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A BSB Interview

A BSB Interview

Here's a *fictional* interview done by the awesome Michelle!

A BSB INTERVIEW The interviewer, Michelle, and her cameraman, Cisco, walk in. They get set up and begin the interview. All the boys are there except for Howie.

Michelle: So, hi guys! What's up?

Kevin: No diggity.

Michelle: Wow! That's great.....Okay, I see that Brian is a very busy man ::glances at Brian while he and Leighanne are gettin' jiggy wit' it:: so I'll try to make this as quick as possible......::cut off by A.J.::

A.J.: First off, how old are you?

Michelle: Um.......13.

A.J.: matter. ::writes in notebook called "screw log"::

Nick::glancing at A.J.'s notebook:: Bri-in, look!! Bone's wri-tin in loopy stuff!! ::amazed::

Brian: It's called cursive you dumbass!!! Now leave me alone!! Can't you see I'm tryin' to get my mack on???


(momentary silence)

Michelle: Um.......This wouldn't be an interview if I didn't ask you if you guys had girlfriends.

Nick: I do........::a buzzer strapped to his head shocks him and his whole body shakes (not a pretty sight) ::SORRY......I don't have a girlfriend.

Michelle: What is that device on your head?

Nick: Oh this? Papa Lou gave this to me to teach me not to be a dumbass in public.

Michelle: Oh, I see.....How about the rest of you guys, girlfriends?

A.J.: I did....but, uh....don't let that keep you from, uh, you know what I mean. Amanda's a whore and she won't care. Mind if she watches?

Michelle:LORD ALMIGHTY!!!! Brian, you???

Brian: Tries to talk with Leighanne's tongue in his mouth::

Michelle: I'll take that as a yes. Kevin?

Kevin: I'm dating. ::eyes glaze over:: I did have one though. She had eyes the color of lilacs and skin the color of mocha. Her lips were devil red and......::gets keyboard out and starts figuring out a tune::

(Brian and Leighanne are finished since she has an appointment with the president. He returns to his chair, tousled, and sits down.)

Michelle: So Brian, you were the one who wrote the most on your latest album, Millennium. What about the other guys?

Brian: Well Nick wrote one song called "If..." that was a monotone song (only one note) that only had one word, "If..."

::Nick beams with pride:: But, uh, the management....

Michelle: You mean A.J's mother.

Brian: Um, yes. Well anywayz, the management thought that it wouldn't uphold the image we wanted to portray so we tossed that. Then, when our "friend" Lou was sneaking through our trash and found it and gave it to his "other friends" 'N Sync to use on there next album. 'N Syncillennium. ::ahem::

Michelle: Wow! Okay....

(Howie walks in with a CVS bag in hand.)

Michelle: Nice of you to join us!

Howie: Sorry I'm late, but my appointment with my optometrist went over the expected time. ::wink:: This winking problem is becoming a nuisance and stuff like that.

Michelle: Oh, I feel your pain.

Howie: Oh! Before I forget, A.J.! Here's the Rogaine you wanted my to pick up. ::hands A.J. the bag::

A.J.: Thanks man.

Michelle: So, Nick! I hear you got a tattoo of a shark on your arm. Can I see?

Nick: Sure. ::pulls up sleeve::

(A miniscule shark appears with a "Reserved" sign under it. Next to the "Reserved" sign is writing that says, "Eat your Froot Loops!")


Nick: A.Day. got a tat-ooo tooo!!! It's his favorite number, 69!!!

A.J.: Nick, good idea, Nick!!! ::writes in screw log::

Howie and Kevin have now fallen asleep with their heads on each other's shoulders)

Brian: Yo, Howie!! Kev!! Wake up!!

Howie:......whaat???........No Leighanne, No!!! ::now is conscious::::wipes drool off mouth::

Kevin::at same time as Howie::.......Back to your heart.........Oh, hi!

(Howie's pager beeps. He glances at it.)

Howie: Sorry, but I have to go. My mom says that if I don't clean my room, she's gonna kick me out of the house. Can't do that, now can we??

Michelle:Noooo we can't. Buh-bye!

A.J.:: Yo, Aman...I mean, Michelle! Yeah Michelle. Um, whadaya say we get outta here and get it on!

Nick: In background:: RUN!!!! SAVE YOURSELF!!!!

Brian: WHAT???? WHAT'S GOING ON????


(They all drown in the puss and when the "STRIDEX MAN" appears, it is already too late.)


YAY! Wasn't that awesome??? Now go e-mail Michelle and tell her to write another one! ::grins:: J-18