ARENA 2.9.3 (DOS) - (C)1997 by MYSTERY
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Welcome to Inter Stellar League, fans. Let's have a look at this fight...
Entering first, here is Wraith!
His opponent, swinging a sword, here is Bill the Galactic Hero!
The fans are looking a bit unexcited.
Screaming his battle-cry, Wraith charges in.
A good parry by Bill the Galactic Hero leaves Wraith stumbling and falling back on the defense.
The sword pierces right into Wraith's scale mail armour, but fails to penetrate.
Wraith evades a weak attack.
Medium attack meets medium parry. Bill the Galactic Hero is still attacking.
Bill the Galactic Hero attacks, but Wraith parries, both of them could work harder down there!
Bill the Galactic Hero swings wide, but Wraith jumps back and to the right, avoiding the blow.
Bill the Galactic Hero trips himself and is now vulnerable!
Both fighters do quite well.
Wraith fights as if he were drunk and Bill the Galactic Hero takes over with a brilliant parry.
Bill the Galactic Hero strikes out at Wraith, but Wraith parries quite well, getting the upper hand.
Hit! But it doesn't look like Bill the Galactic Hero got hurt.
Wraith strikes out at Bill the Galactic Hero, but Bill the Galactic Hero parries quite well, getting the upper hand.
Sorry fans. This isn't the great fight I thought it would be.
That weak strike from Bill the Galactic Hero only connected, because Wraith's parry was even worse. No blood, though.
Looks like Wraith is somewhat exhausted.
Wraith evades a weak attack.
Wraith easily ducks aways under Bill the Galactic Hero's sword.
A bad attack by Bill the Galactic Hero leaves Wraith in charge after a good parry.
With perfect accuracy, Wraith executes his Plague Touch, causing seven wounds of damage to Bill the Galactic Hero!
That flail connected so loud I heard it up here, but there's no blood on Bill the Galactic Hero.
What a great parry by Bill the Galactic Hero, who is now attacking.
Being more of a wise than a daring man, Wraith dodges Bill the Galactic Hero's blow.
What a bad fumble for Bill the Galactic Hero! Not to say Wraith is much better, but at least he took advantage of it.
A good parry turns the favors to Bill the Galactic Hero now.
Bill the Galactic Hero fumbles and Wraith gets to attack despite his bad parry.
Wraith's flail hits Bill the Galactic Hero's sword in a boring intermezzo.
Good parry by Bill the Galactic Hero who attacks now.
Give that man his entry-fee back! Wraith is it, just look how great he took advantage of that!
Wraith's flail hits Bill the Galactic Hero's sword in a boring intermezzo.
Both fighters show off with a series of brilliant attacks and parries.
Bill the Galactic Hero's sword was just rendered to the handle, this might be hard for his
Exhausted, Wraith collapses.
Bill the Galactic Hero fumbles and now Wraith attacks.
Wraith parries a weak attack by Bill the Galactic Hero.
Wraith hits the floor, knocked out.
*** The winner is Bill the Galactic Hero!!! ***
And that was that. I hope, the next fight is more interesting.
Here's the final status:
Winner: Bill the Galactic Hero
wounds: 8 (15)
fatigue: 2 (53)
Loser: Wraith
wounds: 16 (16)
fatigue: -2 (49)
Total match time: 5 minutes, 00 seconds
This fight earned Bill the Galactic Hero some ten XPs.
That's not just a number, it's actually enough for a skill increase!
For the fight tonight, Wraith receives nine XPs.
Well, he really learned something, he earned a skill increase!
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