This is the Place where you can advertise your contest and where I'll post my contest.
Let me know if you want to post your contest, by e-mailing me.
Here are some
I am holding a contest for the best logo pattern and for the best motto.
There will be prizes for the winners.
The motto just has to be a catchy phrase, having to do with the
Backstreet Boys.
Example: Shoot a beaver, save a tree.
It can be like that, but it has to do with the Backstreet Boys.
This is kinda hard to explain, so bare with me. This is pretty much
just a design saying BSB/Backstreet Boys with some sort of design on
it.Sorry that I don't have an example, but it's hard to do that with my
computer. There will be two catagories, one for computer made, and
another for hand made. A winner will be chosen for each catagory.