Buffy the Vampire Slayer: March 10th, 1997
Boreanaz (David): May 16th, 1971
Brendon (Nick & Kelly): April 11th, 1971
Carpenter (Charisma): July 23rd, 1970
Gellar (Sarah Michele): April 14th, 1977
Green (Seth): February 8th, 1974
Hannigan (Alyson): March 24th, 1974
Head (Anthony Steward): February 20th, 1954
Landau (Juliet): Some stuff are hard to say, but ... I don't know! I've reasearch it a lot, but still nothing yet.... help!
Marsters (James): August 21st, 1971
Official Homepages:
GASP: The official Giles Appreciation Society Panters (The Official Anthony Stewart Head Online Fan-Club).
Juliet Landau Newsletter-- Online Version (The Official Fan Club of Juliet Landau).
Little Willow's Slayground (You'll find there the Official Alyson Hannigan Fan-Club, but there is more generic material too).
Official Seth Green Homepage (Lot's of info. Especially articles, transcripts,...).
Where to write them:
Who ever I want to contact
The Warner Bros. Network
4000 Warner Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91522