Garg, a member of the Digal race and one of the highest ranking gladiators ever, left the original Inter Stellar League 3 years ago when he managed to kill 3 of the top 5 gladiators in the league. For those 3 years, he traveled around doing nothing really , and recently was hired by the people that runs the league, the Miraks. He is now holding his title with pride, and often can be found in his office doing paperwork.
Commentator Gargon
Gargon was an ex-marine in the Mirakian army , who until recently served in it with pride. 2 Years ago, he stormed the homeworld of the Badgals, and shortly afterwords, was promoted. He soon after retired from the military, and began his career as a commentator last year. He is now the head commentator of the league.
Doctor Gigas
Gigas was an ex-medic , who decided to profit a bit from his work, and sold supplies to the enemy for high prices. After a while he was caught, and to make up for his crime, he is now forced to work in the Inter Stellar League, being the head doctor. He is a good doctor, but once in a while desires a organ or some 'extra change' here and there.
Biblogal is the League's official weapon and armour supplier. If you need weapons or armour, you go to Biblogal. He is knowledgable about all weapons and armour, and once in a while is believed to sell some of his stuff at a lower price.
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