Name : Umbra
Weapon: Short Sword
Armour: Leather Vest
Last Statistics (Lvl./Wins/Losses):4/3/4
Age : 21
Gender : Male
Place of Birth : Ssssrengorr
Race : Sssarash (Reptiloid)
History : Umbra came to join the because of an coincidence. Having led the
life of a thief on Ssssrengorr he stole the invitation of a gladiator to come
aboard the Galgas, which gave him the possibility to flee from the local
authorities. Mostly due to his cloaking ability (being some kind of Chameleon
descendant) and his smarts (being a former(?) thief) he was allowed to stay
onboard and he was given political asylum.
Personality : Umbra very often makes fun of the other Gladiators, introducing a
funny persiflage of the Gladiator in question. Those Gladiators with smarts take
them as what they are (since you only make fun of someone you respect (thats
Umbras interpretation, anyway) or hate (you usually notice which is meant)).
Apart from that Umbra has always been a very sneaky character, turning up from
nowhere and having adequate thieving abilities.
Quote(s) = "Oooh Mister Heartbreak", as he takes dessous out of the pocket of
someone which he previously placed there.
Quote(s) : "Oooh Mister Heartbreak", as he takes dessous out of the pocket of
someone which he previously placed there.
"When was the last time somebody stole your underpants?" raisind the underpants
in question, although he only managed to perform this trick once.
Umbra...well..wasn't exactly the nicest guy around. After using drugs and illegal attacking TOO MCH, he has retired. And I say: GOODBYE!
-Commissioner Garg
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