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Funny Faces... 2

Funny Faces... 2

More Funny Faces and Candid BSB Shots! Yay! Hit CTRL and N to make a new window so you can do other stuff while these pics load K? It'll be awhile. Buh-byes.

Ahhh! It's the spice boys! Thanx Vanesa's AJ Page!

AJ: Something's not quite right here....

Ummm YEA

What's up with the hair? OMG

Nick: I don't know what's going on, so I'm going to smile like a fool!

I am soooo lovin' the hair guys ::grins::

Howie D.: NO! The horror! The camera caught me in mid wink!
AJ: Come on why isn't anyone paying attention to me?? Look at me look at me look at me

I wouldn't have minded being around to take this pic ::grins::

I think he's taking the shades thing a bit far! =)

Nick: Grrr! I eat kids!
Kevin: No diggety YO
Howie D: (*thinking some hella dirty thoughts!*)
Brian: Do NOT go in there! Whew! (it's a line from Ace Ventura 1, you know his idol is Jim Carey *grins*)

AJ: I swear officer, I thought she was older than 15! (Thanx Nikki!)

Howie D: (*gasp*) YAY Brian is letting me hold him! (*giggles*)
Brian: Who's touching my bum?
AJ: Why can't I (*sob*) hold Brian??? (*sob sob*) Kevin: Can we hurry this up? I'm missing General Hospital
Nick: Shut up you dilly head, I'm not lettin' go of Bri!!

Brian: (*girly shreik*) These stripes are making me look... Hawaiian!
Howie D.: "I beleive I can fly---"
Kevin: "-- I... beleive...... I ... can... touch... the... skyyyyy..."
AJ: Ha! This is the ugliest outfit on the face of the planet and I still look hot!
Nick: Hehe yea! Wait NO!!!!

The scary thing about this pic is that Howie, Brian, and AJ are almost impossible to tell apart. I'm assuming the one w/ the hat though is AJ. Fishing anyone?