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Name: Jon Striker
Weapon: Large Warhammer
Armour: Leather Armour
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1212 AD
Place of Birth: Earth Prime
Age: 33
Race: Human
History: In 1240 AD the powerful syndicate know as "Digal's Fallen Angels" was crushed. The Fallen Angels as they were commonly referred to were rebels against the Digal Empire, they fought for freedom for the enslaved races. Amoung these brave souls was a man named Jon Striker. The Angels themselves were no means angels in the literal sense. They fought the Digals anyway possible such as bribing officals for information, sabotage, and even mass murder.

Striker held a position of power inside the Angels, he was one of the few who knew who the real leader was. After the destruction of the Angels many citizens of the various races who supported the Angels exiled him from their homeworlds, claiming he was the one who betrayed them. It's rumored that Striker was the only man who survived the incarceration of the Fallen Angels, he is the lone survivor. Because he somehow survived the other worlds blamed him, saying that he bought his freedom with the death of millions.
Personality : Jon Striker usually keeps to himself, not wanting to draw too much attention. He usually hangs around the bars and pubs and is known to have his own small spacecraft. Whenever engaged in conversation he is very confident of himself, almost to the point of arrogance. It is rumored that Striker is building a new army of "Fallen Angels" because of all the shady business deals he frequently does. It is also rumored that Jon Striker is a thieving space pirate capable of killing you simply because he wants that cool hat you wear.
Quote(s) : none

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