping, Substance Abuse classes(hours of fun), playing b-ball(when I get the chance), shopping when I'm not coming home empty handed, Mario Kart on N64(pretty pretty princess always wins!!!), karaoke(like a true azn) la la, talking and getting to know people better, laughing my ass off, trying new things and siezing the moment(carpe diem)

Stuff that Annoys me: Losing, knowing I could have done better at something, played out jokes, ignorance, attitude problems, lame ass RA's and RHD's (damn party poopers), Dave's friend Mark who's planning to kill me, OvEr FiVe PaGeS oF aZn TyPiNg, email forwards, these stoopid 10-10 975P376Y34...whatever commercials, peeps who don't know the difference between Thai an Taiwanese(two different places people!!!), the fact that i scar very easily, slow network connections...i always need my net

Favorite types of music: R&B, hip-hop, alternative, Love Ballads....pretty much everything except very harcore rap and heavy metal death music and country music Favorite Artists: Janet Jackson, Busta Rhymes, Wyclef Jean, Sugar Ray, Lauryn Hill, Jewel, Britney Spears (did she really get a boob job??), and Maria Carey

She's Not A Slut!!!*drool*

Favorite Food: Thai food...Hot and Spicy Stuff!! Oh...and those little lyechee jelly cups ...yum yum

Favorite Movie: STAR WARS!!!!!!! which one?? itz a tie between the Phantom Menace and Empire Strikes Back.

My Self Relfection: I consider myself to be a very friendly person. I always have a smile on my face(or as some evil grin)...cuz i know things could always be much worse. I'm a very very very tolerant person. It takes a whole lot for me to get really angry...and when i do get angry...i never let it show(I'll probably snap and go crazy one day b-cuz of it...but oh well)

Goals In Life: Well after I finish my major in Biochem, I wanna work at some place like the CDC(Center for Disease Control) and deal with deadly level four viruses like ebola or hanta(ever seen the movie Outbreak!!) I'm not joking bout that!! Then, after I win 200 million in powerball, I'll move to the wesssssssside to Cali into MC Hammers old mansion( have u ever seen the place…..HOLY SH*T....u know u're rich when u have a man-made waterfall/fountain the size of a regular house), and build a summer home in Phuket, Thailand(One of the most beautiful places on the planet). After I settle down with my future wife and 2.3 to 4.7 kids, I'll go into the pimpin business and sell my ho's at a whole sale factory outlet clearance prices!!!

My Catch Phrases,first 2 borrowed from The Rock: "Shut Your Mouth and Know Your Role!" "I'm gonna lay the smack down on your roody poo candy damn jabronie!", "Yes means Yes ...and No means Yes", and and for my thai peeps "Yet Mang" "Chai-Yo"

My Fortune Cookie Saying: Hope is the most precious treasure to a person

Quotes To Think About: Funny Stuff-"Reality is an illusion caused by the lack of alcohol" Serious stuff(I forgot where I saw this one but itz a goodie)-"Love isn't about finding someone you can live with the rest of your life, its about finding someone you can't live without"