Dr. Bass: Super Nutrition and Superior Health


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Name: Joy Council
City College Park, Ga
Sent: 09.42 - mon 27 sep 2004

51yrs of age female 125lbs 5'9-would like to gain 25lbs natural and healthy. I also have tindenitis and fibroids. Please,help. Your site is wonderful.

Name: Samantha
Sent: 06.48 - mon 20 sep 2004

love your site!

Name: Linda Grant
City London, Ontario, Canada
Sent: 17.35 - sun 29 aug 2004

Do you send information emailings? If you do, I would appreciated being on your mailing list.
Thank you.

Name: Victoria
City Portland
Sent: 14.35 - mon 2 aug 2004

interesting site. I'm gonna try and be more healthy from now on. I think you should have something on your site about binge eating, that would help.

Name: Ivy Amar
Homepage: http://www.panchakarma.us
City Santa Fe, NM
Sent: 15.35 - sat 31 jul 2004

Dear Dr. Bass,
I so appreciate all the wisdom you are sharing and especially the article on attentive eating -returning to the source of Self which is Divine Consciousness. As an ayurvedic healer specializing in detoxification and rejuvenation(Panchakarma therapy), I have been incorporating more live foods into my program and finding the great results I know are inevitable. It's always amazing to me that we, as humans so far from living a natural life, have to be taught how to eat. Compassion and self-love for one's place on the path is a good starting point. I invite visitors to my site: www.panchakarma.us to learn more of the wisdom of the ancients. Thank you for your generous site. Love, Ivy Amar

Name: George S. Sosnoff
City Chico, Ca. 95942
Sent: 13.53 - mon 19 jul 2004

I have been a Hygienist for 32 years. Iam a follower of Dr. Herbert Shelton.

Name: Katya Volkov
Sent: 04.24 - sun 18 jul 2004

Sorry friends, I forgot to add that I will be happy to correspond with anyone who cares to write about longevity and health.

Name: Katya Volkov
City Havelock North New Zealand
Sent: 04.20 - sun 18 jul 2004

Hello fellow visitors to this site and seekers of true health and longevity, and to Dr. Bass of course. I am so thankful to have landed here by a very circuitous route. The main is to have found you, and for that, I feel very blessed. I am of the firm opinion that when you are ready to absorb and learn from something ,it will be placed in front of you. For me, it all started with Luigi Cornaro...thanks Luigi ! I live in New Zealand on the east coast , near Napier and by way of thanks to Dr. Bass for this marvellous site I would like to offer a wonderful view of some nice nature near us..www.tawalink.com/gannets-ck.html Thanks, Katya

Name: Susan J.Penepent RN BSN
City Ithaca, NY
Sent: 22.26 - sat 17 jul 2004

I am the wife of a third generation Penepent that was under the care of Dr. Cursio. Both my husbands' mother and father who followed "the diet" were diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately my husbands' mother died from cancer which started in her uterus and then metastasized. I find it very interesting that only one member of the third generation raised her child on "the Method". My husband David who is mentioned in Dr.Cursios' reports was definately experiencing protein deficiency and malnutrition when I met him in 1981. Both of these medical problems were corrected when he started eating meat in addition to just fruits and vegetables. He also realized the importance of immunizations when he began his practice as a Funeral Director. I along wih my husband agree that members of this family experienced psychological abnormalities as a result of nutritional deficits.

Name: Anthony J. Penepent, MD, MPH
Sent: 19.02 - fri 9 jul 2004

I have been priviledged to know & to have known both Dr.Bass & Dr.Christopher Gian-Cursio.
It is true that three generations of Penepent's were raised on the Natural Hygienic nutritional plan. This must be qualified since all members of the clan were not always totally adherent. During my life I have observed many medical phenomena produced by the skillful utilization of this method when applied clinically.
During Dr. Cursio's life I winessed cures of cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, cerebral vascular accident, arthritis, infertility, infectious disease, inflammatory bowel disease and many more.
The comments made by my nephew & niece exemplify the influence & consequent brainwash of the population by the pharmaceautical cartel. I have 21 nieces & nephews and only one niece was wise enough to raise her family the way she was raised. As the years have gone by science has revealed increasingly the importance of the vegetable based lacto-ovo vegetarian dietary advocated by Dr. Cursio. Hippocrates although much better known was of much lower stature than Dr.Cursio in terms of the clinical impact of this method, when properly applied.

Name: Gerrit AUSMA
City Velserbroek (The Netherlands - Europe)
Sent: 13.45 - sat 3 jul 2004

HI you peolple,

I have been involved in better nutrition for 4 weeks now and came across this site coincidentally. A member of my group sent me a translated version of Stanley's work and therefor I started searching then web and found this site.
I am now looking for more info about kicking some of my bad habits and I will certasinly try out the advices Stanley publishes.
I'll keep you posted

Name: BeRciK
Homepage: http://www.science.eu.org/sms
Sent: 02.15 - sun 27 jun 2004

Nice nice... Cool WEBsite. Good luck:>

Name: shb
City queens
Sent: 22.25 - fri 28 may 2004

I am wondering if you can recommend a good book about sequential eating at a book store? Thanks for sharing your information.

Name: don
Sent: 18.30 - mon 24 may 2004

I have tried every diet, furit diet by arnold ehret,
dr. richard schulze, dr.walker's juice and veg.diet, I did a 3 week fast. I have been on a vegan diet for 3 years. I have now I'm now trying jordan S. rubin patient heal thyself diet. I'm 70 years old and have found that jordan s rubin has made me feel better.I also read luigi cornaro's book about 3 years ago and I try not to eat very much. I'm 150 lbs and feel ok. I have never been a hospital yet but with so must miss infomation about health, be a veg, or be a vegan or eat meat and so on. Do you have the truth on how to eat? I would like to live to 100 years old but I'm still confused. Do you have the answers? If you do I could use them.
Thank You:

Name: Bruce Woodley
Sent: 18.21 - sun 23 may 2004

Very interesting articles, as I have maintained for years, the more we turn our back on NATURE, the bigger the mess we find ourselves in !

Name: Lynda Appell
Homepage: http://clik.to/mayapple
City Upper Darby, PA
Sent: 22.16 - sat 22 may 2004

Dear Dr. Bass.
My site is the caring, comprehensive "DisABILITY Info" Please see URL above. It would be an honor to add your your important, informative site to the alt/complementary section of my site. Wishing you many healthy years. Please either email me or sign my guestbook.

Name: VitaFly
Homepage: http://www.vitafly.com
City New York
Sent: 05.16 - fri 21 may 2004

We like your health related site very much!

Name: Joyce Downing
City Point Pleasant, WV 25550
Sent: 14.35 - thu 20 may 2004

I found your site most interesting. I wrote it down so I can come back when I have more time.


Name: Frankie Buguk
City Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Sent: 07.44 - fri 9 apr 2004

Your website on the authority of natural health is fascinating and enlightening. Thank you for sharing.

Name: Ina Wilson
City Pittsboro, N.C.
Sent: 11.07 - sat 13 mar 2004

interesting site. will be back.I am on day 13 of 3o day fast. feeling great! goal is to clean up diet when fast is over.
Name: Rick Sullivan
City New York - NY / USA
Sent: 22.01 - fri 13 feb 2004

Hi ! your site is very cool !

Name: Jason Kunderman
Sent: 02.03 - wed 4 feb 2004

GUTEN TAG! Your guestbook is COOL!

Name: David Penepent
Sent: 18.59 - mon 1 dec 2003

Dear Dr. Bass,
I am a member of that Penepent family that you refer to in your articles about Dr. Cursio. I raise my children totaly contary to Doc Chris's methods because my experiences being raised with the "METHOD". I feel that I experienced a protien deficiencies which are similar to people who have anorexia nervosa. I have observed in the the 3rd generation of my family text book psychotic behavior which i attributed to the "DIETETIC METHOD" which members of my family still follow. I totally believe that protien deficiencies leads to abnormal psychotic behavior. Any one that wants to talk about the behaviors that my parents followed can email me at Pennydiger@aol.com

Name: Alex
City london
Sent: 13.20 - wed 26 nov 2003

Fantastic source of sound info!!!

Name: Stella
City Atlanta
Sent: 19.46 - tue 25 nov 2003

Dr. Bass,
First of all I have to say I love your site. After reading the useful information on your site I now have hope of curing my body from the abusive of eating foods that just add in toxics . All this has resulted to my fatigue and my eye sight affected by my sugar intake. I appreciate your help and I will be sure to purchase your books for more information. Thank you again. Happy Thanksgiving to you

Name: Kazimierz Jarz¹abek
City Toruñ, Poland
Sent: 12.06 - sat 25 oct 2003

Thank you for your website, thank you very much.

Name: Maria
City New York
Sent: 09.05 - sun 27 jul 2003

This site is awesome, good job!

Name: OP
City London
Sent: 15.47 - tue 22 jul 2003

Great site! Like it!

Name: Kumar
City India
Sent: 23.10 - tue 24 jun 2003

Thank you for putting up this genuine health site. I have visited this site many times & want to absorb every bit of it. Whatsoever you have written is result of your vast experience and experiments. It is really a gold mine. I keep looking for the good health sites. You have spent a good part of your life looking for ultimate human food,problems faced during raw foodism by experimenting and while helping celebrated Natural Hygienists like Gian Cursio and Shelton. You have left fanatism far behind with only aim of doing good to human race. I consider your site the ultimate raw food site.

Name: Laura
City Lincoln University
Sent: 12.48 - sun 22 jun 2003

I have been intrigued by fasting ever since i first heard about it. I am considering trying this practice for spiritual reasons for I feel like I need to find God in my life. The problem is, I am only 14 and already underwieght. My parents did not approve of fasting when I first mentioned it. However, from the information that I gathered from this site, i believe they will take it into consideration. My parents are very into being healthy, eating organic foods and avoiding pollutants and toxins. Thank you for posting such useful information!
Name: mgbada
Sent: 20.31 - fri 20 jun 2003

i dey.the site is good
Name: Mari Quigley
City Santa Ana
Sent: 21.18 - wed 30 apr 2003

Great stuff.. Thanks... Looking forward to reading more... and I am glad to know that people do and can eat clean meat...
Name: Amanda
Sent: 21.41 - thu 20 mar 2003

Dear Doctor Bass,

Thank you for creating such a full website. I came across your site when searching for help on coffee addiction. You are totally generous with the information you have given out, for free, and this alone inspires me.

Kind regards, Amanda
Name: Jeanne Penepent
City Bergen, NY 14416
Sent: 17.09 - fri 14 mar 2003

I think you should know that I am an inlaw from the Batavia family and that there was diabetes, cancer, from the 2nd and 3rd generations. And Dr. Chris died long before Grandma and Grandpa Penepent so I don't agree with your vegin deit. However, my father in law still practices is quite faithfully. But I don't see him as healthy because he tends to get the goute every holiday season. I think you should take your study even father and see what you come up with.

Name: Ice Cream Lover
Homepage: http://www.1-800-espresso.com
Sent: 06.32 - mon 27 jan 2003

Cool site! I'll be back! Thank you!
Ice Cream Lover
Ice Cream Makers

Name: Calo Rios
City Brooklyn, NY 11215
Sent: 23.31 - sun 5 jan 2003

I am interested in doing a water or juice fast for health and spiritual reasons. I live in Park Slope, Brooklyn and need to consult an expert. I had an oceanic experience recently where my mind merged with God and time stood still. It was estatic! I sensed a universal oneness as I stood on Third Avenue and 14th Street waiting for the crosstown bus. For days I felt a compassion for all living beings. I now view life from a different perspective. I am now learning about Quantum Phisics, Zen Budism, and anything that helps me develop. I have a strong urge to fast and change my diet-I am not a vegetarian (yet). Is there anybody in NY that can relate?
Name: Don
City Sydney , Australia
Sent: 08.51 - fri 27 dec 2002

Hello All,
I have found that despite eating abundant amounts of 'clean food' from local growers markets, and cutting out baked products, etc , we are feeling un-well/tired and have to supplement with vitamins and Herbalife formula 1 protien drinks. I can get my hands on research data that shows vegetables and fruit that we are buying are less potent nutritionally compared to true organic foods by a factor of 10 to 1. This is the extent that the farmers have let the trace minerals and nutriments be extracted out of the soil/crops. I fathom that most farmers either dont know, or care enough about these issues. Please email me if you have data to corroberate what I am saying about the condition of the supermarket variety fuit and vegetables. I have heard of dramatic reversals of medical conditions due to a richness of nutriments being put into the diet, and have got information corroberating the idea that disease is largely a function of malnutrition (mineral/vitamin deficiencies...you get the drift) . The problem I have is trying to come up with all the trace elements, vitamins and whatever else, on a daily basis, in an affordable/workable method/package, for us as city dwellers. Please email me if you have worked out a method around the de-vitalized food problem. We have looked at the network marketing nutritional products, and found the full programs to be very expensive and not really sustainable for us. Especially because of the currency conversion to Aussie dollars(ala banana republic dollars) required of US based products.

Name: Naomi
City South Carolina
Sent: 12.52 - tue 13 aug 2002

I am currently studing Naturopathy in my spare time and am often on the hunt for new and intersting material. I found a link to this site whilst I was visiting the nexus magazine.
Thanks for the superb information - I especially enjoyed the sequential eating information and how to control your thoughts whilst overcoming addictions - as an avid reader of Rudolf Steiner I saw alot of his same messages on this site.
Very Valuble Information
City Clearwater, FL
Sent: 21.07 - sun 28 jul 2002

Very interesting and seemingly sensible eating practice.
Name: Rick L Newman
City Portland OR
Sent: 20.43 - sun 7 jul 2002

Thanks for the inspiration and point blank information. Your site is thought provoking and merits serious investagation.

Addiction is not fully understood, it baffles and eludes understanding to find yourself not taking part in your own best intrest. It is often trivialized and bonbarded by dimestore psycology and pat answers. Addics are desprate and therefore extreemly receptive and dangerously vulnoravle. Our condition is often trivialized and bonbarded by dimestore psycology and pat answers. When the answer offered is not adequate the condition is agitated.

Thanks for your work.

Rick L Newman
Name: Cheryl Pryor
City Waynesboro
Sent: 05.53 - fri 31 may 2002

Thoroughly enjoyed the reading material.
Name: Simona Werner
City Miami
Sent: 14.35 - thu 2 may 2002

Thanks for all info that you so generously have displayed. I found much I have never seen anywhere else. Especially the sequential eating page - now I will start trying to be nicer to my stomach.

Name: Bo
City Denmark
Sent: 00.01 - thu 25 apr 2002

I find it interesting that the raw hunter-gatherer diet is not taken seriously in mainstream Natural Hygiene, as far as I have seen only Dr. Bass is making an effort to incorporate these diet theories, which to me seem more and more plausible, the more archaeological (and other) data is uncovered. Of course Dr. Cursio and others were expelled for wanting to include only eggs and dairy in the diet. Could this still be scaring most hygienic doctors from straying from veganism? Any similarities between ANHS/IAHP and the Catholic Church?
Name: Evelyn Scott
City Chicago
Sent: 00.05 - tue 9 apr 2002

Thanks for trying to update natural hygiene for the new millennium - so much new scientific material needs to be incorporated in natural hygiene - not the least new knowledge about our natural diet - and it seems that only you have had the interest or courage to do this work. Funny, since you must be one of the old-timers in natural hygiene! Where are all the young doctors?
Name: Scott Kender
City Lancaster, PA
Sent: 01.45 - sun 17 mar 2002

i am a recovering drug addict. i thank you for this website, so i can find out more about this 'dis-ease', and find answers on the levels of physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation.
god bless you and your work!

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