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#-A-L                            M-Z



1-800-I'm-Dating-A-Skanky-Ho: With that expression Willow opens the "numbers entries" in my dictionary. Good call Will! (Sorry for that lame word-game but I couldn't resit...). So this joke came little time after she surprised Xander kissing Cordelia in the library. She was still pretty mad at Xander and didn't hide it....

Willow: "Great. I'll give Xander a call. What's his number? Oh, yeah, 1- 800-I'm-Dating-A-Skanky-Ho." ("Phases")



Aaron: A (lost) kid that was recruited by Ken from the "Family-Home" and sent in this Hell-like-world to become a slave. When a guard asked him who he was and he answered 'Aaron' (instead of 'no one') he was hit in the stomach. Well at least he had the guts to rebel himself (a bit)...


Absalom:  He is a vampire.  One of the follower of the master, and is one of the more 'mystics' ones.  He was leadind the "revivification ritual" of the Master corpse (that included the blood of Cordy, Giles, Jenny and Willow as ingredients).  Buffy after stopping the ritual, with the help of Angel and Xander, fought him and he was set on fire.  No need to say he went from undead to ashes.


Acathla: It is a demon (now he looks like he is a statue), that creates an extending portal between earth and hell. So basically as soon as it's open earth begins to be sucked into hell... His tomb (which looked like an obelisk) was found by construction workers, and sent to Sunnydale Museum of Natural History. Where the Dr. Dough Perren worked on it before he got killed, and the tomb was stolen.

Angelus: "Acathla the demon came forth to swallow the world. He was killed by a virtuous knight who pierced the demon's heart before he could draw a breath to perform the act. Acathla turned to stone, as demons sometimes do, and was buried where neither man nor demon would want to look. Unless of course they're putting up low-rent housing. Boys..."


Acathla's Ressurection Ritual:

Angelus: "Everything that I am, everything that I have done, has led me here. I have strayed, I have been lost. But Acathla redeems me. With this act, we will be free. Acathla... Mundatus sum... pro te necavi. Sanguinem meum... pro te effundam... (steps slowly toward Acathla) quo me dignum... esse demonstrem.

[Translation: Acathla... I am cleansed... here before you. My blood... flowing before you... (steps slowly toward Acathla) makes me worthy... as I demonstrate.]

Angelus: Now, Acathla... (Drusilla hands him a knife) You will be free. (He draws the blade across the palm of his hand and winces in pain, but doesn't take his stare off of the demon. He drops the knife.) And so will we all." ("Becoming, Part 2", Adapted from AleXander's Transcripts).

At that point you just have to take out the sword to call the demon back to life. To re-kill Acathla (and close the vortex), you must pierce him with one of the blessed swords (the knight who originally killed him, left his in the heart of the demon and made a second one, just in case...), but the sword must have some of the blood of the person who freed Acathla. Then both the demon and the one who resurected him will end up in Hell.


Aldo Gianfranco:  Opera singer from Firenze, Italy.  He was supposed to interprete "Madame Butterfly" with Willow (interpreting Cio-Cio-San), in her nightmare-becoming-true   ("Nightmares").


Alexander LaVelle Harris:  See "Xander".


Allan Finch: He is the Deputy Mayor of Sunnydale. Which basically means he is the secretary of the mayor Wilkins. He seems to be a very competent man. He follows every order given by the mayor, even the strange and illegal ones. But I couldn't say if he knows precisely what Wilkins his after (he knew about the mayor's deals with couple demons and probably his final goal). We met him for the first time in "Homecoming". He liked to read the comic strip "Cathy" in the newspaper. We didn't learnt much on him since he was staked by Faith... That must be painful for a human. She thought he was a vampire as he was trying to tell the Slayers about the Eliminati (the mayor wanted the Eliminati and the Slayers to fight each others in order to get out his way). Faith attached weight to his body and dropped it... She didn't put enough weight so the body was found and the police investigated... Apparently he was planning to betray the mayor before the murder.


All-You-Can-Eat Moron Bar: Well put expression by Buffy used in "Lie to Me", to tell to the "True Belivers" gathered in the Sunset Bar (waiting for Spike to "bless" them - understand turn them into vampires), that if they don't get out of the trap fast they will all die. The morons had to wait for Spike and his friends to understand that she was right....


Alphonse: Some vampire that used to work for the mayor (he was charged to kill Willow, who hacked into the mayor's files) until the evil double of Willow convinced him (finger breaking arguments...) to work for him. So he brought a gang of vampire to the Bronze, thinking a new strong vampire was in town. Well the strong vampire didn't stay much in town and anyway he was ashed by Buffy before he could know that...


Amber Grove:  This athletic Sunnydale student was to become one of the best cheerleaders of Sunnydale high (no matter what Cordy thought).   She is probably rich since she could afford to have Benson has a personnal trainer.   And he is the best one.  Her career ended after her hands took fire during the selection.  Nothing else special aside that she smoked (cigarettes).


American Salivating Boy Talk: Buffy's expression to qualify the gibberish Xander used when he saw Ampatta. See "Dateville" to see a precedent expression to which this dialogue refer.

[FORENOTE: In this scene they are going to a dance. Xander is dress as a cowboy, Ampatta as a princess]

Buffy: "Mm. New line-up. You and Willow are taking Ampata. Giles and I are hunting mummies. Where's you and Willow?

Xander: She's not coming... with us.

Buffy: Oh! On a date. Romance, lips...

Xander takes off his hat when he sees Ampata appear on the stairs. She smiles down at him.

Ampata: Hello, Xander.

Xander: Hho hee ze thee ai uh...

Buffy: I can translate American salivating boy talk. He says you're beautiful.

Xander: (to Buffy) Hyav su.

Buffy: You're welcome." ("Inca Mummy Girl", AleXander's Transcripts).


Ampatta (Gutierrez):  This is probably the most complicated definition I have done so far. First I want to explain that under that name live 2 different characters . The Inca mummy has no name that we know of, so I will use that one. Concerning the spelling of that name please read the note at the end of the definition.

Normally Ampatta Gutierriez is a Chilean kid. He was Buffy's exchange student (Joyce didn't told Buffy she was going to receive one) and was supposed to spend 2 weeks in Buffy 's house (not WITH Buffy. Thank you Xander for the precision)Anyway before he could met Buffy (who was late at the bus station) he was turned into a dried corpse by an ancient Inca mummy who took opportunity of his presence to steal both his identity and life (then she kindly hide him in his own trunk).

This now that Ampatta becomes the ancient Inca princess back to lifeAs I said a bit earlier we don't know her real name, and since the poor Chilean Teen made only a very brief apparition, you will very often find Ampatta refering to the nameless princess/mummy.Ampatta and Xander quickly felt in love.  She turned into dried corpses several people, among which the Inca bodyguard of the mummy's sleep.  Once discovered she fought Buffy, and finished in dried small pieces.  Notice that she was more desperate than evil. She was buried alive 500 years ago, when she was 16, as a human sacrifice to Sebancaya the Inca mountain god. According to the beliefs of her people "only she could defend her people from the nether world". Notice also that there was a seal that forced her into sleep and that she awaked when Rodney Munson broke it (and was turned into a dried cadaver little time after that). But she could hear all that was told next to her tomb during these 500 years. That's how she learned English (touring in museums in Atlanta, Boston, New York) and also knew that Buffy expected a Chilean exchange student at the bus station (the gang had a little chat just next to the tomb).

Buffy: "Ampata wasn't evil. At least not to begin with, and... I..., I do think she cared about you.

Xander: Yeah, but I think that whole sucking the life out of people thing would have been a strain on the relationship."

Note on spelling!  I am using the "Ampatta" spelling since a remark made by one of my visitor.  Indeed I used to spell it "Empada" and she suggested I use "Ampata".  So after researching the problem  I found 3 different spelling from 3 reliable sources.   "Empada" in the resume of the episode on the official Buffy website (my first choice).  "Empata" in AleXander's Slayer's Transcripts (the spelling my Australian visitor suggested) and finally "Ampatta" in the "Bestiary" of the official website.  So I chose to use this latest version in my dictionary (taking the "Bestiary" as the most official source of the three), also I left the "Empada" entry so that people using it would be referred to this new spot.  Sorry for this long note but I believe some might be concerned, and after all a dictionary is to be precise... even in the choices it makes.


Amy Madison:  Shy student who had a witch for a mother (See "Catherine Madison"). Everybody in the gang thought she stopped witchcraft (most people would have been seeing a psy for years after that), but we learned in "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" that she actually did learn some spells. She casted a spell on Ms Beakman her American litteratue teacher (so she thought Amy had handed back her paper), Xander saw her and forced her into casting a love spell (see "love spell"). Then she had this pretty effective spell that turned Buffy into a rat (B,B & B) and herself in "Gingerbread". Note that hangs around more with the gang now and that she is less timid that she used to be (when her mother was still there).


Anderson (1): See Richard Anderson (if you are interested in the Delta Zeta Kappa kid) or Callie Megan Anderson (if you prefer the poor kidnapped girl –by the guy I just mentioned--).


Anderson (2):  Mrs. Anderson and her son, Joey, are 2 victims of the pack.  They didn't die (probably thanks to Buffy), but their Jeep (in which they were almost safe) was pretty much broke up.


Andrew Borba:  Human pretty much psycho, babbling dark prophecies he probably didn't understood.  The police suspected him to be responsible for a double murder.  Changed into vampire, as he was in the bus with Collin.  The gang though he was the 'Anointed One', reason why Collin was unsuspected.


Andrew Hoelich: Sunnydale high student who was in the gymnastics team. He was turned into a vampire during the summer vacations of 1998. He escaped the gang when they tried to get him when he exited from his grave.


Angel:  Angel is a vampire who moved in the U.S. 80 years ago (in 1917).  As a human, he was born in 1730's (he was about 20, when he was vamped).  He has a tattoo on his shoulder: an 'A' with a griffin on it. But his case is much more complex.  When he was still known as "Angelus" (see the other def.), he killed a young Gypsy girl (the most loved among her people).  He was cursed to recover his soul in 1898 [and conscience at the same time] (a vampire loses it when becoming a demon).  He thus regrets all his crimes and stopped the killing (drinking only non-human blood, esp. pig).  Angel is in love with Buffy, that is not simple either because she is the Slayer and he is a vampire.  Note that he became Angelus once again after making love with her... after several victims and a fight against Buffy, he was sent to hell.  The prime-evil released him, using his guilt-nightmares to push him to kill Buffy.  Unsuccessfully.


Angelus: If I separated Angel from Angelus, it's because they have nothing in common (on a psychological basis).  Angelus is "born" in 1753 years ago in Galway, IrelandDarla was her Sire. His name comes from his pretty face, not his behavior.  Indeed he is one of the worst vampire, and committed some of the most horrible crimes.  One of the constant in his actions was his cruelty.  Not only did  he killed people, but very often he killed all their relatives one after the other (just for the fun of it and the pain caused).  Drusilla is a good example of his "humor".  Currently Angelus is away, while Angel is here.

Here is the detail of how he became a vampire (this is an adaptation of AleXander's Transcripts of "Becoming, Part 1"), it's a bit long but all the Angel/Angelus fans out there should appreciate:

A town square in Galway, Ireland, 1753. A lone rider on his horse rides past a tavern on the far side of the square. The door opens, and a young drunk Angel and his drunk friend are thrown out.

Angel: (with an Irish accent) "We'll be back when we've found a bit more cash money! Keep the girls warm!

The tavern proprietor slams the door shut, and Angel pounds on it a couple of times.

Angel's friend: (moans) Let's go.

Angel staggers back over to him and puts his arm around him. They begin to walk with a definite sway in their step.

Angel: Come on. We'll sneak in and take some of me father's silver. He'll never miss it. He eats with his hands, the pig.

His friend is too drunk to go on, and faints dead away, falling out of Angel's arm to the pavement. Angel looks down at him.

Angel: Ah. Why don't you rest right here.

He takes a look around and spots a noble lady in a fancy period dress standing in an alley beyond an archway. The woman gives a slight backward glance to be sure she has his attention, and starts to walk further into the alley, disappearing around a corner from Angel's view. He follows her. Cut to the alley. The woman continues her slow pace and looks up when Angel comes through the archway and begins to speak. As she gets closer to the camera it becomes clear that the woman is Darla. Her long curly blonde hair is very nicely coiffed.

Angel: So, I'd ask myself... What's a lady of your station doing alone in an alley with the reputation that this one has?

Darla: (still facing away) Maybe she's lonely.

Angel: In that case, I'd offer myself as escort to protect you from harm and to while away the dull hours.

Darla: You're very gracious.

Angel: Hm. It's often been said.

Darla: (turns to face him) Are you certain you're up to the challenge?

Angel: (approaches her) Milady, you'll find that with the exception of an honest day's work, there's no challenge I'm not prepared to face. He stops in front of her and looks into her eyes.

Angel: Oh... But you're a pretty thing. Where are you from?

Darla: (smiles) Around. Everywhere.

Angel: I never been anywhere myself. Always wanted to see the world, but...

Darla: I could show you. (smiles)

Angel: Could you, then?

Darla: Things you've never seen, never even heard of.

Angel: Sounds exciting.

Darla: It is. And frightening.

Angel: I'm not afraid. Show me. Show me your world.

Darla: (closes her eyes) Close your eyes."

Angel follows her example. She puts her hand on his shoulder, and continues up to show her face vamped out. She smiles, lets out a low growl and opens wide as she leans in to bite him. When he feels the pain his eyes open wide, and he gasps. He can't keep steady, and sinks to his knees. Darla lets go of her bite, revealing his bloody neck, and stands up straight. She lifts her hand to her chest and draws a sharp fingernail across the skin above her breasts, allowing blood to trickle out. She grabs him by the back of the neck and pulls him in to her bosom so that his lips fall directly onto the cut, forcing him to taste of her blood. He puts his arms around her and drinks.


Angry Mob: When people are in a group, the larger it is, the better chance you have to end up with a collective hysteria. Usually you need something that really touch people (like sick crimes, or some injustice) and people feel like making justice by themselves. That stuff could be understood couple centuries ago (because of superstitions and lack of education), but it still happen nowadays. Joyce Summers even felt like going nuts on witchcraft once (Buffy and Willow had to run kinda fast), or ask Xander what he thinks about being chased by a crowd of loving women ???

Giles: "Um, she's called Drusilla, a sometime paramour of Spike's. She was killed by an angry mob in Prague.

Buffy: Well, they don't make angry mobs like they used to, 'cause this girl's alive. I saw her with Angel."

("Lie To Me")


Anointed Guy:  The "Anointed One" but seen by Spike ("School Hard").  Spike never really cared about Collin....


Anointed One:  The young boy (see "Collin")  was to become the Master's successor and the key to his liberation.  Buffy killed a vampire, the gang thought to be him.  So the boy sat next to the Master waiting his time to come.  It's only in "Prophecy Girl" that, through Jenny (who learned it from brother Luca), Giles found out he was still alive.  It's Isaiah 11:6, that indicated that he was a boy.  Buffy finally met him, as he led her to the Master's lair (where she died).  Later his plans to resurrect the Master where aborted.  Finally Spike killed him by solar exposition.  The boy learnt that smoking is bad for the health...

'And there will be a time of crisis, of worlds hanging in the balance. And in this time shall come the Anointed, the Master's great warrior. And the Slayer will not know him, will not stop him, and he will lead her into Hell.' As it is written, so shall it be. 'Five will die, and from their ashes the Anointed shall rise. The Brethren of Aurelius shall greet him and usher him to his immortal destiny.'  As it is written, so shall it be. (...) 'he will rise from the ashes of the Five on the evening of the thousandth day after the Advent of Septus'. ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date").


Anoying One:  Once again Spike is showing with this expression all the respect he has for the anointed one...  The words (in "School Hard") were pronounced little time before he gave a sun bath to Collin.


Anne: Buffy's fake name after she ran away from home (end of "Becoming, Part 2"). She chose it because it is her middle name. Later Chantarelle/Lily kept that name when she accepted to work at 'Helen's Tavern' and to live in Buffy's appartement in LA.


Anya: See "Anyanka".


Anyanka: A girl that was introduced to Cordy by Harmony as 'Anya'. It was after she had broke up with Xander and supposedly Anya had just moved into town. In reality her full name was Anyanka the Patron of the scorned women. All her power are in her amulet (her 'powercenter'). This amulet gave her the eternal life and the ability to grant wishes. The amulet (and thus her power) was a gift made about a thousand years ago (she was 1120 years old in 1999) by the 'lower beings' (understand some powerful demons, among which D'Hoffryn). She granted Cordy's wish (That Buffy never came to Sunnydale), and the world turned into "Bizarro Land". In that new reality Giles found out what happenned, summoned her and destroyed the amulet. This had the effect of not only the loss of Anyanka's powers, but it unmade all the wishes she had granted. Anya is thus now a normal girl, which go to school to Sunnydale high (and who is flunking math).

Giles: "Oh Anyanka I beseech thee in the name of all women scorned. Come before me." ("The Wish")

This as to be said while burning a mix of herbs. And you better not be a man to summon her...


Anywhere But Here: Game that the gang seems to affectionate, especially in their boredom times. Basically the rules are that you must choose a place (other than the one uyou are actually in) with someone (name the person and explain what's going on). Willow and Buffy seems to be kinda immaginative, but playing with Xander will result in hearing "Amy Yip at the Waterslid park" every times ("Dark Age").


Aphrodisia:  One of the "cool" people according to Cordy.  Basically the kind of girl you don't want to be with.


Archelology Club: Excuse found by Buffy to justify to Apatta the weird question the gang asked her. Part of these questions were the mummy seal, which seemed particularly odd to the... mummy. See also "Crime Club".


Armageddon: The end of the world, the destruction of humanity, the Judgement Day,... Call it as you want basically it means everybody will die. That's what Dru and Spike hoped to do by rassembling all the parts of the Judge, and they what Angelus also almost achieved with Alcathla.


Astral (plan/projection):   Okay, for that one you trust me:  you just try to visualize what I tell you, if you aren't too familiar with the idea of different plans.  The idea is that there are several "plans" in a same place.  For example, let's imagine a movie theater screen (our material world), when you run the projector, a new layer is superposed on the screen (the movie) but what ever happens in that layer (images moves, light changes...) as no effect on the screen in itself (the material plan).  Even if they are at the same spot they have no effect on each others.  Got it?  So there are (at least) 3 plans: material, astral and etheral (similar to astral, but they are separated) plans.  The astral plan obeys to different rules of nature (time, gravity, speed,...).  When one is unconscious (sleeping, coma,...), its mind take the form of an astral body, under which it can move and act in that plan.  Some object, people, spells or universal-flukes can create a passage in-between 2 plans.  The astral projection of Billy, for example, is the astral body of the boy but in the material world.  (If this definition is still unclear on some points, let me know.  I'll try to adjust it so that it's perfectly clear for everybody).


Auditorium:  A part of Sunnydale High School buildings.   The auditorium is not often seen in the show, except in "The Puppet Show", for the talent(less) show and a bit in "Nightmares" in Willow's nightmare.


Audio-Visual Room:  Another room in Sunnydale high school.   Kevin and his friends were killed by vampires in there.


Aunt Maureen: See "Jordy".


Aura: One of the 'Cordy-slavish-followers'.  As interested in rumors and trivialities than Cordy.  Had the body of the first killed we show on the show (by Darla) stuffed in her gym-locker.


Aurelius:   Founder of an old (12th Century) and venerated vampire sect, named after him (See "Order of Aurelius").  He wrote several books, some dealing with prophecies.  Notable predictions: the 'Harvest' and the coming of the 'Anointed One'.


Azarath: Some demon that can be invoked and possess the invoker. But since it used to be the gang's number one clue concerning the mayor's Ascension, I'd say it's not the everyday demon. It's probably some a pretty nasty one...




B: Nickname for Buffy. Typical trademark of Faith. This kind of pissed off Buffy (well Faith's general attitude + this little detail = angry Buffy).

Faith: "What are you getting so strung out for, B?

Buffy: Why are your lips still moving, F?" ("Faith, Hope and Trick")


Backer (Dr. Stanley Backer): Another doctor at the Sunnydale hospital. He increased the dosage of the kids treatment in "Killed By Death". He claimed that a stronger dose would be more efficient than the normal one. The Dr. Wilkinson disagreed and she took it up to the hospitak's medical board. He was killed the night after Tina.

Giles: "Our Dr. Backer has something of a rap sheet.

Willow: Reprimands for controversial experiments, risky procedures, a malpractice suit. Looks like it was dropped suddenly." ("Killed By Death")

And later:

Willow: "Okay, this makes sense. Dr. Backer was trying to inoculate the kids with a controlled dosage of the same virus they already had. Oh, raising their temperatures to burn the fever out of them.

Buffy: Would that work?

Willow: According to this it was starting to. So he really was trying to help the kids."


Bad-Magic-Hates-The-World-Ticking-Time-Bomb Guy: Nice description of Giles when he was sixteen years old by Buffy in "Band Candy".

Oz: "Of course, I mean, even if he's sixteen, he's still Giles, right? He's probably a pretty together guy.

Willow: Yeah, well...

Oz: What?

Buffy: Giles at 16? Less Together Guy, more Bad-Magic-Hates-The- World-Ticking-Time-Bomb Guy."


Baird (Mr.): History teacher at Sunnydale high. Had Xander in his class (Fall 1998).


Balthazar: Demon that has been on Earth for a while (at least since the 15th Century). He took the lead of the Eliminati around that time and led them to the New World (end of 15th, beg. of 16th). He was probably one of the main demon out there until he got into a fight with the Mayor Wilkins and got kicked out of town (19th Century). He almost died during his last fight (he was reccorded dead) but only ended up looking very ugly (I don't think he used to be charming but after that he had to stand in a pool of dirty water and to be moist continually). He also lost his amulet which gave him most of his power. Hundred years later he returned in town to get his amulet back (in the tomb of Gleaves). Unfortunately for him since his last stay in Sunnydale 2 Slayers came in town... He died electrocuted in his pool...


Barret Williams: See "Owen Stadeel".


Barton (Miss): Teacher at Sunnydale high. She ain't like that usually, here that's the Milkbar speaking.

Ms. Barton: "Hey! We're all stuck here, okay? So now let's just sit quietly and, and pretend we're reading something until we're really sure that old Commandant Snyder's gone. Then we're all outta here!

Xander: Does anyone else wanna marry Ms. Barton?" ("Band Candy")


Basement:  The basement, in Sunnydale high, is multi-functional.  Aside from it's traditional function it's used by students to smoke discretly, it's also used by evil forces in their plans when they need it.  I almost forgot the undead students who want to blast the building away...


Basketball Team: One year after the swim team failure (students turning into fishes, can be considered a failure), the basketball team of Sunnydale high made it to the championships (Spring 1999). Which once again made Snyder, act nicely with the champions... Anyway some of the members are Hogan Martin, Percy West and Tom.


Bay City Rollers: A rock (or may be hard rock) band that Gilées particularly affectionated when he was a 21 years old bass player. And it seems he kept some tastes from his youth...

Giles: Bay City Rollers. Now, that's music. ("Dark Age").


Beach (Mr.): A teacher at Sunnydale high. Apparently cool with students he doesn't seem to like them much (thanks to Buffy for finding him out by reading his thoughs).

Mr. Beach: "Ooo! (friendly) Whoa, there. (smiles) You watch where you're going now.

Buffy: (apologetically) I'm sorry Mr. Beach. I will."

Mr. Beach: ...Students... (walks off) ...If we could just get rid of all the students... (enters his classroom) ("Earshot", AleXander's Transcripts)


Beakman (Miss): American litterature teacher at Sunnydale high.

Ms. Beakman: "Papers on my desk. Anybody tries to leave without giving me a paper is looking at a failing grade.

Xander: Ha, ha, ha. This time I'm ready for you. No "F" for Xander today. No, this baby's my ticket to a sweet "D -"." ("Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered")


Beast (the):  "The Beast" nicknamed invented by Willow, for Mitch father, a lawer.  The fake nickname supposed to be given by other lawers of Sunnydale was made to distract the attention of Snyder from Buffy's investigation ("Out of Mind, Out of Sight").


Bedroom:  It is located in the Summers' house at the second floor.  Buffy is supposed to spend a lot of time there, punished by her mother.  Hopefully for her, there is a window.  She can patrol at night, go to the gang's meetings and see Angel (who comes by the same way from time to time).


Belinda: This first name sounds African but it's only a fake one Buffy invented. When Neal introduced himself she had to make up a fake name fast (she was in the office where Ted worked at). "B..."(uffy) + "Linda" = "Belinda".


Belle of the Ball:  French for: "Beauty of the Dance".  Expression used in "I, Robot.  You, Jane", by Buffy.   She used it to qualify Xander's position for Willow.  And joking about him being jealous when she is interested in someone else.


Ben: A Sunnydale high student who had a class in common with Buffy (Algebra II, 1998, 2nd semester, 2nd period, taught by Miss Jackson). He try to ask Buffy out for a dance, but since she had just had that problem with Angel becoming Angelus and killing everybody, she was kinda not into "date-mode".


Benson:  See Amber Grove.


Best Day Ever: Here is Xander's "best day ever" (in "Dark Age").

Xander: "Oh, gang, did ya hear that? A bonus day of class plus Cordelia! Mix in a little rectal surgery, and it's my best day ever!"

Be careful for what you wish....


Bezoars: A particular weird race of monster.... The mother makes eggs, which looks like just like chiken-eggs but contains little bezoars. Then the bezoars (when close to non-controlled person) wait until late at night to get out of the egg. Apparently they check the first time to see if the person could be "controlled". Then they go back in the egg (which present no trace of the bezoar's night exit). The second night it takes control of the person (by inserting its tentacles in all the person's eyes and ears). The only way to prevent that is too kill the bezoar before it grabs you. Then the persn looks normal but is totally under control of the little creature and will help the mother to spread the eggs (Mr. Whitmore was the first one). The mother bezoar ate Tector Gorch and then tried to get Buffy for dessert. But Buffy + Pick + Mother Bezoar = Dead Mother Bezoar + Slime all over the place. But it seems that besoars suck at mathematics... All the people controlled fall inconscious and don't recall anything that happenned while they were under control. The official explanation to all the mess is a gaz leak. The parasite had been hibernating just under the school, next to the boiler room .

Buffy: 'Pre-pre-historic parasite. The mother hibernates underground, laying eggs. The offspring then attach themselves to a host, taking control of their motor functions through neural clamping.'" ("Bad Eggs")


Big Blue: No, Spike did not referred to Luc Besson's movie when he used this expression. He had the Judge in mind.

Spike: "What's Big Blue up to anyway? He just sits there.

Judge: I am preparing.

Spike: Yeah. It's interesting to me that 'preparing' looks a great bit like sitting on your ass. When do we destroy the world already? " ("Innocence")


Billy Crandal: A Sunnydale high school student. He regularly chain himself to the snack machine. It seems to me it's to ask for veggies snacks. It could be that it's an anti-meat manifestation but it's not likely.

Secretary: "Mr. Snyder, Billy Crandal chained himself to the snack machine again.

Snyder: Pathetic little no-life vegan." ("I Only Have Eyes For You")


Billy PalmerBilly is a 12 years old kid (in 1997), that was beat up after his kiddie league Baseball game (he plays second base).  He was in such critical state that he was admited in intensive care, for coma.  Nicknamed "Lucky 19" by the coach, the man hold him responsible for losing the game (Billy missed one critical catch), and beat him up.  The Ugly Man that chased Billy all the time, was the Nightmare version of the coach.  With the help of Buffy, Billy (under his astral form), faced him and woke up from his coma.   Releasing Sunnydale from the realm of nightmares.


B-I-T-C-HWell this expression had to be written down, since it was used by... Willow!  (Notice that she spelled it and didn't actually pronouce the word... Aaaah...Willow.... <grin>).  Used in "When She Was Bad" talking about Buffy with Giles and Xander.  (See   "Bitch-of-the-Year" and "Let's Dance").


Bitch-of-the-Year:  This expression was thrown to Buffy by Cordelia in "When She Was Bad", after the "Let's Dance" incident (see def.), outside of the Bronze.  I have to agree with Cordy on that one....

Cordelia: Buffy. (Buffy stops) You're really campaigning for bitch-of- the-year, aren't you?

Buffy: (turns to face her) As defending champion, you nervous?     (AleXander Transcripts)


Bite Me!:  'Bite Me!' is a curse first used in "Never Kill a Boy on the First Date" by Buffy.  Originally replace: "Oh, Kill me!", or the good old "Damn!" (I have other expression in mind but kids could be reading...).


Bizarro Land: An entry I HAD to inculde. It’s a popular expression in the Bronze and there is a good website under that name. Here I'm not only gonna tell you when and why it was used, but I'll define what is the Bizarro Land. So basically this expression was used in "The Wish" by Cordy after she realised that her wish made to Anyanka turned up to become the reality. Which reality? Buffy never came to Sunnydale. So not only Jesse died, but Willow and Xander were turned into Vamps. Nobody prevented the Master from leaving the Sunk Church. Vampires arte ruling the city and the Bronze is their headquater (you definetly don't wanna go there if you are human). There is a curfew in town (something like 1 hour after the sun sets down), and all students were dark clothes not to excite the appetite of vampires. The death rate which was already high just skyrocked: the high school has a monthly memorial day (to celebrate the memory of all the students that died). A group of humans called the "White Hats", led by Giles, are trying to fight the vampires away. Cordelia was killed little time after arriving there, Buffy is the Slayer but in Cleaveland. Angel is locked up in the basement of the Bronze as a puppy (understand torture toy). The Master developped an automatic-blood-sucking-machine. And for the final (before Giles broke Anyanka's amulet) Xander, Willow, Angel and Buffy died...


Bizarro World: Do not get mixed up with "Bizarro Land" which has another sense. It comes from an expression from "Reptile Boy" used by Cordy that (once again) nailed Xander on the spot:

Xander: "So, Cor, you printing up business cards with your pager number and hours of operation, or just going with a halter top tonight?"

Cordelia: "Oh, are we feeling a little envious? You could belong to a fraternity of rich and powerful men. In the Bizarro world." (AleXander's Transcripts)


Black Chronicles:  One of Giles manuscript.  This one deals with the Hellmouth and locates it.  That how they found out, it opens right in the middle of the library. It was refered to it much later in "Amends" when the gang searched why Angel came back.


Blair: A man working for the Watchers' Council. He was working with Hobson on the boarding house where Kralik and the Slayer were supposed to be locked (in "Helpless"). He turned into a vampire by Kralik, and ashed by Giles later on.


Blake: See "Michelle Blake".


Blayne Mall:  A pretentious freak who liked to brag around about his conquests (7, almost 8).  But this high school kid's virginity was actually untouched, which made of him a choice target for Dr. Natalie French.  He can thanks Buffy who saved his butt (hehehe), while he was far from being the super-male he seemed to be (a giant mantis slows down your courage...).  His father is a lawer.


Blood:  Vital to vampires, they prefer when it's human.  But any blood, in sufficient quantities, works.  If demons and monsters need and generate a lot of blood, Joss rarely makes it splashes against our TV screen.  Notice that the blood of the Slayer is particularly powerful for vampires (cf. "Prophecy Girl" and "Graduation 1&2").


Blood Rites and Sacrifices: One of the book in Giles' library. It was confiscated by the police, under the lead of the MOO. No need to say that Giles was particularly happy (contrary to Snyder).

Snyder: "Just how is, um... 'Blood Rites and Sacrifices' appropriate material for a public school library? Chess club branching out?"? Chess club branching out? ("Gingerbread") [Note: Another reference to the Chess club]


Bloodstone Vengeance Spell: Quite a nasty spell... The victim gets all boost up for a while (Buffy sent Joy into a wall during a cheerleading practice), and then loses his/her immune system. Basically by casting this spell you are calling upon the death of the victim in very little time... That's what Catherine Madison casted upon Buffy.


Blush Beautiful Skin Care and Cosmetics: See "Norman Pfister".


Bob (1):  The Chief of police of Sunnydale.   As Snyder do, he knows for the demons and vampire in town.  He agreed with Snyder that they should tell to medias that the attack at the school parents-teachers night was done by a gang on PCP.  He tries to hold the truth from the public and receives his orders from the mayor.


Bob (2): If you're thinking about the undead kid, then see "Jack O'Toole".


Bodyguard: Here I refer to the Inca warrior that was chosen to make sure the mummy never wakes up, or if she does, that she goes back to sleep. He attacked the gang with his knife, believing that they stole the protection seal on the mummy. Later he tried to get Ampatta back to her tomb but failed and was turn into a dried corpse. Note that we don't know if there is constantly a warrior chosen to look on the mummy every couple years, or if he lived for 500 years (but I would personally think the good answer is the second one, since they seems to know each other since the beginning).


Book-Cracker Buffy: Would you have expected to hear that someday? Me neither... It was used by Willow, in "Ted" as come back so she would not have to mention Angel in front of Ted and Joyce.

Ted: "I know I've been looking a long time for one. So, Buffy, I bet the boys are lined up around the block tryin' to get a date with you.

Buffy: Not really.

Willow: Oh, they are, but she's only interested in... Uuuuuh, her studies! 'Book-cracker Buffy', it's kind of her nickname."


Books of Ascension: These five volumes deal with the 'Ascension', that is, a man becoming a (powerful) demon. Ascension meaning "going upward", itdefinetly let us know that it wasn't written by an innocent and pure mind... These books were of interest both to the mayor and to the Gang. The mayor got them thanks to Faith (who killed the demon and didn't have to pay the $ 5,000). Although I'd say that the mayor wanted the books, to be sure the Gang didn't learn about the details of the ascension. He probably had another copy from the start.

Faith: "Books of Ascension.

Demon: Mm-hmm. Original editions and everything. Um... Great condition. Okay, it's a little worn on one spine, some slight foxing, but otherwise (chuckles) perfect. Now, the five grand, it's, um, you know, negotiable." ("Ennemies", AleXander's Transcripts)


Books of Pherion: Several volumes on occult. They are part of Giles library. Buffy and Will had to go through them in "The Zeppo".


Boardinghouse: An old abandonned housed in Sunnydale. That's where the cruciamentum test was supposed to be held. That's where also that Joyce was held captive, Hobson killed, Blair vamped and ashed and Kralik got ashed. It was modified by Blair and Hobson so that you can't get out once your are inside (kinda like the Sunset Club).


Boxes:  The "Idiot Box" is the name Giles gave to computers.  Jenny corrected him, explaining it was TV, while the "Good Box" was the computer.


Breaker's Woods: At the top of these woods there is a clearing where Giles went on a retreat. From what he says it's "the site of some fascinating druidic rituals" ("Lovers' Walk"). And that's where I have a problem. The clearing in Breaker's woods is at a 45 mn drive from Sunnydale... So I guess it must be some kind of new-age-druidic-rituals since Native Americans are not well-known for their druids. What I meant is that druids nevr came to the US... They could be found in Western Europe before the Roman invasions (in what's now France, Portugal, Spain, U.K.) after the conquest of the Gaul by Ceasar Druids only survived in Ireland, Great Britain and French Brittany. Anyway Giles was there during all the events of "Lovers' Walk" (the main one being Spike's come back).


Brethren:  Means "brother", form of address to people in an association or religious group (old British English term).   Term used to designed the members of the 'Order of Aurelius'.


Brett:  Sunnydale student.  Leader of a Rock and Roll band.


Bringers: See "Harbringers".


Bristow's Demon Index: One of Giles' books that Joyce saw when she went to pick up Buffy in "Bad Eggs".


Brittany (Oswald): Junior at St. Michael's, disappeared a year before the frat party (in October 1997), as Kelly Percell, sophomore at Grant. They were both sacrificed to Machida by the Delta Zeta Kappas. ("Reptile Boy")


Brittany (Podell): See "Owen Stadeel".


Bronze:  The Bronze is the only real attraction in Sunnydale.  This club provides concerts and beverages (are they all alcohol free?) to the area teenagers.  Anybody can comes in (according to Cordy), but there is a doorman checking IDs  (fakes or the age is 18 to enter?) and to take the cover charge (it's free on Fridays' night).  The only problem is that it is located in a risky neighborhood, offering a good hunting park for thirsty vampires.  Buffy often slay some outside the Bronze.  Action sometimes occurs in the Bronze, usually when it's closed.

Willow: "Ah, the fumigation party...

Buffy: Hmmm?

Willow: It's an annual tradition. The closing of the Bronze for a few days to nuke the cockroaches?" ("Angel")

[NOTE: Grab a cockraoch (they release a couple before ther party), give it to the bar tender, and you gain a free drink]


Buffy: "Who could resist Sunnydale's own house of hormones?" ("Phases")


Brotherhood of the Seven:   There is no clear term for these brotherhood of demons.  It's seven demons which have taken the appearance of young human beings, in order to hide their demon aspect.  They need a brain and a heart from some humans, in order to not re-take their original aspect.  They have to get the human organs, every seven years, in order to keep their human form.  Only one remained (the other were killed by Sid), when he was in Sunnydale as Marc.  But Sid finally got him too.


Buchanan: See "Ted Buchanan".


Bud:  Another Sunnydale student.   One of Mitch's friend.


Buffdom (Lady of,): See "Duchess of Buffonia".


Buffonia (Duchess of,): See "Duchess of Buffonia".


Buffy Anne Summers: Since her name is in the title of the show you probably guessed that she is the hero.  She moved from Los Angeles to Sunnydale, in 1997, when she was 16 (because that was the only place with a decent school that took Buffy).  That's at this point in time that we met her.  We know little about her past.  Except that she was thrown out of Hemery high school for setting fire to the gym (a vampire fight that ended badly, but nobody knew it except her).  Since she was already a slayer (it began a bit before she was 15), she already had problem at school.  Before that Buffy was once May queen and also part of the cheerleading squad (but quit once a Slayer).  She was also an ice-skating fan and wanted to make a career out of it (to be like Dorothy Hamill).  Her parents divorced (--> she moved), their disputes were frequent.  Currently, she still is a slayer, has trouble at school (Principal Snyder pretty much hates her, and would love to expell her) and a tumultuous love with Angel (except when the guy turns back into Angelus, naturally).  She has no idea of what she will do in the future.  Note that while doing her job (precisely trying to kill the Master), she was clinically dead for a couple minutes after drowning, which activated Kendra. Xander saved her just in time. She has no special fears except a strong one for hospitals (when Buffy was eight, she was alone with her cousin Celia when she died) and also she was really really scared by the Master's return after her death ("When She Was Bad").

Buffy after a dispute with her mother (who couldn't accept that her daughter was the Slayer), she ran away from home. She went to LA, where she worked as a waitress in 'Helen's Kitchen' a sleazy restaurant. After a while (and a little demon-ass-kicking-party) she returned to Sunnydale. She had remained silent for couple month which caused a certain tension between her, Joyce, Giles and the Gang.

Buffy: "Oh, my God. My Dorothy Hamill phase. My room in L. A. was pretty much a shrine. Dorothy dolls, Dorothy posters, I even got the Dorothy haircut. Thereby securing a place for myself in the geek hall of fame. " ("What's My Line, Part 1")


Buffy's White Knight: Xander, so called by Angelus in "Killed by Death". Coming from him it can only be mocking and ironic. But in a certain way it is true. Xander always stood up for Buffy, and he saved her more than once...

Angelus: "If I decide to walk into Buffy's room, do you think for one microsecond that you could stop me?

Xander: Maybe not. Maybe that security guard couldn't either. Or those cops... or the orderlies... But I'm kinda curious to find out. You game?

Angelus: Buffy's White Knight. You still love her. It must just eat you up that I got there first."


Burning Man:   It's a festival in Black Rock that Jenny attended too during the Summer 1997.   I did my little research and from "The Burning Man '98 Experience", here is what I got:  "Black Rock City is the sixth largest city in Nevada, for one week out of the year. It is billed as an experimental project in temporary community. This event happens the week before Labor Day and ends on Labor Day Monday. It takes place in the public lands of Black Rock Desert. To me it is like extreme camping and survival (temperatures routinely between 115 and 50 in a barren alkali desert)with a 24 hour interactive art show thrown in."  According to her own experience it was "extreme", with drum rituals, mobile sculptures, raves [Note: a rave is a form of dance party based on techno music, usually happeming in deserted places --fields, old warehouse,...--] and naked mud dances.  This festival underlines the fundamental differences between Jenny and Giles (but the opposites attract each other, it is said....).


Bus 219: This is the bus one of the bounty hunters from the Order of Taraka took to come to Sunnydale (to execute his contract and Buffy).


B.X.: If Americans use BC ('Before Christ') and AD ('Anno Domini') for dates (2000 AD), Cordelia use the B.X. ('Before Xander') to refer to her life time-schedule. You see, when I told you people that Cordy changed since she is with Xander. Later, after her break up with him, she'd use 'pre-Xander' (less God-like and means before the whole Xander period).



Cain:  A professional werewolf hunter: he killed them and skin them.  He had already 11 victims before he came to Sunnydale.   He tried to trap Oz and to kill him to make a full dozen of his fang-necklace-list.  He only got Buffy in his net.  Bad move: she and Giles are active members of the "People for the Ethical Treatment of Werewolves" (according to Cain, who was upset by their -human- behavior).   He only cares about the money he gets from the furs money, not if they are innocent people the rest of the time.   He didn't get Oz and understood he better stay out of town for the rest of his life.

Cain: "Well, see, that's the thing. Their pelts fetch a pretty penny in Sri Lanka, and it's a little hard to skin 'em when they're alive.

Giles: Y-you hunt werewolves f-for sport?

Cain: No, no, I'm in it purely for the money." ("Phases", AleXander's Transcripts")


Calax Research and Development: See "C.R.D.".


Calendar:  (see jenny).


Callie (Megan, Anderson): A girl that was kidnapped by the Delta Zeta Kappas to be sacrificed to Machida. She ran off the frat house but was caught in the adjacent cemetery and her bracelet broke with blood on it (that will later be found by Buffy leading the gang after the crazy frat guys. The remaining of the bracelet spelled "E-N-T"). She was student at Kent Preparatory School until she was kidnapped and declared missing by her family, a week before the frat party.


Cameron Walker: Second swimmer of the Sunnydale high school swim team. (I can't believe Joss chose to call a swimmer 'Walker'...). Anyway, he seemed a relatively sensible kid (even a bit romantic), but his mood quickly changed due to the steroids he took. Buffy almost went out with him (but he changed), and she smashed his face in the steering wheel of his Ford Mustang (and nearly broke his nose). He was alsmost untouchable since he was a member of the team (she got into trouble). He turned into a giant walking fish in the desterted cafeteria (turned Xander into an Olympic sprinter).


Candy: Lyle Gorsh's wife. They got married some time after Lyle left Sunnydale. Candy went to Sunnydale with him, when he came back into town to participate to the SlayerFest '98, so that he could kill Buffy and avenge his brother Tector (which by the way was eaten by the mother besoar, Buffy had nothing to do with it). She was ashed by Buffy with a spatula...


Captain Courageous: Expression used by Giles in "Bad Girls" (not common huh?!), refering to Wesley. He was so scared when they got kidnapped by Balthazar that he was begging for mercy, ready to reveal anything he knew to Balthazar.


Car Guy: (For cars in the show in general see "Cars"). This expression was used by Xander to describe his new social status. That was when he was scared of being totally unuseful in the gang ("The Zeppo"). He was driving a 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air convertible, thanks to his uncle Roary.

Willow: "Your thing?

Xander: My thing!

Buffy: Is this a penis metaphor?

Xander: It's my thing that makes me cool. You know, that makes me unique. I'm Car Guy. Guy with the car."


Carl Marin: Coach of the Sunnydale high swim team (He has a more swimming-realted name than 'Walker'... 'Marin' being the French for 'Sailor'). He used a mix of fish DNA + steroids to boost up the performances of his athletes. The problem is that the dosage wasn't good and it turned the kids into sea monsters.

Buffy: (stops following) (sternly) "Tell me what's in the steam.

Coach Marin: (faces her) After the fall of the Soviet Union, documents came into light detailing experiments with fish DNA on their Olympic swimmers. Tarpon... mako, shark... But they couldn't crack it.

Buffy: And you did... sort of. Why?

Coach Marin: What kind of question is that? For the win! To make my team the best they could be! Do you understand we have a shot at the state championship?

Buffy: Do you understand that I don't care? It's over. There's not gonna be any swim team.

Coach Marin: Boy, when they were handin' out school spirit, you didn't even stand in line, did you?

Buffy: No. I was in the line for shred of sanity.

The coach reaches into the desk behind him and pulls out a Beretta 9mm semi-automatic pistol. He pulls back the hammer and points the gun at Buffy.

Buffy: Which you obviously skipped." ("Go Fish", AleXander's Transcripts)


Carlo:   Some poor Italian guy that was corrupted by Moloch.  The Demon broke his neck for that.


Carlyle: Chum (understand good friend, it's Britsh English) of Giles at Oxford specialized in "Entomology Mythology" (insects and myths).  The man lost his mind since he faced it and is in a psychiatric hospital wearing a straitjacket.

  "Dr. Ferris Carlyle spent years transcribing a lost pre-Germanic language. What he discovered he kept to himself until several teenage boys were murdered in the Cotswolds. Then he went hunting for it." (...) "Uh, he calls her a She-Mantis. This type of creature, the Kleptes-Virgo, or, or virgin-thief, appears in, in many cultures. The Greek sirens, the Celtic sea maidens" (...) "the She-Mantis assumes the form of a beautiful woman and then lures innocent virgins back to her nest." ("Teacher's Pet")

See also "Natalie French".


Carol: She is the mayor Wilkins' personnal secretary.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Used by Buffy to try to avoid to be forced into the "Volunteer Safety Program" by Snyder for Halloween. Too bad the program was not to be held at night but in the afternoon (thus she don't have to hold a flash light)... Nice try though. The carpal "tunnel" is made of the bones in the wrist, and tendons, nerves and blood vessels pass through this "tunnel". If one of the bones collapses it will lead to pain in the wrist (due to the pressures of the bones on the nerves and tendons) especially if you hold things in your hand (thus increasing the bone pressure). This syndrom is pretty common nowadays, notably because of the bad position of the wrists relatively to computer keyboards.

Buffy: Gosh, I'd love to sign up, but I recently developed carpal tunnel syndrome, and can tragically no longer hold a flashlight. ("Halloween").


Carpe Diem: I thought (and my teacher thought) that nobody could be worse than me in Latin... we were both wrong.

Willow: " 'Carpe diem'. You told me that once.

Buffy: 'Fish of the day'?

Willow: Not 'carp'. 'Carpe'. It means 'seize the day'." ("Surprise")


Cars:  This is not a real definition: you know what a car is.  This is more a list of main's characters' cars. Buffy doesn't have any:  her mother doesn't trust her (seeing her driving style and knowing her past, it's logical).  Jenny had a Beetle (the original model). Cordy likes expensive cars: first her father's car, then her own car.  Cordy's licence plates? "Queen C".  Oz has an old van (VW 'Combi') on which zebra stripes have been paintedXander once looking to be cool, drove a blue 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Convertible. Spike drives a classic 1958 Dodge Desoto FireFlite (thanks to AleXaner for the precision) and Angel used to have an old trashed Cheverolet Impala (may be it's still in a garage), on both cars the windshields and windows are all painted in black as a protection against sun light (I still wonder how they can drive, may be I should try...). And finally the car car of the cars: Giles' old museum piece.  To know more about it,  see the definition "D.S."


Casting Bones:  Casting bones is way to know about the future or some present events, according to the patterns the bones did.  It's a traditional belief, but a lot of weirdos or crooks are using it to make money.


Catherine Madison:  Sunnydale high alumni, she was a member of the cheerleading team.  With "Catherine The Great" the team was tri-county champion a reccord never reach again.  She also was sacred Homecoming Queen.  She married with the Homecoming King after graduation.  They had a child named Amy.  The father left when she was 12.  Catherine then went through cosmetology school.  She was hard on her daughter so that she follow her trail.   Using witchcraft she took the place of her daughter, and then eliminate one by one the rivals (Amy being only 3rd alternate).  In order: Amber Grove, Cordelia, Lishanne, Buffy.  She got mad at her daughter when she had her body back (thanks to Giles and his reverse spell).  She casted a spell later but Buffy countered it with a mirror.  She was made prisonner of her own cheerleading trophy.  She is still prisonner of the trophy, standing in Sunnydale's high hallway (there are many references to it on later episodes, even if nobody knows that she is trapped inside). Here is the last spell that she casted:

Catherine: "I shall look upon my enemy! I shall look upon her and the dark place will have her soul! Corsheth, take her!" ("The Witch")


Celia: Young cousin of Buffy who died in an hospital when Buffy was eight. Not only Buffy was alone with her in the room when she died, but they were very close. No wonder that Buffy is really scared to stay in an hospital... In "Killed By Death" Buffy realised that Celia was actually killed by "der Kindestod".

Flashback of Little Buffy pulling aside the curtain around Celia's bed.

Little Buffy: "Celia?

Celia wakes and starts to scream. She holds her hands in front of her as if trying to push something away.

Little Buffy: What's wrong?

Celia keeps screaming at the top of her lungs in complete terror.

Little Buffy: I don't know what to do, Celia!

Celia continues screaming and swats with her hands at something unseen.

Little Buffy: (toward the door) Help! Help! Help! Somebody help!

Celia: Get it off of me! (screams)

Little Buffy: Come on, Celia!

Celia: Get it off of me!" (screams)

Cut to the bright and empty hall outside Celia's room. No one is coming in spite of all the screaming.

("Killed By Death").


Cemetery:  Famous place in Sunnydale.  If you go there at night, you should see Buffy or the gang patrolling there.  It is a good spot to hunt vampires.  Buffy and Giles also train and study there from time to time (waiting for a prey).  Our favorite slayer also meets Angel in this "quiet and romantic" place.  Important note: cemetery is a generic term!   Actually, there are 12 cemeteries within the city limits.  That doesn't seem to be unbelievable, when you know the local death rate... Out of the 12, one is Restfield (where you can find the crypt of the Von Hauptman family) and one is Shady Hill (where Faith fought Lagos but missed him). A third one is above the Sunk Church (a secret entry in a mausoleum was an entrance to the Master's lair).


Chair-woman:   Expression used in "Some Assembly Required" to design the chair Giles was asking out (yes, you read it right).  Our favorite librarian was practicing on a chair how to ask Mrs. Calendar on a date when  Buffy and Xander caught him, hehe too bad for him...


Chalmers: Reverend that Angelus knew when he was still in Dublin. According to him Margaret's Mistress was trying to bring him in her bed. Truth or blaspemy from a vampire, I can't tell for sure (but I'd say it's true)...


Channel 59: The Indian TV channel on cable TV at Sunnydale. I let Xander define it:

Xander: "Okay, so tonight, channel fifty-nine, Indian TV, sex, lies, incomprehensible story lines. I'll bring the betel nuts." ("Reptile Boy").


Chantarelle: Nickname chose by a girl has her new vampire-name . She thought it was sounding cool not knowing it was a mushroom (a tasty mushroom ! Personnally I sugest you try chanterelle-chicken....). She was also one of the "True Believers", along with Diego. Since she was vamped (not to death; good for her...) she kinda review her position on vampires. Buffy met her (now under the name of Lily) later in 'Helen's Kitchen' where she was with Rickie to eat (a pie, since they did not have more than a bit of change). After she learnt that Rickie was dead (and after a little stay in a Hell of a world...) she worked as a waitress instead of Buffy (and kept the same name: Anne).

Lily: "Well, before that, I was following this loser preacher and calling myself Sister Sunshine." ("Anne")


Chaos Demon: We never actually seen any on the show... Spike talked about one, when he complained to Willow that Dru flirtted with others than him.

"I caught her on a park bench, making out with a chaos demon! Have you ever seen a chaos demon? They're all slime and antlers. They're disgusting." ("Lovers' Walk")


Charleston: See "Holly Charleston".


Cheerleaders:  Except being the occasional target of dark forces in the city, cheerleaders cheer.  Here is the Sunnydale high cheerleaders' song: "Sunnydale! Sunnydale! We never fail! We never fail! Jump and Shoot! Swish and score! The other team is such a bore! Yeah!".   Notice the deep and complex syntax....


Chervin: See "Ted Chervin".


Chess Club:   Basically a school club for those who like chess.  Owen (a member) -humoristically- explained they drink and start fights.  "Nightmares"   revealed one of Cordy's fear: the nerds of the chess club (except Owen that she finds attractive) that dragged her in the club to force her to play...  Man, Chess clubs are not what they used to be!


Chicken Little: Xander according to Cordy in "Go Fish"... (note that we were dating at that time) All this deal about Xander's cowardise began when he ran like Hell (or "like a woman" according to Cordy) when faced to the sea monster (Cameron).

Buffy: "Any luck researching our fish monster?

Cordelia: Zippo. We couldn't find any sea demon that matched the description that Xander gave us. Not that Chicken Little's much of a witness, but..."


Chocolate: Xander's drug ! Aside from his beloved "Chocoloate Hurricane" (see below) I think Xander could eat anything if it contains chocolate. As a proof to show his wide knowledge on how to get his favorite drug, listen to his Halloween speech to kids he was guiding:

Xander: "Okay, on sleazing extra candy: tears are key. Tears will normally get you the double-bagger. You can also try the old 'you missed me' routine, but it's risky. Only go there for chocolate. Understood?"


Chocolate Hurricane:  According to Xander it's the best chocolate bar ever.  It must be good, because he remembered that his 6th birthday way the last time he had one...


Chomsky:  He is an History teacher at Sunnydale High School.


Chosen One: Contrary to what people generally believe this term does not only apply to Buffy (nor to Slayers in particular). This is a kind of mystical stuff to say ("In every generation there is a Chosen One..."), but sorry guys there is no Buffy-Copyright on that ! For exemple it can also refers to Ampatta ("Inca Mummy Girl"):

"Bodyguard: You are the Chosen One. You must die. You have no choice."


Chris Epps:  See "Epps (Chris and Daryl)".


Chronicles of Aurelius:  Only referred has "chronicles" by Giles (in "School Hard"), they deal with numerous vampiric and demonic issues, among which the night of the St Vigeous.  But according to Jenny, the Order of Aurelius made a mistake to calculate the Mesopotamian calendar, forgetting to include an extraneous lunar cycle in the calculation.


Cibo Matto:  It's a band that play from times to times in the Bronze.  I'd like to define more precisely what they play, but that's kinda weird (which doesn't mean it's bad).  It was on Cibo Matto that Buffy did an incredibly explicit dance with/to (you choose what's more appropriate; personally I'd say "to" since Xander stayed still) when she snapped out (When She Was Bad).


Cio-Cio-San: Cio-Cio-San is the title character of Puccini's opera Madame Butterfly. (I trust AleXander on that one).  It's the part Willow, the world finest soprano, was suppose to perform with Aldo Gianfranco, in her nightmare ("Nightmares").


Circle of Kayless:  (See Kayless).


Civilians:  Buffy's expression to design non-Slayer or non-Watcher people.  (In that case it was Xander and Willow).   Actually this expression was used as an attack against Xander in "When She Was Bad".


Claddagh Ring: Another strong (may be the strongest) symbol of Buffy & Angel 's love. (And actually the damn ring started a trend in the US, you could saw it everywhere...). This ring from Irish tradition was also later offered to Buffy by Scott. Poor guy, he is the unluckiest guy I've seen in that show (bad move man)....

Buffy: "It's beautiful.

Angel: My people -- before I was changed -- they exchanged this as a sign of devotion. It's a claddagh ring. The hands represent friendship, the crown represents loyalty... and the heart... Well, you know... Wear it with the heart pointing towards you. It means you belong to somebody. Like this.

He shows her his own ring on his finger. She touches his hand, leans over and kisses the ring.

Angel: Put it on. He takes the ring from her and slips it onto her finger. "

("Surprise", AleXander's Transcripts)


Clark  (Dr.):  One of the teacher at Sunnydale high.  He's the one who decide who is the winner of the annual science fair.   According to Chris Epps the more barbaric and complex the topic the greater the chance to win (so it looks that he actually understand what is it about).


Claw Guy:  (Buffy's expression).  See "Fork Guy".


Clouding Spell: Used by Willow in the cave where the Sisters of Jhe were hiding, this spell creates a thick fog. According to a remark made by Willow if done wrong it can make some stuff melt. The formula to end suddenly the fog:

Willow:"Obscurate nos non diutius."[Translation: Do not conceal any longer]("The Zeppo" AleXander Thompson)


Clown:  This one is for Xander.  During his 6th birthday party the clown in addition to make balloon-giraffes, chased him.   He got so scared that he peeed in his pants.  Willow still laugh remembering it, while it stayed one of Xander's unconscious fears.


Codex:  The Pergamum Codex is, with the Tiberius Manifesto, one of the major manuscripts dealing with Slayers prophecies.   The book was said to be lost in the 15th century.  Angel recovered it for Giles.   The prophecy concerning Buffy was:

"Ho korias phanaytie toutay... tay nuktee.  'The Master shall rise, and the Slayer shall die'" ("Prophecy Girl", based on AleXander's Transcripts).


Cody Weinberg: See "Weinberg (Cody)".


Colin:  Colin is, like Darla & Luke, a minion of the Master involved in his return.  The Master poked one of his eyes to punish him having let the Slayer escape a trap set ut for her in the sewer.


Collin:  Name of the kid who died in a bus accident, with his mother, on the evening of the thousandth day after the Advent of Septus (calculate it yourself...).  Unsuspected by the gang he was to become the 'Anointed One' (see def.).


Cor: A new diminutive for Cordelia’s name, first used by Xander in "Reptile Boy".


Cordelia Chase Before defining her, I would like to underline that her first name can have 2 different origins (which one Joss had in mind I can't tell, since both fit with the character). The first one is that in Ancient Greek "Cordelia" means "Jewel of the Sea". The second possible origin would be from Wales, in the local mythology Cordelia was the Goddess of love and of summer flowers (the closest to the character but less chances that Joss knew that).

I see 2 separate Cordy.  The "traditional" one, and the "loving" one.  The only common characteristic being: "I'm beautiful, I'm trendy, that me: Cordy!".  During all the season 1 and half the season 2, she was the worst class mate ever.  Egoist, trivial, nasty (toward her non-fanatic-followers) and dumb. That's the cordy Xander and Willow have known from 1986 to 1998. Then she went out with Xander.  Hopefully she somehow changed (she became "normal", except when one of her bad habits popped out).  So far you see I don't like her.  But, I changed my mind with time.  Even the trivial Cordy, proved more than once that she had a some courage (...usually hidden) and that she can be a good friend.  Now that she broke up with Xander the egoist-Cordy back once again... but this is more a defensive attitude (she suffered badly).  Note that when she was still part of the Gang, she was often the bait (for vampire hunting). Among the interests of Cordy:  number 1, her hairs; then men (pref. with expensive cars or double last-names or both); clothes (pref. expensive); cheerleading; being May Queen (1997; she missed it in 1999).  Notice her passion for shoes and "cool" things (money being one of them).  What's not cool: losers, broke people, Epstein-Barr sickness (her mother had it, and we had the opportunity to learn that in order to be "cool" don't get that one anymore).  Also she demonstrated how dangerous she can be with a car (missed twice her driving test), and even worse she succeded the third time (which means she can roam God!!!).  After not even one year with her licence she ran over a girl on a bicycle (who complained about her leg, without thinking about how traumatizing all this was for Cordy...). We also learned that she had the "Barbie Dream Car" when she was still a little girl (but that probably won't astonish anybody).

Cordelia: "Don't wear black, silk, chiffon or spandex. These are my trademarks."  ("Reptile Boy")

Cordelia (to Detective Winslow): "Oh! Great! Can you help me with a ticket? It's totally bogus. It was a one-way street. I was going one way." ("Dark Age")


Corpse:  Important element in the show, it came come from any source (student, cheer leader, Inca princess,...).  Usually the source becomes a corpse during the episode.  Then the heroes have to fight the thing/person/monster/demon that caused this transformation.  A corpse can be undead, resurrected, fresh, mummified, buried, burnt, ate, kidnapped,  and/or sliced.


Cortona:   It's a medieval town in Italy (South of Florence.  Inbetween Florence and Assis)i.  Carlo, Thelonius and Moloch were all living there in 1418.  Moloch lived in a castle, Thelonius was in a monestary.  It's where Moloch was trapped by Thelonius, and other monks in a manuscript (using the power of the Circle of Kayless; in "I, Robot.  You, Jane.").  In 1997, brother Luca lived there too.   He was sending warning e-mails through the world about the Anointed One.   Jenny was contacted by him ("Prophecy Girl").


Corrupter (The):  (See "Moloch").


Cotswolds: Place in England, where is held annually a watcher retreat.

Giles: "There's a Watchers' retreat every year in the Cotswolds. It's a lovely spot. It's very s-serene. There's horse riding and hiking and punting and lectures and discussions. It-i-it's... it's a great honor to be invited. Or so I'm told." ("Faith, Hope and Trick")


Country Music:  "The Music of Pain".   This definition was brought to you by Xander ("Prophecy Girl").


Cox (Mr.):  One of the teacher of Buffy, Willow and Xander.  I don't know what he teaches, but Xanders talked about rumors that he won a belt for being the wolrd's most boring teacher.


Crazy Homeless Guy: That expression concerned... Angel! Hopefully for the vampire Xander never heard of that one... It has been used when Whistler met Angel for the first time (Flash back in "Becoming, Part 1"). At that time Angel was hard to differentiate from a pile of trash (he looked and smelled like it). See also "Stink Guy".

Whistler: "This is really an unforgettable smell. This is the stench of death you're giving off here. And the look says, uh... Crazy Homeless Guy. It's not good."


C.R.D.:  Calax Research and Development.   It's a computer lab in Sunnydale, that used to be the third larger employer until it closed down (Xander's uncle used to work there; in  a floor sweeping capacity).   Moloch's 'slaves' and technicians used the empty building as there general quarters, to build the robot that would host the demon.


Crestwood College: A College of Sunnydale, mostly frequented by rich kids. The Delta Zeta Kappa head-chapter was on Crestwood’s campus. This college is next to one of the 12th Sunnydale cemetery (actually it's against the South wall f the cemetery).


Crime Club: After asking more weird question to Ampatta the "Archeology Club" (see the def.) excuse wasn't very good. Especially since Xander almost gave away the gang's secret to his beloved Ampatta. He made a nice come back by finding the "Crime Club" excuse (but widely inspired by Buffy's own finding").

Xander: "You're right, Ampata. (takes her hand) And it's time we do. We're not an archeology club. We're in, uh...

Giles interrupts by clearing his throat. Buffy gives him a stern look.

Xander: We're in the crime club. Which is kinda like the chess club, only with crime, and, um... no chess."

("Inca Mummy Girl", AleXander's Transcripts)


Cruciamentum: It is the name given to a test (set up by the Watchers' Council), that each Slayer reaching her 18th birthday must pass. The Slayer is put in a closed area with a vampire. But before doing so her watcher must drug her, so that she loses all her physical abilities and must defeat the ennemy using her intelligence. The Watcher must not reveal anything about that test, until it is complete. Giles actually said to Buffy what was that test about before she went in to the trap. That's why he got fired (he was too close from his Slayer).

Quentin: "A Slayer is not just physical prowess. She must have cunning, imagination, a confidence derived from self-reliance. And believe me, once this is all over, your Buffy will be stronger for it." ("Helpless")


Cruxifiction:  The scene starting when Jesus Christ was nailed on his cross until his death.  Apparently vampires who want to claim old age and powers brag that they were there, according to Spike (in "School Hard"). The second reference was made by Xander in "Go Fish" as a semi-joke concerning a comment made by Buffy (about Athletes getting special treatment if they won, since begining of the times).

"You were there? Oh, please! If every vampire who said he was at the crucifixion was actually there, it would have been like Woodstock." ("School Hard")

"Xander: Sure. The discus throwers got the best seats at all the crucifixions." ("Go Fish")


Cryptic Guy:  Nickname for Angel, derived from "Cryptic Wise Man" (see just below).  He kept this role a long time (ever?), but the "cryptic guy" expression disappeared with the episode "Angel".

Buffy: "That's all Cryptic Guy said: 'Fork Guy'." ("Teacher's Pet")


Cryptic Wise Man: This is the first nickname given to Angel (by Buffy, since the Gang didn't knew him yet). It is definetly coming from his 'catastrophies-messenger' role in the first episodes...

Buffy: "Sorry you had to wait. Okay. Look, if you're gonna be popping up with this Cryptic Wise Man act on a regular basis, can you at least tell me your name?" ("The Harvest")


Curse:  To curse is to wish bad things to someone.  These things occur and allow the curser to get his/her revenge.  It often depends on the situation, example: one's dying words or a widow cursing the killer of her husband,... such words are more powerful than those used by a student after receiving his (horrible) grades.  It can also be done through a magic ritual.  Generally the curse is adapted to the fault (in strength and type) that the cursed-one did.


Cyclops: One of the members of the Order of Taraka . He is called Cyclops because of the scar that runs across his now dead left eye. He has a kind of "Hell's Angel"style with his full-leather dressing and his heavy steeled-boots. He came to Sunnydale by the bus 219. He was the first one to attack Buffy. He attacked her at the ice-skating rink on the route 17. He ended-up dead, and cold as ice.


Cyrano:   Expression used by Giles for Buffy after she gave him (what she'd called) a proper way to ask someone for a date.  Cyrano being the main character of "Cyrano de Bergerac", a play written by Edmont Rostand (by the way read it, it's one of the greatest French tragedies).  Giles was cultural and ironic, because if the long-nosed Cyrano was a really, really, really good swordman he had more poetry skills and romanticism than Buffy proved to have:

"Yeah. You just say, 'Hey, I got a thing, you maybe have a thing, maybe we could have a thing.' "  ("Some Assembly Required")



Dale Legget (Dr.):  He is the doctor treating Morgan Shay's brain cancer, at the California Institute of Neurosurgery, Cancer Ward.


Dalton: A tiny vampire, which could be Giles' demoniac image. He researched a possble cure for Drusilla, energically motivated by Spike. He transcribed the book written by Du Lac, thanks to the Cross of Du Lac. A cross that he stole in Du Lac's mausoleum. He was also responsible of the gathering all the parts of the Judge for Dru's party. To be recompensed of his good services he was burnt down by the Judge (he was full of feelings and read,...).

Buffy: "Every time I see you, you're stealing something. You really should speak with someone about this klepto issue." ("Surprise")


Daniel: A Irish guy that owe money to Angelus back in 1838. He seemed to be quiet a card player. Angel killed him in Dublin on during Christmas (and to make it worse Daniel was supposed to get married that same week).


Darla:  Darla is a vampire.  Under her human appearance, she looks like a high school girl.  She uses this to attract boys and vamp them.  She is the very first vampire to appear in the show (introduction of the pilote episode).  She used to be Angelus' mate.  Actually she is an old vampire, older than Angelus since she was her Sire. Later she became the Master's mate But was jealous of the beginning Angel/Buffy relationship and tried to start a fight.  It almost worked.   Almost....she ended up ashed.


Daryl Epps:  See "Epps (Chris and Daryl)".


Daryl Sancton: A student and athlete at Sunnydale high that Buffy thought she had convinced him to vote for her for the 1998 Homecoming Queen election (but we have no way to know he did it).


Dateville: A short expression used by Buffy that I like. I also put it there because the whole dialog is very representative of Xander's mind concerning dating.... (see "American Salivating Boy Talk" for later reference to this expression)

Xander: "Well, yeah, I'm gonna take Willow, but I'm not gonna *take* Willow. In the sense of 'take me'. See, with you we're three and everybody's safe. Without you, we're two.

Buffy: Ah, and we enter dateville. Romance, flowers...

Xander: Lips." ("Inca Mummy Girl", AleXander's Transcripts)


Dave (1):  A Sunnydale High Computer Science student.  So logically went to Jenny's classes.  He was corrupted by Moloch and help him, with Fritz, to work on his plans.  He couldn't support the idea of killing someone, so he warned Buffy of the danger when Fritz tried to kill her, and then back-off the project with Moloch.  Fritz killed him, and Moloch typed a 'suicide note' to his parents.  He was hanging in the computer lab with the note pinned on his shirt.


Dave (2): He works for the mayor Wilkins on the public works committee.


Davis (Mrs.): A Sunnydale inhabitant. I don't know if she is cruel or has a developped sense of humor, but she gave away toothbrush to kids on Halloween's night...


Dawn: One of Cordelia's friends. That usually means I will put a nasty comment next to her name, but not this time ... Actually she is not AS trivial as the others, and seemed to have a bit of humanity. She went out with Sven (contrary to Cordy).

Dawn: "Where's Sven?

Cordelia: Ohhh, I keep trying to ditch him. He's like one of those dogs that you leave at the Grand Canyon on vacation? It follows you back across four states. (Sven finds them) See? My own speechless, human boomerang.

Dawn: He's kinda cute. Maybe it's nice skippin' all that small talk.

Cordelia: Small talk? How 'bout simple instruction?

Cordelia: (to Sven) Get punchy. (points at him) You! Fruit drinky!

Dawn: He can follow me." (takes Sven's hand and leads him away)

("Inca Mummy Girl", AleXander's Trascripts)


Dead Boy: One of Xander's numerous affective nicknames for Angel... First used in "Lie To Me" (and in front of Angel).

Xander: "Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with Dead Boy on this one."


Dead Guy: Another expression from Xander. Be careful though ! It does NOT refer to Angel (like "Dead Boy"), but to the corpse of Philip Henry when it came for Giles in the library ("Dark Age").


Dead Guys On Ice: Expression used by Buffy in "What's My Line, Part 1" after she killed the Cyclops in the ice-skating rink. Very clear reference to all the ice-skating shows ("Holydays on ice", "Walt Disney on ice", ...).

Buffy: "The Hellmouth presents: Dead Guys On Ice. (...)"


Dead Man's Party: Expression from Oz, which is also the name of a third season episode (nice one Oz...). He said that after the party for Buffy's return had been invaded by a crowd of zombies who were looking after the Nigerian mask.

Oz: "I think the Dead Man's Party's moved upstairs." ("Dead Man's Party")


Debbie: She is Pete's girlfriend (they apeared in deep love) And both are friends of Scott Hope. She knew Oz from the Jazz band. She although had to see Mr. Platt (the school councellor), because her teachers say that she has 'success issues'. Pete killed her during one of his fury crises (after killing Jeff Orkins and Mr. Platt).


Dedication: The ceremony that made the mayor Wilkins invincible. It also marked the 100 days before his Ascencion (which was to happen on Graduation day). This spell seems pretty simple, but I guess the exact timing is important, and there are surely some requirements to fulfill before that.

The City Hall. Mayor Wilkins is kneeling in an inverted pentagram with his hands out to his sides. Five candles are burning at each point. He recites a spell.

Mayor Wilkins: Potestatem matris nostrae in tenebris invoco. Maledictum filium tuum abomni periculo custodias nunc et in saecula!

[Translation: Our mother of darkness, I summon thee. Curse now your dangerous accursed son and protect him into the new age!] The building begins to shake. ("Bad Girls", AlXander's Transcripts)


Deep End of the Ocean: A book (apparently pretty depressing) that Joyce read when Buffy left home. Funny how when you are in a really depressed mood you are attracted to books that depress you even more...

Pat: "Well, between... uh... your situation and reading 'Deep End of the Ocean', she was... uh... she was just a wreck. You can imagine..." ("Dead Man's Party")


Deidre Page: One of Giles's friend in his youth. Bearer of the Mark of Eyghon, she was killed by the demon (who then used her corpse to kill Philip Henry).


DeJean (Mr.):  He is Buffy's French teacher.   He was supposed to meet Joyce Summers at the Parent-Teacher night.


Dell:  A tattooed guy Sheila met in the Bronze.  He and his friend Dwayne have the honor to be the first kills from Spike we witnessed in Sunnydale.  They were trying to hook-up with Sheila and were on there way to their Cadillac when they got killed, so that Spike could bring her has food to Drusilla.


Delta Zeta Kappa: The fraternity (see the def. If you don’t know what it is) that Richard belong to. Its members are mostly sons of ancient members, and all are from rich (and often famous) families –until Buffy came by--. The Fraternity house is just along the wall of one of the 12th cemetery of Sunnydale.

Here is the Oath of brotherhood the Zeta Kappas:

The master of ceremony (here Richard Anderson) holds a sword, the pledge is topless and the brothers are assembled.

Pledge (repeating after the master of ceremony): "I pledge my life and my death to the Delta Zeta Kappas, and to Machida whom we serve. (At this point a symbol is carved in his chest with the sword). On my oath before my assembled brethren I promise to keep our secret from this day until my death. In blood I was baptized, and in blood I shall reign. In his name."

Master of Ceremony: "You are now one of us."

Pledge: "In his name!"

Brothers: "In his name."


Dematorin: This is a chemical component that Willow found in Ted's cookies. She got an hint when Xander (who was getting mad over what happenned to Buffy --police investigating her life-- quickly became 'no-worry-man' afetr eating a cookie).

Willow: "Well, apparently the secret ingredient is not love.

Xander: What is it then?

Willow: I'm not positive, but I think it's Dematorin. It's like a tranquilizer, keeps you all mellow and compliant. It also shares a few components with Ecstasy." ("Ted")


Demon:  A demon is a creature from hell.  It serves the devil, or more precisely (in the show): the prime-evil.  Demons are very different one from another, in shape, power and sphere of action.  So I can't provide a listing.  Just notice that vampires are a type of demon (or to be precise possessed by a demon).


Demon Anonymous: Expression used by Buffy in front of all the Gang, when they confronted her on the Angel issue (he was back from Hell and she didn't told it to anybody). Note that Xander should have get slapped couple times in this argument (I'm usually a Xander fan, but he went over the hedge during that period).

Xander: "Better for how long, Buffy? I mean, did you even think about that?

Buffy: What is this, Demons Anonymous? I don't need an intervention, here." ("Revelations")


Demon Hunter:   Simply a man or a woman who travel around the world to kill or ban demons.   Very often they don't have any special powers (unlike Slayers) and only experience can help them.  That's a risky business, and dead hunters are not rare.  Other suffer injuries or bad spells (like a curse for Sid). Cain was another kind of hunter, not to help "Good" to win over "Evil", but simply for money (werewolves skins).


Demon Mama: Expression used by Xander to refer to one of the Sister of Jhe which almost got Faith. Xander passing by in his car, hit her and helped Faith to run away.

Xander: "You think Demon Mama followed us?" ("The Zeppo")


Desmond Kane: See "Mehrenstadt Text".


Destructo Girl:  Would you be astonished if I told you it was Buffy?  This self-given nickname came after a chat with Dr. Gregory about her troubles in L.A.

Buffy: "Destructo Girl. That's me." ("Teacher's Pet")


Devereau: A street in Sunnydale. There is a packing warehous there where Balthazar and the Eliminati were staying. They kidnapped Giles and Wesley and kept them there too. Angel knew of there hide out so once he found out what happened to Giles and Wesley, he and Buffy went there to rescue them. Big fight, bad day for the Eliminati and Balthazar...


Devon: He is the singer of the Sunnydale band "Dingoes Ate my Baby" (see below). We first saw him in "Inca Mummy Girl" chatting with Cordelia (they were just begining to go out together, to break up in "Halloween"). He has a car with what he call leather interior (but Cordy doesn't agree). (see also "Mr. I'm-the-lead-singer-I'm-so-great-I-don't-have-to-show- up-for-my-date-or-even-call").

Here is a interesting chat between Devon and Oz about Cordy (and girls in general), very instructive on their personalities (and also on guys view on Cordy):

Devon: "Oz, man! What do you think?

Oz: Of what?

Devon: Cordelia, man!

Oz: She's a wonderland tour.

Devon: You gotta admit, the girl is hot!

Oz: Yeah, she's a hot girl.

Devon: Let me guess: not your type? What does a girl have to do to impress you?

Oz: Well, it involves a feathered boa and a theme to 'A Summer Place'. I can't discuss it here.

Devon: You're too picky, man. Do you know how many girls you could have? You're lead guitar, Oz. It's currency!

Oz: I'm not picky. You're just impressed by any pretty girl that can walk and talk.

Devon: She doesn't have to talk."


D'Hoffryn: A demon that we first met when Anya summoned him in "Dopplegängland". She was asking him to get her powercenter back. We don't know much about him, except that he seems to go freely in the timeframe, and seems to have contacts with the lowerbeings (nothing can let me tell if he is one of them or simply one of their servant).


Diana:Roman name for the Greek goddess 'Artemis' (I hate those Romans, they haven't been able to invent more than 2 or 3 stories in their damn mythology...). She is the Twin sister of Apollo, protector of the hunters and bowmen, defenseless children and annimals. She is famous for her celibacy (prefering the freedom of movement through forests and mountains), although she will later renouce to her divinty for the love of Endymion (according to Pausanias). Also see "Hecate" which is another representaion of Diana in Hell. In the show Diana was evocated in a magic ritual (see "Love Spell"). Personally I see it has a heavy mistake from Joss and the other scenarists. Aphrodite (Venus for the Roman), should have been evocated in that spell, for she is the love goddess not Diana. Especially since the passion that was unleashed by the spell would have been the trademark of the beautiful Aphrodite (note that she is the one who started the Troyan war), not the pudique Artemis.


Diaries: See "Watchers' Diaries".


Dickie: See "Jack O'Toole".


Diego: Actually named Marvin, he is a friend of Billy Fordham. He didn't knew exactly about the plan to trap Buffy, but he knew he could have the opportunity to become a vampire. He was in charge of the Sunset Club with Billy. Diego is the name he chose to be his Vampire name....


Dingoes Ate my Baby:  With such a name it could be an Australian band.  But these dingoes are from Sunnydale.  This band as a singer called Devon (who went out a short while with Cordy) and Oz is the lead guitar player. The drummer and the bass player a unidentified (yet).  They perform at the Bronze or in private parties (ex:  Buffy's house).


Divinyls: A Rock n' Roll band that was usually (some fans disagree) considered in the 80's to be among the 'Australian Assault' (which included 'Men At Work', 'Midnight Oil', 'INXS',and New Zealand's 'Split Enz'). It was formed in 1980 by Christina Amphlett and Mark McEnter (Many thanks to '' for the complementary information).

Buffy used to listen them in Fifth grade, after Billy Fordham refused to be her sweety...

Buffy (to Billy): "It was terrible. I moped over you for months. Sitting in my room listening to that Divinyls song 'I Touch Myself'.... Of course, I had no idea what it was about." ("Lie To Me").


Dr. Debi: Some woman (real doctor or just a "counselor" in a women magazine or radio/TV show???), who says when a man speaks a girl should look at him in the eyes, really listen to him and laugh at everything he says (Cordy’s fake laugh is…scary!!!). Cordy refers to her as to the Bible (in "Reptile Boy"). I bet feminists love this kind of advice…


Dodd McAlvy: First swimmer of the Sunnydale high school swim team. First to transform himself in some weird green and smelly creature of the sea. People thought he had be killed during the winning party on the beach ("Go Fish"), before the gang realised what happened. As Xander put it below, he wasn't very popular until the team began to win. He had a cigar-smoking shark tattooed on the shoulder (which permitted to identify him as the owner of the skin found on the beach by the sewer).

Xander: "I mean, look at that. Dodd McAlvy. Last month he's the freak with Jicama breath who waxes his back. He wins a few meets and suddenly inherits the cool gene?"


Dode Patrol:  Nickname used by Buffy to design Kyle and his friends.  Used in "The Pack".


Dog-Faced Boy: See Jo-Jo.


Doll Face: Expression used by Tackle, refering to….Xander!!! When he was found as an intruder in the Delta Zeta Kappas’ party (just after the Godzilla joke). He was dressed up with a dress, a bra and a blonde wig. And wear lipstick… ("Reptile Boy").


"Don't Walk Away From Me Bitch!": No I didn't chose this expression because I love swearing and I want to share it with the world... This is a key expression in "I Only Have Eyes For You". So I decided to make this entry, not only to signify that it was Jim Stanley who used it (and later the people influenced by his poltergeist). I actually wanted to retranscrib the full dialogue between Grace Newman and Jim. So based on AleXander's Transcripts I have kept only the dialogue and the descriptions relative to this scene, no matter if it was the real characters (in 1955) who spoke or Buffy & Angelus (who were under the control of the ghosts), you will see the scene from Grace and Jim perspective, even AFTER the gun shot. Thus the first part is the dialogue as it took place 43 years ago, and the second part what should have been said if Grace's ghost could have talked to Jim right on the spot.

Jim: (quietly) You're the only one. The only person I can talk to. You can't make me disappear just because you say it's over.

Grace: (shakes her head) There's no way we can be together. (steps closer) No way people will ever understand. Accept it.

Jim: Is that what this is about? What other people think?

Grace: No! I just want you to be able to have some kind of a normal life. We can never have that. Don't you see?

Jim: I don't give a *damn* about a normal life! I'm going crazy not seeing you. I think about you every minute.

Grace puts her hand on James' cheek. He looks down sadly.

Grace: I know. But it's over. It has to be! (She turns around and starts to leave. He looks up again and starts to chase after her.)

Jim: (angrily) Come back here! We're not finished! (He grabs her by the arm and turns her around to face him.)

You don't care anymore, is that it?

Grace: (sobbing) It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what I feel.

Jim: Then tell me you don't love me! Say it!

Grace: Is that what you need to hear? Will that help? I don't. Now let me go. (tries to go)

Jim: No. A person doesn't just wake up and stop loving somebody!

Grace looks at James. He takes a step back, raises a revolver, pulls the hammer back and aims it at her. Grace looks at the gun and then at Jim, frightened.

Jim: Love is forever. I'm not afraid to use it, I swear! If I can't be with you...

Grace: Oh, my God! (She turns around and starts running out of the hall toward the balcony.)

Jim: DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME BITCH! (Grace runs out of the hall. He runs after him. Grace barges through the door out onto the balcony.)

Jim: Stop it! (comes out the door) Stop it! Don't make me! (He stops next to the balcony railing.)

Grace: (breathing heavily with fear) All right. Just... (turns around) You know you don't want to do this. Let's both... just calm down. Now give me the gun. (holds out her hand)

James: Don't. Don't do that, damn it! Don't talk to me like I'm some stupid...

The gun goes off. Grace flinches from the wound. She has her hand clutched to his chest. Shee pulls it away and sees the blood. She looks up at Jim. He stares back in open-mouthed shock at what he just did.

Grace: James.

Grace goes into shock from the bullet wound and begins to fall backward. She tumbles over the balcony railing down to the base of the stairs below. Jim just stares in shock. He sees Grace below lying dead with her eyes closed. He slowly goes back into the hall. Grace lies prone at the base of the stairs below. Cut to the music room. Jim slowly comes in. He walks to the record player at the back of the room. He turns it on and begins playing the record. He looks over into a mirror, his eyes are full of tears as he looks at himself. He looks down at the gun in his hand. He raises it slowly,... [End of the story in 1955, the rest is what would have happened if her ghost could have talk to him]

...but a hand takes it and pushes it back down. he turns and finds himself face to face with Grace.

Jim: Grace!

Grace: Don't do this.

Jim: But-but I killed you.

Grace: It was an accident. It wasn't your fault.

Jim: Oh, it *is* my fault. How could I...

Grace: Shhh. I'm the one who should be sorry, James. You thought I stopped loving you. But I never did. I loved you with my last breath. (Jim lets out a few sobs).

Jim: Shhh... No more tears.

Grace and James kiss. They hold each other tightly as they continue kissing for a long time. Above them in the ceiling a bright light appears, and the spirits of Grace and James leave this world for the next.


Doug: A Sunnydale high student.


Doug Perren: He is one of the Sunnydale Museum of Natural History curators. He contacted Giles (who was refered by Lou Tabor, from the Washington Institute), to get the opinion of a specialist in obscure relics. He was working on a large rock that was discovered by construction workers (and which was in reality the tomb of Acathla). He was vamped by Drusilla, as she, Angelus and a couple vampires came to take the tomb he had discovered.


Doyle:  F.B.I. agent that picked up Marcie and escorted her to the "rehabilitation center".  He worked with the agent Mannetti.


Doyle (Nancy): See "Nancy Doyle".


Drama Queens: Xander's expression to qualify Giles' habit of using complicated expressions to explain simple concepts.

Giles: "Here comes Buffy. (to Xander) Now remember: discretion is the better part of valor.

Xander: You coulda just said, 'shh!' God, are all you Brits such drama queens?" ("Surprise")

And later:

Giles: "Still, best to be, uh, on the alert. If Drusilla is alive, i-i- it could be a fairly... cataclysmic state of affairs.

Xander: Again, so many words! Couldn't you just say, 'we'd be in trouble'?

Giles: Go to class, Xander.

Xander: Gone. Notice the economy of phrasing: 'gone.' Simple. Direct."


Dramius: Writer of several volumes refering to the occulism and dark cults. He discussed on the Order of Taraka in his sixth volume (if Kendra's memory is right)

Giles: "Uh, Kendra, um, perhaps you'd like to show me the, the part in, uh, Dramius Six where, uh, uh, where it refers to the Order of Taraka. Really, I-I, I seem to have never been able to get through that book. It was a bit stodgy.

Kendra: (smiles) It was difficult. All dose footnotes." ("What's My Line, Part 2", AleXander's Transcripts)


Dreams:  Dreams in the 'happy' sense are not often referred to in Sunnydale.  One the other hands nightmares are commonly evocated (see the def.).  There couple exceptions though, like the great intro/dream of Xander in "Teacher's Pet".  Or (one of my favorite "Shy-Willow" quotes):

"Xander: Dreams are meaningful.

Willow: Tsh! Tell me about it. The other night I dreamt that Xander... Uh, I-it wasn't Xander. I-in fact it wasn't me. It was a friend's dream, and she doesn't remember it.

Buffy: I bet she doesn't."    ("When She Was Bad")


Buffy: "I dreamt... I dreamt that Giles and I opened an office supply warehouse in Vegas." ("Surprise")


Drusilla: Angelus met her accidentally in a confessional (he was priest-drinking), in London in 1860. Aside from playing with her (telling her she was a devil child), he was attracted by the fact that she has a gift for divination, and because she was so pure. He thus turned her into a vampire and made her kinda nuts at the same time... (see Angel's confession just below)  She was weak, almost killed by a angry crowd in Prague (watchers thought her dead) but her loving Spike got her health back (see the def. "Eligor" to get more details).  Too bad for humans because she is powerful... like the Master, she has some hyptnotic powers, that she used to killed Kendra. Right now she is out of Sunnydale, she had an adventure with a demon that made Spike mad (and got him back in Sunnydale for a while).  Spike went back for her, nobody knows what happened to her since.

Angel: "I did a lot of unconscionable things when I became a vampire. Drusilla was the worst. She was... an obsession of mine. She was pure and sweet and chaste... (...) First I made her insane. Killed everybody she loved. Visited every mental torture on her I could devise. She eventually fled to a convent, and on the day she took her holy orders, I turned her into a demon. " ("Lie To Me")


D.S. :  This definition is my gift to Giles.  Indeed he suffered some critics about his car.   Let's make him justice and attribute a special definition to his collection car.  The D.S. is the model Giles drives, it was created by Citroen (a French constructor), in 1955.  If the D.S. is not modern anymore, it was a big revolution (both in design and technology) for that time.  Still now French people will recognize it's particular shape with no hesitation.  Nowadays this car is a collectior piece, the production stopped in 1975.   There was several model of D.S., I haven't identify Giles' model yet.  All I can add is that, 1,455,746 units were built during that period... and one of them is Giles' car.

Buffy: "Come on! Can't you put your foot down?

Giles: It is down.

Buffy: One of these days you're gonna have to get a grownup car." ("Inca Mummy Girl")


Duchess of Buffonia: Expression used in "Halloweeen" by Xander to compliment Buffy on her princess costume for the Volunteer Safety Program. He also used the term "Lady of Buffdom".

Xander: Private Harris reporting for... (sees Buffy in her costume) Buffy! Lady of Buffdom, Duchess of Buffonia, I am in awe! I completely renounce spandex! [Here he refers to an earlier comment on the same dress: "Too bulky. I prefer my women in spandex."]

Buffy: Thank you, kind sir. (...)


Du Lac (Josephus): Theologian and mathematician, he was a member of a religious sect that was excommuniated by the Vatican at the turn of the century. He was buried in Sunnydale and his mausoleum contained the only remaining model (he destroyed all the other) of a Cross he invented to code some text into archaic Latin. That cross permitted to Dalton to transcribed a book written by Du Lac (and coded). That book was supposed to contained very dark rituals and spell. One of them was the one needed to cure Drusilla.


Dwayne:  See "Dell".



Earth Quake:  Other than being a Californian reality, an earth quake can be a sign of an upcoming demonic activity of great size.   The liberation of the Master, was announced by a quake (5.1 according to his own estimations).  I find that pretty ironic, knowing that it's 1937 quake that ruined his plans and caused his entrapement.  God's a joker...


Edith (Miss):  One of Drusilla's dolls.  Dru speaks to them like to children. Ahhh, dear Dru...


Eggbert: Name given by Buffy to her Egg (a little more original than "Xander Junior" don't you think ?). Since Buffy missed class the day Mr. Whitmore gave away the eggs, she didn't not have a partner so Eggbert is a single-parent-egg. He didn't ended up boiled like Xander Jr. but stabbed with scissors. A bezoar life isn't always easy...


Eggs: If you are thinking about the weird eggs of "Bad Eggs", then see the def. "bezoar".


Eligor: Demon that Spike summoned to cure Drusilla during the ritual of the Du Lac Manuscript.

The description ritual that follows is from AleXander's Transcripts, the episode "What's My Line, Part 2".

The nave of the church. Spike walks up the main aisle from the altar with a burning incense censer.

Spike: "Eligor. I name thee. Bringer of war, poisoners, pariahs, grand obscenity.

He turns back to the altar. Angel and Drusilla are both strapped together to a chain that hangs from the ceiling. Angel's right hand is tied to the chain above his head.

Spike: Eligor, wretched master of decay, bring your black medicine.

Drusilla: Black medicine.

Spike sets the censer down on the altar and picks up the Du Lac Cross with his gloved hand.

Spike: Come. (holds up the cross upside-down) Restore your most impious, murderous child.

Drusilla: Murderous child.

He grabs the downward-pointing tip of the cross with his other hand and yanks down, pulling out a dagger. He lays the rest of the cross back on the altar.

Spike: From the blood of the sire she is risen.

He takes Drusilla's left hand and raises it to Angel's, and she clasps it.

Spike: From the blood of the sire, she shall rise again.

With one swift stroke Spike stabs the blade through their hands. Angel screams in agony. A blindingly bright pink light emanates from their wounds. A pulse of energy spreads out, and then the light dies back down to a faint glimmer as Angel's strength begins to ebb from him into Drusilla. She droops backward, feeling Angel's energy flow into her.

Spike: Right, then! Now we just let them come to a simmering boil, and remove to a low flame."


Eliminati: A group of vampire dueslist. It's an Italian name (= assassins, killers,...) but it's a plural. The singular form is Eliminatus. They became the hitmen of the demon Balthazar and followed him to Sunnydale (end of 15th Century, beginning of the 16th). They stayed there for a while until they were driven out of town in the 19th Century by the Mayor Wilkins (Balthazar was baldy weakened). They came back in Sunnydale to get the amulet of their master, but failed. They were led by Vincent at that time. Their number got even smaller after that. I'd say this order is pretty much dead now (only a few, like 4 or 5 survived), 10 of them including Vincent died in Sunnydale.

Wesley: "Fifteenth Century duelist cult, deadly in their day. Their numbers dwindled in later centuries due to an increase in anti-vampire activity and a lot of pointless dueling." ("Bad Girls")


Empada: See "Ampatta" for an explanation on the correct orthograph.


Emily:   A Sunnydale High School student.  She wass a ballet dancer,...until her heart was removed by a demon.  She was changing clothes in the locker room to go to a cross-country meet at Melville when she was attacked.


Enyos: A Kalderash man. He is Jenny/Janna's uncle. We first met him in "Surprise", when he came to see Janna to ask her what was going on with Angel. He was killed by Angelus very little time after he lost his soul (he was victim number 2).


Epps (Chris and Daryl) Chris Epps is hyper-intelligent, winning years after years the science fair at Sunnydale high (Willow is second).  Daryl, his older brother (born in Fall 1978), was a famous football receiver for Sunnydale high (he made it to the All-City in 1995 and to the All-State in 1996) that died in 1996 while cliff hanging.  Using parts of different corpses, Chris resurrected him (actually could be called a "golem").  With his friend Eric (a crazy nerd), Chris worked on a girlfriend for Daryl (who did not looked as good as in the past all patched up....).  The project was stopped by the gang and Daryl burnt.   Mrs. Epps was crushed by Daryl's death and spent most of her day watching videos from his former games.


Eric:  Chris Epps' friend.  He's a nerd too, and pretty much crazy...  He's also strongly sexually obsessed (huge pornography collection according to Xander).  He helped Chris to build the body of Daryl's future mate.  He is the one that wanted to kill someone, preferably Cordelia, to get a head for the patched-up-body.


Eryishon: Also called the Endless One, this demon has some power over time (thus his nickname). Anya tried to summon him to get her powercenter back, helped by Willow (who was lied to). The fluke in that spell (probably Willow's hand accidentally in the sand) caused the arrival of Willow's vampire self. Note that the spell has described below is an adaptation from AleXander's Transcripts, focusing only on the spell as it should have work normally.

A large white plate has a representation of Anya's lost necklace painted on it. Willow kneels facing it, arranging herbs, bones and candles. Anya sits at a desk and prepares a mixture of sands and powders.

Willow: "How does the spell work?

Anya: Uh, well, we both call on Eryishon, the Endless One, offer up the standard supplication, then there's a teensy temporal fold. We hope. Um, then I pour the sacred sand on the representation of the necklace, and Eryishon brings it forth from the time and place it was lost.

(...) Anya takes a deep breath and holds her hand out palm up over the plate. Anya: Eryishon. K'shala. Meh-uhn. Willow also reaches out with her hand palm up, keeping hers tip-to-tip with Anya's.

Willow: Diprecht. Doh-tehenlo nu-Eryishon.

Anya picks up the bottle of sacred sand and holds it over the plate.

Anya: The child to the mother.

Willow takes hold of the bottle as well.

Willow: The river to the sea.

Anya: (closes her eyes) Eryishon, hear my prayer."

Willow closes her eyes also. There is a low rumbling, and a pillar of energy appears over the plate and around the girls' hands. Their hands begin to shake, and Willow whips open her eyes, surprised by how powerful this spell actually is.


Espresso Pump: Name of a coffee bar in Sunnydale, right across the street from the Sun Cinema. Willow and Buffy often went there to have a chat over some coffee (or more precisely Mochas).


Ethan's Costume Shop: This shop only opened for one season (the Halloween '98), but what season ! (To get more familiar with Ethan look at his definition just below). The costumes he rented for Halloween were linked to a magical ritual he executed later that night. All the costumed people became what they were pretending to be. Buffy ended up being a 18th century scared noble women, while Xander though he was a GI Joe and that the ghostly Willow was going through the walls...


Ethan Rayne Former mate of Giles in London, he is very knowledgeable about surnatural and magic.  Ethan is bad but not evil, I would say he praises chaos rather than destruction.  So when he strikes, it involves illusions, transformation or suggestions.  One must also recognize his creativity: turning Halloween costumes into reality and adults into reckless teens addicted to chocolate.  I don't know of any murder he is directly responsible of (he have a shared responsibility in Randall's death), although his actions could have made numerous victims and that he proved to be dangerous many times. He also had the Mark of Eyghon tattooed on his arm until he destroyed it with sulfuric acid and tattooed it on Buffy (so that Eyghon would loose his trail). (See also "Janus").

And here is a little citation that I found and that goes in the sense of my previous remark concerning Chaos Vs. Destruction:

Ethan: "Chaos. I remain, as ever, thy faithful, degenerate son."


Etheral:  See "Astral".


Everyday Woman: A store in the Sunnydale Mall (large commercial center in the US). This is where Joyce had an outfit to pick up (in "Bad Eggs"), and she asked her daugther to do so. Since Buffy kicked a Lyle's butt she couldn't picked the outfitt (and her mother went nuts on her).


Evil Eye: See "Ovu Mobani".


Evita-like:   Willow's expression ("Nightmares"), wondering about Cordy's attitude (problem).


Exploring Demon Dimensions: One of the books that Buffy studied aftershe found Angel in the woods (back from Hell).


Extra-terrestrial: Xander’s criticism of Cordy’s men-consuming-habit after he overheard she was dating a college boy (a Delta Zeta Kappa). She nailed him back with the "Pizza Delivery Career" expression. ("Reptile Boy").

Xander: "Oh! An extra-terrestrial. So that's how you get a date after you exhausted all the human guys."


Eyghon: It's an ancient demon. It is known to men since the Etruscans (but the demon could be much older). Also known as "the Sleepwalker" because he can possess unconscious bodies, alive or dead. But he can only temporaly be in a dead-body, soon his energy will destroy the corpse. If the host is alive the possession is permanent (unless the proper ritual is set up) until the demon born within its victim. When the demon possesses a body he can either talk with his demon voice or using his host voice (even if the host is dead). The initiates who summon him for a temporary trans-possession have great feeling of power (which is mostly why they summon him). After he was exorcised from Randall, he decided to takes his revenge and to kill all the members of the former occult group Giles belonged to. The people concerned had their sleep haunted with nightmares as the demon took his revenge (it even had some aspect of telepathy or premonition). (Also see "Mark of Eyghon). This demon died in 1998 thanks to the gang (more precisely to Willow). They made him jump into the closest dead person who happened to be Angel. But Angel already has a demon inside who wasn't ready to share his body. Eyghon lost his life by losing this last fight.



Factory: The show often referred to "the factory". It's the lair that vampires (and more particularly the Anointed One) chose after that the master was killed. It will the become the headquater for Spike & Dru's reign over the Sunnydale undeads. Little time after Angel turned into Angelus (in "Passion" exactly) the factory will be burned down after Giles came to kill Angelus (who killed Jenny). Then the new house-of-the-vampires will be the mansion on Crawford street. When Spike came back to Sunnydale that's where he held Willow and Xander hostages (and where Cordy impaled herself).


Faith She was the new Slayer, or to be more precise the one succeeding to Kendra.  She came to Sunnydale followed by a very ancient vampire named Kakistos and his side kick Trick. She had been slaying for 3 months when her watcher was killed (butchered would be closer from reality) by the lethal duo.  She ran away and tried to hide in Sunnydale (bragging, but in reality terrified that they might find her).  She was more expressive than Buffy is, loved to party and seemed unbreakable.  Nonetheless she was sensitive and felt alone.  She lived in a small motel in Sunnydale, until she moved in the Mayor's appartement (well an appartement he owned, not the one he lived in). She (accidentally) killed a man (Allan Finch) and snapped out. She went bad (the Gang tried to get her back, but an attempt by Wesley was a wipe out and she was definetly lost). She killed Trick and went to the mayor to work for him.


Family Home: A so-called shelter in LA. "Come Home to Family Home" was their motto. Well instead of home, you were sent through a portal (a pool containing a dark liquid which was in reality the portal) to another world where you spent your life being brain-washed and used as a slave. You were then released once too old to accomplish anything. In this dimension time goes much faster than in ours (like a earth day correspond to about 100 years there). The advantage for them was that they could get some free slaves for decades and nobody looks for them (the kids were outcasts mostly, and if you'd search for a teen who had disappeared for a day or two, would except him/her to be that old tramp in the street?).


Fiesta Queen: See "Prom Princess".


Finch: See "Allan Finch".


First Evil: Well I'd say that it could be compared to the Fallen Angel of the Jewish/Christian traditions. Especially because of his immaterail appearance and because he has his own priests: the Harbringers (well some demons do have priests too, but that's an indication that this one is a powerful guy). Some people (especially in the Bronze) call him 'Prime Evil' but note that there is no indication of such a name in the show. According to what the Harbringers told to Angel (through the spirits that they manipulate) the First Evil had let him go from Hell so that he kill the Slayer. (I want to underline that not everybody agree on that. Some say that priests tried to convince Angel that he was free thanks to the First Evil, but that his liberation was just an opportunity for them to influence him. I even heard people claming that the First Evil did not exist that the Harbringers invented him,... But that last theory is false to me).

Giles: "These letters contain references to a... a... an ancient power known as The First.

Buffy: First what? Giles: Evil. Absolute evil, older than man, than demons. It could have had the power to bring Angel back." ("Amends")


Fish Tank:  A very "rank" bar in Sunnydale, according to Willow ("School Hard").  They have regularly police raids in this place... nice place.  Sheila used to hang around in there.


Flame of Life: Also called "Living Flame". It is basically a normal fire, magically changed into a powerful evil-incenerator. Here is the ritual, sorry if as often I can't tell you what are the components used in the spell:

Angel has a fire going in an urn and several small bowls of powders in various colors on a small table.

Angel: Exorere, Flamma Vitae. Prodi ex loco tuo elementorum, in hunc mundum vivorum.

[Translation: Arise, Flame of Life. Come forth from your place of the elements, into this world of the living.]

He shakes some of a green powder into his hand, throws it into the flame, and it begins to burn green.

Angel: Exorere, Flamma Vitae. Prodi ex loco tuo elementorum, in hunc mundum vivorum.

[Translation: Arise, Flame of Life. Come forth from your place of the elements, into this world of the living.]

He shakes some of a red powder into his hand, throws it into the flame, and it begins to burn red.

("Revelations", AleXander's Transcripts)

Then the living flame is ready, you can burn the glove. Note that if you made an error during that spell it will only make the glove more powerful (by immunisating it to the Living Flame???)


Flutie:  Mr. Flutie was principal of Sunnydale high, when Buffy arrived.  Nickname "Bob", he said students could call him this way,...but none of them tries.  I must confessed I liked him.  He was pretty nice, even when making the discipline.  His goal being to have students learn, not to harrass them (not like Snyder).  He was replace by Snyder after a pack of students acting as Hyenas ate him.  Xander was a "member" of the pack, but did not took part to the meal (...only because he wasn't here I bet).  The official version is that he was killed by wild dogs that entered his office.

"Mr. Flutie: Welcome to Sunnydale! A clean slate, Buffy, that's what you get here. What's past is past. We're not interested in what it says on a piece of paper, even if it says... Whoa!

Buffy: Mr. Flutie...

Mr. Flutie: All the kids here are free to call me Bob.

Buffy: Bob...

Mr. Flutie: But they don't." ("Welcome to the Hellmouth")


Football (American Football):   Here is a definition/quote from Giles that defines very well his view of football (a view often shared in "Rugby countries" (England, France, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia -although Australians have this weird Australian Football...). Once again Joss wass right.

"I just think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on its virility should feel compelled to strap on forty pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby.   (Some Assembly Required").


Fondren High:  It's another high school not far from Sunnydale, Meredith Todd and the two girls who died in the car accident were part of Fondren high's Pep Squad.


Ford: See "Fordham".


Fordham (Billy):  Also known as "Ford", he went 7 years at Hemery with Buffy in L.A.  She had a "giant" crush on him in Fifth grade (he never wanted, so she got depressed and listened to Divinyls). They used to eat a box of Oreos dunked in apple juice when she got depressed (is that a medically approved theraphy ???). Anyway Billy is a year older than Buffy, we meet him for the first time in "Lie To Me". He is then 18 and Buffy 17.

He tried to exchange, to spike,  the slayer and a bunch of vampire fans against eternal life (his brain tumors wouldn't leave him more than 6 months to live).  His plan didn't work everybody escaped.  He was killed (as a vampire) by Buffy.


Fork Guy:  Vampire that was more dangerous than usual ones.  The nickname was given by Buffy, as Angel told her to watch out.  She didn't knew his name and called him that way because Angel had marked on his forearm after an encounter with him.   Since then Buffy saw much more stonger than this guy.  This vampire displeased the Master and cut his hand in penitence.  He replaced the missing hand by a claw.


Forrester Book (The): One of Giles favorite books. Not only did he read it at least 20 times, but the book in itself is a first edition coming from his father. He lent that book to Jenny in "Dark Age".

Jenny: Yeah, y'know how you have to, to dog-ear your favorite pages so you can go back to them?

Giles: Uh, uh, uh, what?

Jenny: Well, I mean, I-I practically had to fold back every single page. So finally I just, I just started underlining all the pages I really wanted to discuss.

Giles: U-u-underlined...?

Jenny: But then, of course, I spilled coffee all over it, I can't even read it...

Giles: (can't believe it) It's a first edition! Jenny: I'm lying, Rupert. (smiles) The book's fine. (holds it up) I just love to see you squirm. (hands him the book)

("Dark Age", AleXander's Transcripts)


Foster:  Mrs. Foster is coach at Sunnydale high.  Accordind to Cordy she has chest hairs...I'm not gonna check it up for you sorry guys!!!


Frank (Miss): A Sunnydale high teacher who got shot down by the janitor (George). She was (unitentionally) acting like if she was Ms. Newman (George being James). That's why she ended-up dead.


Fraternity: (Cultural Note) Anglo-Saxon custom that one might join a sort of group when it goes to college. These groups, all named after Ancient Greek letter, have all a definite center of interest (Business, Religion, Party, Sciences,…) but contrary to others clubs on Universities Campus you can’t join like that. You have to be accepted by the members of the Fraternity and it’s hierarchy. You might have to pass some tests or to comply to certain standards (religion, major, social status,…). Then you will learn the inside rules of the Frat, its codes, secrets (like the special handshakes and ritual greetings). Some important Frats are pretty big and have head-chapters on several campus. Note that often there is a kind of tradition that members will have their children join the same frat they joined in college. On some Campus each Frat as one definite house in which the head of the frat on the campus live and held meetings (and parties). Also note that 85-95% of the frats have one goal: get trashed (=drunk) as often as possible. So they party with their (frat) brothers and sisters and drink heavily. Contrary to regular students who party with their friends and drink heavily…


Freddy Iversen: The chief-editor of the Sunnydale High Sentinel -- the school newspaper-- (he might have scandinavian origins according to his last name). From the extract below you can see that Freddy doesn't hide his opinions when he is writting... A note for people unfamiliar with English, 'obits' is 'obituaries' shortened (where the people's deaths are announced). According to Willow he is sardonic. But free speech is risky, and aside insult letters, he feared to be beat-up.

Willow: "Well according to Freddy's latest editorial, 'The pep rally is a place for pseudo-prostitutes to provoke men into a sexual frenzy, which, when thwarted, results in pointless athletic competition.

Xander: And the downside being?

Willow: The school paper is edging on depressing lately.Have you guys noticed that?

Oz: I don't know, I always go straight to the obits." ("Earshot")


Frederick Gruenstahler: See "Gruenstahler (Frederick and Hans)".


French:  See  "Nathalie Fench".


Fritz:  Another Computer Science student in Jenny Calendar's class.  He is a hardcore pro-computer guy.  Moloch corrupted him, as Dave (he even curved a 'M' in his arm).  He helped the demon and tried to kill Buffy (by electrocution in the shower, in girls' locker room) and killed Dave who warned Buffy, and kidnapped Willow, when Moloch commanded it.   He was rewarded for his efforts by his master with a broken neck.


Fruit Punch Mouth:  Color of the mouth of the Master.  Buffy's observation before she punched, it ("Prophecy Girl").


Fun City: Sunnydale! Expression used by... Snyder! You are not dreaming, that miracle happen thanks to our good old friend Ethan Rayne, when he played with the Milkbar chocolate...

Snyder: (smiling hugely) "Hey, gang! (puts his arms around the girls' shoulders) This place is Fun City, huh? (laughs)

Buffy: Principal Snyder?

Call me Snyder. Just a last name, like... (trying to be cool) Barbarino."

("Band Candy", AleXander's Transcripts)


Fun-Talking Guy: Expression used by Xander to qualifiy what he wasn't today (just after the end of his love for Ampatta)

Xander: "I'm really the Fun-Talking Guy today, huh? Sorry." ("Inca Mummy Girl")




Gage Petronzi: Another member of the swim team. Number three in the team (first after Dodd and Cameron "disapeared") He didn't worked at all in the computer class that Willow taught, so Snyder asked Will to turn his 'F' ('Failed') into a 'D' so he wouldn't be kicked out of the school.


Game Face:  "Angel you'd better put on your game face"  ("Prophecy Girl").  For those who didn't got it yet, that Buffy's expression for Angel when he has his vampire appearance.


Gang:  The gang is composed of Buffy (the executioner), Giles (the kidnapper -he locks his victims in the library), Willow (assistant researcher/hacker), Oz, Xander and Cordelia (victims of night sessions at the library) and Jenny (she was helping, but now she is dead).  The gang struggles to keep the demons and monsters out of town.  Kendra and Faith were helping as co-slayers.  The term "Scooby gang" is also used.


Garbage Girl: Cordy! So called by Harmony in "The Wish", after the break up with Xander (the real one, not the St Valentine one). Garbage was both used as a comparison to what Cordy was worth now and as a refrence to Cordy ending up in a pile of trash the night before (Buffy was fighting a vampire, Cordy was pushed away).

Harmony: "Oh, hey, it's Garbage Girl. Loved the look last night, Cor. Dumpster chic for the dumped."


George: He was the janitor at Sunnydale high. One night he shot dead Ms. Franck (apparently for no reason) because they both had re-played the scene between James and Ms. Newman.


Ghost:  Technically a ghost is a soul (or spirit) that didn't left our world after its death.  When the soul/spirit left its body, a strong link to our world kept him from reaching spiritual & eternal peace.  Usually the ghost is attached to an object that represent his reason for being here (the 'anchor').  The ghost of a person who died in a dungeon, might simply be attached to its corpse (and a simple burial rite, could free him).  The object can be anything from an old castle to a guitar.  Note the Poltergeist who is usually associated to a person/event (from whom he seeks revenge).  To free the ghost one must first find the reason that keep him in the material world, sometimes find the object that is linked to the ghost, and figure out what action/ritual can give the ghost what it needs.   Sometimes exorcism will be needed if the ghost is evil, crazy or just doesn't want to leave.


Giles (Rupert):  He is a Watcher, working as a librarian at Sunnydale high.  He learned about his future as a watcher when he was 10 years old (which compromised his plan to become a pilot fighter,...or eventually a grocer).   His father and grand-mother (father side) were Watchers before him.  His function as librarian, only began the semester Buffy joined the school.  Before that he was curator at the British Museum.   He's very cultivated, and is fluent in 5 languages.  Responsible for Buffy, he now is a friend of the slayer.  This double status leads to a real concern in her training (to keep her alive) and to more flexible rules (Angel and Oz, would not be tolerated by all watchers).  On a personal basis he is a pure English man, who studied History at Oxford, whose life is made for books (...and tea.  He also enjoys Bovril (a.k.a. "liquid cow")... I'm sorry for English people out there but I'll never get use to your food guys...).  He was Jenny 's boy friend.  And since Angelus killed her and tortured him, he now still conceives doubts about Angel (I wonder why???!!!).  His youth was agitated, he quited studies Oxford at 21, to end up deep into occultism and rock 'n roll (he played bass) with a group of "friends" in LondonThis when he got the mark of Eyghon tattooed on his left arm. Ethan is a former mate,from that time when he was nicknamed "Ripper" and did dark things.  When he acted as a teenager (chocolate has strange effects...), he was like a London suburbs hooligan (by the way it was a great episode!).

Xander: "Check it out. The Watcher is back on the clock. And just when you were thinking career change, maybe becoming a... a looker or a... a seer." ("Dead Man's Party")


Giles The Next Generation: Expression used by Cordelia, and concerning Wesley (not meaning to hurt by the way). Good call since Wesley do like a 'mini-Giles'. Notice that was the first time Wesley met Cordy (love at first sight... isn't that weird for a watcher? I thought these guys had no feelings). We can easily see a reference to Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Cordelia: "Check out 'Giles: The Next Generation'. What's your deal?

Wesley: Uh... I, uh... Well... I'm a...

Faith: New Watcher." ("Consequences")


Ginger: See "Ted Chervin".


Gleaves: A wealthy land owner of Sunnydale in the 19th Century. Somehow he ended up possessing Balthazar's amulet (was he from Wilkins' family?), and he was buried with in.


Glove of Myhnegon: Let's begin by a description of it from AleXander's Transcript of "Revelations": "It's an ancient-looking glove made of leather, chain mail and plate mail. There are small spikes along the plates that cover the back of the hand and the forearm. Ringed around the opening are ten hinged claws that look something like crab legs, but made of steel and very sharp." Basically once you wear the glove the claws close in your arm and you can't pull it of. What is this pretty little thing is made for? Well the exact powers are reccorded in very few books. It actually involves lighting involve lightning. To destroy the glove you must burn it with a Flame of Life.

Gwendolyn extends her arm above her, up toward the huge skylight and recites the Gaelic spell that will invoke the power of the glove.

Gwendolyn: Taou huogan maqachte milegaing! [Translation: Be mine, the power of Myhnegon!]

Gwendolyn: Tauo freim! [Translation: Be free!] ("Revelations, AleXander's Transcripts)

At this point the thunder will strike the glove. And each additional "Tauo freim!" that the glove bearer will say will unleash a lighting strike toward the target the glove is pointed at. If the arm wearing the glove is severed all the energy contained in it will unleash randomly, out of control...


G-Man:  This nickname was given to Giles by Xander in "When She Was Bad".  Unfortunately, for us it was a single use expression, since "G-Man" didn't liked it that much...

Xander: Yo! G-man! What's up?

Giles: Nice to see you. And don't ever call me that.


Godzilla: Xander referring to himself in the frat party of "Reptile boy", as he was toying with hors-d’œuvres in front of 2 girls (what a seductor this Xander…).

Xander: "Godzilla's attacking downtown Tokyo! Argh! Argh!"


Golem:  Can be said of any creature alive, created by a human being (opposed to birth, a gift from God/Nature).  It can be of any material (clay, iron,...) even flesh (different corpses must be used to increase the total vital energy trapped in bodies).


Good Box: (see "Boxes").


Gorch (Lyle & Tector): We first met Lyle when Buffy fought him at the Mall (he introduced himself which is polite for a cowboy & a vampire...). Then we met Tector (the stupidiest vampire around). They are both stupid brutes who fight each other all the time (for fun). But they really care for each other (when they were still human Lyle took care of his brother since there mother left them). Tector was eaten by the mother bezoar. (also see "Lyle Gorch").

Giles: "Success! At last. Your playmate is a fellow of repute, it seems. That's, um, Lyle Gorch, and that one's his brother, Tector. They're from Abilene. They, uh, they made their reputation by massacring an entire Mexican village in 1886.

Buffy: Friendly little demons.

Giles: That was before they became vampires. But, hum, the good news is that they're... not amongst the great thinkers of our times. I doubt if they're up to much. They're probably just drawn here by the, uh, Hellmouth's energy. " ("Bad Eggs")


Grace Newman: Teacher in the Fifties at Sunnydale high, she was shot in 1955 by a student (Jim Stanley) with whom she was in love. When she realised that they wouldn't be able to love each other normally (outside pressures) she decided to break up the relationship. (Also see the definition "Don't Walk Away From Me Bitch").


Grandpa Pete: This is Lyle and Tector Gorch's grandfather, or it was before they became vampires. All this 'nice' familly is from Abilene. And the Grandpa's specialty seems to have been Chili. Confidence from Lyle to his wife Candy (has she was toying around with a loaded crossbow).

Lyle: "Easy, darlin'. These things go through you faster than Grandpa Pete's chili." ("Homecoming")


Grandpapy: Jack O'Toole's Grand father. He is the one who raised him, when he found his grandson dead on the street. Apparently he was aware of the plan of Jack and his buddies. May be he is an undead too...


Grant: An high school in the Sunnydale area. Kelly Percell was a sophomore at Grant.


Gregory (Dr.):  As a science teacher at Sunnydale high.  The Giant Mantis Natalie French needed him away to execute her plan.  So she beheaded him (after he fertilized some of her eggs).  That sucks for him, especially since he is a nice guy.  From the begining he supported Buffy in her studies, telling her she was smart no matter what other might say.  And apparently he was the only teacher to think so...


Greenleigh (Ruth): Nurse at the Sunnydale high. She knew that the swim team was taking a steroids-fish DNA mix. She didn't told anything until Gage changed into a monster. Then she got scared and told the coach Marin to stop. He understood she wanted to quit, and turned her into a meals for his "boys".

Willow: "Dodd McAlvy: torn tendon. Gage Petronzi: fractured wrist, depression, headaches.

Buffy: It's all there in the school medical records.

Willow: All symptomatic of steroid abuse.

Xander: But is steroid abuse usually linked with, 'Hey, I'm a fish!'?

Willow: There must be something else in the mix. But the point is, these boys were obviously drugged.

Buffy: And Nurse Greenleigh treated every one of them. She must have known." ("Go Fish")


Greta Strauss: See "Strauss, Hans and Greta".


Grey's Anatomy:   One of the 3 books Willow found in Chris Epps' locker.


Gruenstahler (Frederick and Hans): This two kind brothers have are searched by Interpol for capital murder and terrorism (they bombed the flight 1402). They came in Sunnydale to get the prize money from the SlayerFest '98. They were with their boss (I have no clue who this guy is) which was using sophisticated high-tech devices to track down the prey and guide the 2 brothers. The Germans used AR-15s and a grenade launcher to (try to) kill their targets. They only killed Kulak with a grenade (he was in the same room as Buffy and Cordy). Later they shot on the targets their boss indicated them and actually killed themselves...

Guy Code: Expression used by Buffy in "Halloween", after she humiliated Xander (thinking she would help him). The extract of the scene is from AleXander's Transcripts:

Xander: "I'm gonna do what any man would do about it: (grabs Larry by the shirt) somethin' damn manly.

Larry smiles and laughs. He knocks Xander's hands away and grabs him by the shirt with his right hand. He balls his left hand into a fist and draws back for a punch. Buffy grabs his wrist, pulls it behind his back and slams his head into the vending machine. A Diet Dr Pepper rolls into the slot.

Buffy: Get gone.

She pulls Larry back from the machine and shoves him away. She notices the soda can.

Buffy: Ooo! Diet! (grabs the can)

Xander: Do you know what you just did?

Buffy: Saved you a dollar? Xander: No, but Larry was about to pummel me!

Buffy: Oh, that? Forget about it! (heads back to the table)

Xander: Oh, I'll forget about it. (follows her) In maybe fifteen, twenty years when my rep for being a sissy man finally fades!

Buffy: (stops and faces him) Xander, don't you think you're...

Xander: (interrupts) A black eye heals, Buffy, but cowardice has an unlimited shelf life. Oh, thanks! Thanks a lot for *your* help.

He grabs his bag from the table and walks off in a huff. Buffy moans and sits back down with Willow.

Buffy: I think I just violated the guy code big time."

[And a later sentence from Larry to Xander proving Xander to be right]

Larry: "Where's your bodyguard, Harris? Curling her hair?"


Gwendolyn Post: When the gang first met her she said was sent by the council to be Faith's new Watcher. She was a very strict and unkind woman (even Giles thought that). Anyway she wasn't a real watcher anymore (she was kicked out for misuses of dark powers), and exagerated her strict side so that Giles would try so hard to justify himself that he wouldn't call the council to check on her. She actually came to Sunnydale to get the Glove of Myhnegon. She got it, but Buffy cut her forearm off to free the glove from her grip. She was killed by the lightings coming out of the glove.



Hades: This definition I felt like I had to write it because I found a comment made in the show (see below) confusing. And also because there was a big mistake made on the attributions of the Goddess Diana (and one is enough). So Hades is no Satan. He is not an evil God (and if you tell me: "But I saw 'Hercules' by Disney and he was bad and mean!", then I'd tell you "God to Hell and this lame stupid Disney crap with you!", this is the worse so-called mythological-tale ever made (along with 'Hercules' and 'Xena'). Hades is stern and cold but he is fair (even if he kinda kidnapped his wife... But Greek Gods did much worse). He rules over what Greeks considered Hell, but that's not exactly what Christians & Jews call Hell. For example the Elyseans Fields are in Hell (do not get mixed up with the 'Champs Elysées' in Paris... actually you can. Paris is like Hell to me...). The Elyseans fields being the paradise of the justs and the wisepeople would spend the eternity under the aspect they had when they were the strong and beautiful, having lot of cool stuff to do. The Tartars field is what can be considered as Hell in the Christian tradition. And believe you don't wanna end-up there...

Priest: "He created all things in order that they might exist. And the generative forces of this world are wholesome, and there is no destructive poison in them. For the dominion of Hades is not on Earth, for righteousness is immortal." ("Lovers' Walk")


Hall (Ms.): A staff member at Sunnydale high in the Fifties. She took care of the decoration for the Sadie Hawkins dance in 1955.


Halloween: Aside from being a popular day (especially for sugar-loving kids -- Sorry, sugar-loving & kids,... I'm reapiting myself), it's a very quiet date for vampires. Too bad Ethan is not a vampire...

Here are couple of citations on Halloween (showing that pretty much evrybody was wrong):

- Snyder (to Buffy): "Halloween must be a big night for you. Tossing eggs, keying cars, bobbing for apples, one pathetic cry for help after another. Well, (leads her to the sign-up table) not this year, missy."

- Xander: "Halloween quiet? Oh, I figured it'd be a big old vamp scare-apalooza."

- Buffy: "So! How come Halloween is such a big yawner? I mean, do the demons just hate how commercial it's become?"

- Spike: "Spike: Tomorrow's Halloween. Nothing happens on Halloween."

("Halloween", AleXander's Transcripts).


Hank SummersHank is Buffy's father.  He met Joyce at the Homecoming dance, when Joyce was a freshman in high school.  He was with someone, she wasn't.  They ended up together, but Joyce never told how it happened.  He has divorced from Joyce in 1996, but he had already left the house before.  He loves Buffy, and tried to come certain week-end to see her.   Buffy really loves him too, but she was scared that he had left because of her (at that time her Slayer job, had her in a lot of troubles).  Althought he told her it was the real reason why he left ("Nightmares"), it was a nightmare not reality.   Usually Buffy spends the Summer with him in L.A., they also usually spend Buffy birthday at an ice-skating show.  Hank is only a time-to-time-character (and it's really not often he shows up).  He and Joyce separated because they just "grew apart from each others", so don't expect a fight when they meet again, there is no hate or tension between them.


Hans Gruenstahler: See "Gruenstahler (Frederick and Hans)".


Hans Strauss: See "Strauss, Hans and Greta"


Happy Burger: The local hamburger restaurant in Sunnydale. The mascot being a fat boy eating a burger (at least one company who recognize that junk food leads to overweight). The speciality is the drive-thru-take-away-Happy-burger-employee... Trick invented the formula one hungry night.


Harbringers: The high priests of the First Evil. They have no eyes, they have been replaced by some mystical symbol. They have the power to invoke and manipulate spirit. Thus they try to influence people with these apparitions. But I believe they might have other powers, especially when you know that their presence in the Sunnydale sewers pretty much emptied them from any form of un-life... They try to push Angel to kill Buffy, harrassing him with visions of his victims.

Giles: (...) "'For they are the Harbingers of death. Nothing shall grow above or below them. No seed shall flower, neither in man nor...' (gestures that it goes on and on) They're rebels and they'll never ever be any good. (...)" ("Amends")


Harris (Alexander LaVelle):  See "Xander".


Harris (Mrs):   Xander's mother.  She has apparently no knowledge of cooking, whatsoever.   Hopefully for her, there is home delivery...


Harmony:  Another groupie of Cordy.   Once again: avoid!!!  She's a long time follower, almost a best friend (if it was possible for Cordy to have a best friend).  She was pushed in the stairs by Marcie, and broke her ankle.

Harmony: "God! (looks Xander up and down) Y'know, I'm glad your mom stopped working at the drive-through long enough to dress you. (to Cordelia) Oh, that reminds me. (Xander starts away) Did you see Jennifer's backpack? It is *so* a crying...

Cordelia: (interrupts) Harmony, shut up. (Xander looks back) Do you know what you are, Harmony? You're a sheep.

Harmony: I'm not a sheep.

Cordelia: You're a sheep. All you ever do is what everyone else does just so you can say you did it first. And here I am, scrambling for your approval, when I'm *way* cooler than you are 'cause I'm *not* a sheep. I do what I wanna do, and I wear what I wanna wear. And you know what? (Xander smiles) I'll date whoever the hell I wanna date. No matter how lame he is." ("Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered", AleXander's Transcripts).


Harrold:  Coach at Sunnydale high.  Also Gym teacher.  Likes to have students play dodgeball, when it rains... a game he likes when brutal.


Harvest: "The Harvest is a period that follows the rising of the Master during which his minions go out and hunt.   All the blood Luke drinks is transfered directly to the Master.  For that occasion Luke is called a "vessel".  The Harvest was suppose to get energy back to the Master, and finally free him.  Too bad for him Buffy was in town...   The previous Harvest, took the form of a wave of killing and murders before the earthquake of 1937 in California, so the Master could get enough energy to open the Hellmouth. But he was trapped in the Sunk Church and now the Harvest is made to restore his powers so that he can get out of his prison. All the extracts below are from "Welcome to the Hellmouth" and "The Harvest". The ritual is an adaptation from AleXander's Transcript of "The Harvest", so that only itsdescription remains.

Luke: The sleeper will wake. The sleeper will wake. The sleeper will wake. The sleeper will wake, and the world will bleed. 'In the Harvest he will be restored. And like a plague of boils, the race of man covered the Earth. But on the third day of the newest light would come the Harvest. And the blood of men will flow as wine. When the Master will walk among them once more! The Earth will belong to the old ones. And Hell itself will come to town. For they will gather and be gathered. From the Vessel pours life.On the night of the crescent moon, the first past the solstice it will come.'

The Ritual:

Luke approaches the Master and kneels before him. The Master offers his hand. Luke takes it and kisses it. He releases it and the Master turns it over to offer the underside of his wrist. Luke opens the cuff of the Master's sleeve and pulls it back. He takes his hand again, sinks his fangs into the wrist above it and drinks of the blood. He releases the hand, and the Master takes it back.

Master: My blood is your blood. My soul is your soul.

Luke: My body is your instrument. The Master steps down to Luke and begins to draw a three-pointed star on Luke's forehead with the blood still flowing from his wrist.

Master: On this most hallowed night we are as one. Luke is the Vessel! Every soul he takes will feed me. And their souls will grant me the strength to free myself.


Hatchlings: Name given to the bezoars by Buffy (see "bezoars" to learn more on these charming little creatures).


Have a Nice Summer:  High school expression used when a student signs a year book and have no clue about what to write.  Compared to the "Kiss of Death" by Xander.  Marcie only had this message (in several copies) on this year book.... and the "have a great summer!" by Willow.


Hebron's Almanach: An occult volume, which among others, contain a binding spell. It's based on elemental summoning and was used by Giles in "The Zeppo" to close the Hellmouth that the Sisterhood of Jhe was gonna open. Here is the text of the spell and the preparation, as transcribed by AleXander Thompson.

Sunnydale High School at night, the library. Giles has cleared away the table and chairs and painted a black circular figure on the floor. Eight rays extend from the edge. Inside are four small semicircles which mark the four corners. At the center three short lines intersect. A lit candle stands on each line and a fourth at their intersection. All around the circle and the room are more candles. Giles is busy lighting them as he recites a spell from a book.

Giles: Terra, vente, ignis et pluvia. Cuncta quattuor numina, vos obsecro. Defendete nos a recente malo resoluto.

[Translation: Earth, wind, fire and rain. Linger four gods, we implore you. Defend us, immediately after I will release you.]

And the end of the spell:

Giles: "Omnia... vasa... veritatis!" [Translation: All things... the vessel... of truth!]


Hecate: Often refered to as the Greek Goddess of the magic arts and spirits, a powerful and respected Goddess (even by Zeus/Jupiter). This is only partially true, since in reality Hecate is not a pure Goddess, it's only another name given to the Goddess Diana (see the definition) when she is in Hell. In Hades' Realms ('Pulto' for the damned Romans) Diana/Hecate is supposed to keep away from the Styx (the sacred river in Hell) for 100 years the souls of those who didn't got any sepultures. But time brings changes and nowdays you will often simply find definition of Hecate as the divinity of magic (as I mentioned before). That's what happened In "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" where she was invocated in a spell ("Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered"). A great deal of Greek mythology refering to animal transformation, this spell is close to reality (according to the Ancient Greece thinking), even if I can't recall of any rat-transformation (famous human changes being pigs, spider, deer and cow). But I'll be looking if Hecate already had a preference for rats in the pasts. Anyway there is a little mistake when saying (see below) "Goddess of the creatures great and small". Diana is the Goddess of animals (and hunters), Hecate is another name for the divinity BUT as I said she is has deifferent attributions than Diana. That mix between Diana and Hecate's attribute is unclear in the show. In a later episode ("Gingerbread"), to inverse the transformation the spell was basically the same that the one written below, except that the formula used both Diana and Hecate... As I told you it's getting vey messy on this particular point of mytholgy... Seems like some people didn't showed up to all theis classes in college...

Amy (gesturing at Buffy): "Goddess Hecate, work thy will. Before thee let the unclean thing crawl!

[This spell turned Buffy into a rat, but nothing says she couldn't have been changed into another small animal with a sligth change in the spell. Also notice that the essence of the spell probably reside in the gesturing more than in the formula, since the sayings seems to be adaptable to the situation and since Amy got changed into a rat herself ("Gingerbread") when she did not targeted her spell at someone]

Amy (note Buffy is not in the room when the spell is reversed): Goddess of creatures great and small, I conjure thee to withdraw. Hecate, I hereby license thee to depart." [This spell got Buffy back to normal]


Heidi:  She is a student and a member of Kyle's group.   Ex-member of the 'Pack' (see def.).


Helen's Kitchen: The sleazy restaurant in LA. Mitch is trhe cook (apparently not good looking, but a nice guy) where Buffy worked at, under the name of 'Anne', when she ran away from home. That's also where she met Rickie and Lily/Chantarelle. When Buffy quited LA Lily took Buffy's place as waitress in that restaurant.


Hellmouth: Sunnydale is located on a convergence point of mystical forces.   Thus there is a portal (hopefully closed) that lay there, between our reality and Hell.  The term is a translation from "Boca del Infierno", name given to the place by the Spanish settlers.  This place is thus of strategical importance in the fight between Good&Evil.  The Master failed to open it when he tried.   The Hellmouth center is in the high school library.


Hellmouth Petting Zoo: Buffy's house according to her. She said that joke when Giles came to get the undead cat that was hiding under Joyce's bed.

Buffy: "Welcome to the Hellmouth Petting Zoo.

Giles (grabbing the undead cat from under Joyce's bed): Oh, my God, what a stench!

Buffy: You know, I wanted Forest Pine or April Fresh, but Mom wanted Dead Cat." ("Dead Man's Party")


Hell On Wheels: Some of you already recognized Spike in this description... Well the diminished Spike in his wheel-chair. As usual it was coming from Angelus. Used in "I Only Have Eyes For You".

Angelus: "No can do, Dru. I'm sure he'd be hell on wheels, but we don't have much time. Gotta travel light. Sorry. Try to have fun without me."


Hell's Offspring: One of the book laying around in the library and that Joyce saw when she came for Buffy in "Bad Eggs".


Hemery High School: This is a high school in Los Angeles. Buffy got kicked out from there (simply because she was reponsible for burning down the gymnasium...). She had been there for 7 years, with her good friend Billy Fordham.


Herbert:  Sunnydale's high school's mascot for the 'Razorbacks'.  The little pig, didn't lasted long.  'The Pack' decided it would be better for him to end-up in their stomachs rather than to stay in his cage.   Note he wasn't cooked...


Hindi Movie: This stuff was so weird it had to be included in the dictionary. On a night were they were broke Willow, Xander and Buffy had to stay in Buffy’s room watching a Hindi movie on TV (which are very often musicals, a style very popular in India). This movie was broadcasted on the Channel 59: the Indian TV (see the def.).

Xander: "Is she dying?"

Buffy: "I think she's singing."

Xander: "To a telephone in Hindi. Now that's entertainment! Why is she singing?

Willow: "She's sad because her lover gave her twelve gold coins, but then the wizard cut open the bag of salt, and now the dancing minions have nowhere to put their big maypole... fish thing."

Xander: "Uh-huh. Why is she singing?"

Buffy: "Her lover? I thought that was her chiropractor."

Willow: "Because of that thing he did with her feet? No, that was personal."(…)

Buffy: "So, how does the water buffalo fit in again?" ("Reptile Boy").


Hippo: See "Monkeys".


His Ugliness: Probably my favorite nickname refering to Snyder so far. I thinks it nicely combine his dictator behavior and his repulsing aspect (not only physically but mainly mentally) Used by Buffy (no suprise here) in "Dead Man's Party".


Hmm:  The "hmm", is the typical sounds of the "Gilius-Watcherium".  The "hmm" as two possible meanings.  It can be a mark of understanding, while the brain is considering the importance and implications of the information just received.  The second use of the "hmm", is to let the protagonist(s) believe that he actually paid attention to what was just said.  It's nonetheless fairly easy to differentiate both, since the second is almost always used while reading a book (and continuing to do so).


Hobson: One of the 2 employees of the Watcher's Council that were working on the boarding house so that it would fit the Cruciamentum requirements. He was (horribly) killed by his now-vampire friend Blair and by Zackary Kralik.


Hoelich: See "Andrew Hoelich".


Hogan Martin: One of the good players of the Sunnydale high basketball team. Apparently a pretty nice guy (not acting like an asshole just because the team is winning).

Willow: "Man, I've never seen anyone jump like Hogan Martin. They should call him... 'The Jumper' !" ("Earshot")


Holly Charleston: One of the pretendant to be the Homecoming Queen title in 1998. She was the competitor of Michelle Blake, but also Cordelia and Buffy. She was elected Homecoming Queen tie with Michelle Blake (a first time for the school).

Cordelia: "Holly Charleston. Nice girl. Brain dead. Doesn't have a prayer." ("Homecoming")


Homecoming:  See "Spring Fling".


Hope: See "Scott Hope".


Hulk: This expression was used by Tom Warner to refer to "Tackle" in "Reptile Boy".  No need to say that except the green skin, "Tackle" is pretty much like the famous montain of muscles from the comics & the (eighties) TV show.

Tom: "Anyway, the, uh, the Hulk is gone, so you don't have to dance with me."

Buffy: "He might come back."


Human sacrifice: Seems like Xander was wrong again...

Guide: "Welcome, students. We shall now proceed into the Incan burial chamber. The human sacrifice is about to begin.

Cut to the entry to the Inca exhibit. They all walk in.

Xander: Typical museum trick. Promise human sacrifice, deliver old pots and pans. "

("Inca Mummy Girl", from AleXander's transcripts)


Hume's Paranormal Encyclopedia: A important volume on occulism. Gwendolyn referd to it (among others) to underline that Giles' library wasn't as complete as he thought...


Hyenas:   Encountered in "The Pack", they came from Africa to the zoo.   Presentated to Buffy and Willow by the zookeeper, this way: "The Masai tribesmen told me that hyenas are capable of understanding human speech. They follow humans around by day, learning their names. At night, when the campfire dies, they call out to a person. Once they separate him, the pack (snaps his fingers) devours them".  They are supposed to have been rejected from Noah's arch for being an evil and impure mixture of dog and cat.


Hypnosis:    The power of convincing someone to do something (often against his/her will), by using a ritual or special mental capacities.  The Master had that power.



Ice-Skating Rink: If you want to go ice-skating in Sunnydale, there is a rink just out on the route 17. It's closed on Tuesdays though. And I don't suggest you try to sneak in on this day, because you might just end up in the middle of a fight between Angel and Buffy against the Cyclops...


I-Cling-Onto-My-Own-Lame-Idea Guy: Expression used by Xander in "I Only Have Eyes For You", to qualify Giles' attitude. He would keep saying the poltergeist was Jenny's ghost, when the gang kept on assuring him that the manifestations had nothing to do with the way she had died.

Xander: "I know. He's usually Investigate-Things-From-Every-Boring-Angle Guy. Now he's I-Cling-Onto-My-One-Lame-Idea Guy. What gives? "


Idiot Box: (see boxes).


Idiot Jed: Xander's little name for his own stupid-self.

Xander: "You know what? 'Nuff said. Forget it. It must've been my multiple-personality guy talking. I call him Idiot Jed, glutton for punishment." ("Surprise")


Investigate-Things-From-Every-Boring-Angle Guy: See "I-Cling-Onto-My-Own-Lame-Idea Guy".


Invitation: This entry concerns exclusively the "right to enter" for a vampire. Actually to enter in any batiment or closed space (like a car) a vampire must have some form of invitation to come in. Note that it doesn't have to be neccessarily prounounced by anybody (see the Sunnydale high school case below). The invitation once pronouced is valid for ever (which basically means the vampire can come in and out at will, wether oir not someone is in, or wants him to come in). An invitation is also nominative. You don't have to prounouce the name of the vampire, but if Joe Blood is invited to come in all the other vampires can't come in.

Now to revoke an invitation you have to apply a ritual (see the second extract for AleXander's Transcript of "Passion")

Jenny: "Angel... (slowly moves toward the door) How did you get in here?

Angelus: I was invited. The sign in front of the school... 'Formatia trans sicere educatorum.'

Jenny: 'Enter all ye who seek knowledge.' " ("Passion")


Giles: "I-I found a ritual to revoke the invitation to vampires. (...)

Giles: Um, the-the-the, uh, the ritual's fairly basic, actually. It's just the recitation of a few rhyming couplets, burning of, uh, moss herbs, sprinkling of holy water... (...) Hanging of crosses...


Willow reads a Latin verse from a book.

Willow: 'Hicce verbis consensus rescissus est.' "

Translation: By these strong unanimous words [Angelus' permission to enter] is rescinded.


Ira Rosenberg: Willow's father. We don't know much about him... Except that he is faithfully Jewish and that he (and his wife) tries to raise Willow as right as possible (but there are conflict of interests between parents' rules and Willow's wants).

Cut to Willow's room. She nails a cross next to her French doors and pulls the curtain over to hide it.

Willow: "I'm gonna have a hard time explaining this to my dad.

Buffy: You really think it'll bother him?

Willow: Ira Rosenberg's only daughter nailing crucifixes to her bedroom wall? I have to go over to Xander's house just to watch 'A Charlie Brown Christmas' every year.

Buffy: I see your point." ("Passion", AleXander's Transcripts)


Isaiah (11:6): Verse of the Scriptures:   "The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the calf, the lion and the fatling together, and the little child to lead them."  That's the last warning send by brother Luca.   This combined with one Aurelius' prediction: "'The Slayer will not know him, and he will lead her into Hell.", told Giles that the Anointed one was a child.



Jackals: A gang in Sunnydale. Was at war with the gang of Jack O'Toole and his frineds. They are responsible for the killing of Parker, who they threw off a bridge. After that they were all killed by Jack, Bob and Dickie.


Jacket:  After the silver cross ("Welcome to...") Angel gave away his leather jacket ("Teacher's Pet") to Buffy.  At that time, even if he was still the mysterious-bad-news-man ("Cryptic Guy") it was another sign of the future love between them.  The jacket was still used as a symbol much later after this episode.


Jack O'Toole: One the 'psychos' of Sunnydale high (every school needs at least one). He repeated three times the 12th grade, and have some violent issues (and his carrying a knife, 'Katie', way too big). When we met him he was actually dead. He had been killed during a drive-by shooting (basically it's some guys in a car, who shoot while driving. But I guess you have to live in the US to appreciate that kinda thing...). Anyway, Jack was raised by his Grandpapy, 10 minutes after he was killed. Then he wited for the good star alignement to raise (calling upon Uurthu the Restless) his buddies Bob (shot by the Armenian guy working at the liquor store), Parker (was thrown off a bridge by the Jackals) and Dickie. Tey apparently had quiet a criminal background (bombing, hold-ups, stealing and killing of an adverse gang, the Jackals). They then decided to bomb the school. Xander stopped them. He accidentally beheaded Parker, purposely crushed Bob's head with the vending machine, Dickie was destroyed by 3 Sisters of Jhe and Jack (after stoping the bomb) was eaten by Oz (as a werewolf).

Xander (speaking of Jack): "I could've taken him.

Cordelia: Oh, please! O'Toole would macrame your face. He is a psycho. Which is still a lot cooler than being a wuss." ("The Zeppo")


Jackson (Miss): Mathematics teacher at Sunnydale high. She taugh the Algebra II class (1997, second semester, second period) to Buffy and Ben.


Jackson (Mrs.):  History teacher at Sunnydale High.


Jacuzzi Boy: Nice expression of Faith to describe Balthazar. Faith ain't very often reccorded for her expressions, but this one is pretty good (and close to truth...)

Buffy: "We need a little more firepower than none. We should head back to the library.

Faith: Well, I guess Jacuzzi Boy isn't going anywhere. (...)" ("Bad Girls")


James (1): A little boy waiting for his mom to pick him up, in the Sunnydale Park at dust. Drusilla thought he would be a nice meal, but hopefully for the kid, Angel came first and told him to run to his home.


James (2): See "Jim Stanley" (if you are looking for the 1955 student who shot his teacher)


Janus: God in the Roman mythology (note that's one of the rare gods that the Roman did not copy from the Greek mythology). According to the original mythology his has a double face: one for the past and one for the future. He looks after births and the home's door. His representation has usually a key that opens the year in one hand (not hard then to guess where January comes from), and a stick in the other one (travellers' symbols, who he always welcome).

With time Janus' functions have been a bit modified. Thus in the western cultures his double face have been assimilated to the duality (kind like the Yin & the Yang), which is not really true. In "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" he is basically both man-woman, good-bad,... or as Giles put it: "Primarily the division of self. Male and female, light and dark. " Ethan used a statute representing Janus in his spell to make people become their costumes (only costumes coming from Ethan's Costume Shop) on Halloween night.. Here is an adaptation of AleXander's Transcripts to focus on Ethan's ritual:

Ethan kneels before his statue of Janus (a woman's face on one side and man's face on the other). He presses his hands together and winces in pain. When he pulls them apart there are wounds in his palms, and blood flows freely from them.

Ethan: "The world that denies thee, thou inhabit."

He dabs the blood from his left hand with his right middle finger and smears it over his right eyelid.

Ethan: "The peace that ignores thee,..."

He dabs the blood from his right hand with his left middle finger and smears it over his left eyelid.

Ethan: "...thou corrupt."

He dabs the blood from his left hand with his right middle finger again and smears a cross onto his forehead.

Ethan: "Chaos. I remain, as ever, thy faithful, degenerate son."

"Janus, evoco vestram animam. Exaudi meam causam. Carpe noctem pro consilio vestro. Veni, appare et nobis monstra quod est infinita potestas."

Translation: "Janus, I invoke your spirit. Hear my plea. Seize the night for your own reason. Come, appear and show to us that which is infinite power."

"Persona se corpum et sanguium commutandum est. Vestra sancta praesentia concrescet viscera. Janus! Sume noctem!"

Translation: "The mask transforms itself into flesh and blood. Your holy presence curdles the heart. Janus! Take the night!"

A wind begins to blow. (The transformation process now begins)

Ethan: Showtime! (Personnal note: this last comment is not mandatory in this spell, but it makes it sound cooler...)

To stop the spell, you have to take the Janus statute and to break it.


Jeff Orkins: A boy that was found dead in the woods. The Gang thought it might be Oz who killed him (Xander slept instead of watching him). But in reality the murderer was Pete, who was jealous of him (he was joking around with Debbie in the Jazz band).


Jennifer: Sunnydale high school student.


Jenny Calendar:  We first met jenny when she helped to kick out Moloch from the internet (hopefully for the web surfers).  At that time we knew her a a "neo-pagan", both interested in high-tech (she's a computer science teacher) and occultism.  While her relationship with Giles progressed, we only learned that she drove a Beetle and loved football, concerts, the Burning Man festival, monster trucks, and... Giles.  She was once possessed by the demon Eyghon who tried to killed both Giles and Ethan with Jenny's body. This episode of her life almost broke her relationship with Giles (whose fault it was). Later she had to revealed that she was in reality Janna, a Kalderash (a Gypsy) who are the ones who cursed Angel (see "Kalderash").  Jenny's task was to ensure that Angel lived a daily hell (so the curse won 't cease).  As he became Angelus again he killed Jenny's uncle Enyos (the only one able to re-new the curse in the tribe).  Jenny was killed later by Angelus.


Jesse:  He used to be in the Willow-Xander-Jesse trio, which Buffy was gonna make a quatuor, but Darla's fang changed the plans.  Actually he survived, to be later turned into vampire by Luke.  He was designed to be a bait to lead Buffy in the sewer, while she tried to rescue him. Xander had to fight him, and ashed him (accidentally) in the Bronze.

Master: "If she is a Slayer, and this boy lives, she'll try to save him.

Luke: I thought you nothing more than a meal, boy. Congratulations! You've just been upgraded. To bait."

("The Harvest")


Jimmy Olsen Joke: Reference made by Xander to 'Superman'. Jimmy Olsen being the young reporter (Xander) who tries to prove he's someone, while his boss Mr. White (Giles) gives all the opportunies to Clark (Buffy) and Lois (Faith). Xander is probably a Superman fan since he referred to Superman in the previous episode ("Helpless", see "Slayer Kryptonite"). Also note that Cordelia made the same comparison a bit later. And it's not the first, nor the last, reference made to superheroes, since Buffy had a "spider sense" comment early in the show ("I Robot, You Jane") and Cordelia continued that serie by speaking of Daredevil (a blind super hero) later in "The Zeppo".

Xander: "But, gee, Mr. White, if Clark and Lois get all the good stories, I'll never be a good reporter.

Giles: Hmm?

Xander: Jimmy Olsen joke, sir. Pretty much gonna be lost on you, huh?

Giles: Sorry."


Cordelia: "It must be really hard when all your friends have, like, superpowers : Slayer, werewolf, witches, vampires. And you're, like, this little nothing. You must feel like Jimmy Olsen." ("The Zeppo")


Jim Stanley: A student at Sunnydale high, but in the 50's. He was pretty smart (he was on the honor roll), until he felt in love with Ms. Newman, one of his teacher. When she rejected him, he couldn't stand it and shot her dead the night of the Sadie Hawkins dance. He then shot himself. Since his ghost has been haunting the school on that particular date.(and the days before).(Also see the definition "Don't Walk Away From Me Bitch").

Willow scrolls through a newspaper article on her laptop. The title reads "Sunnydale High Jock Kills Lover, Self".

Willow: "It says a student murdered a teacher on the night of the Sadie Hawkins Dance. The rumor was they were having an affair, and she tried to break it off. After he killed her, he went into the music room and shot himself." ("I Only Have Eyes For You")


Jinx:  "The ultimate jinx" according to the Slayer is someone saying "as long as nothing bad happens" ("School Hard").  Kinda close to Murphy's law I'd say.


Joan Collins 'tude:  A well inspired expression by Cordy (just after the "Bitch-of-the-Year" one) that shows she isn't that dumb from times to times.  She was warning Buffy on her behavior (and she was right actually) in "When She Was Bad".  (see "Bitch-of-the-Year" and "Let's Dance").


Joe-Here's-What-I'm-Thinking: A nickname Buffy gave to Angel after he reproach him to force him into speaking/thinking about Faith. It was in "Earshot" and she could read people's mind (not vampire though as she learn it).

Angel: "You don't have to play games with me, Buffy. Ever.

Buffy: Well, you're not exactly Joe Here's-What-I'm-Thinking.

Angel: So ask me."


John Lee: One of Cordy's ex-boyfriend. A football player. That with a very short chat with him that she had become nothing in Sunnydale High, being "Harris Cast-Off". But he asked her out for the Winter-Brunch in the "Bizarro Land".


John Wayne: Actually I'm not gonna discuss the famous Western-movies actor (the type of movie in which the good cowboy, kick the bad Indian's butt). Here it was a nickname given to Kendra by her best friend Buffy in "What's My Line, Part 2". As usual Kendra had a fairly simple plan (Approx. 'Let's go ash Spike').

Buffy: "It's a little more complicated than that, John Wayne."


Jo-Jo: "The Dog-faced boy" according to Cordelia. But we have to accord her some credits for this definition since the kid, dress-up as a sasquash had turned into a real one, and chase her around.


Jonathan: A shy and small Sunnydale High student. Although he ain’t what Cordelia usually like in men, he became her boyfriend/personal-slave after she had a bad experience with college guys (see the "Machida" def. to see what I mean). He was also going to be kissed by Ampatta ("Inca Mummy Girl"), in the Bronze when she needed some vital energy not to look mummified. He was saved by Xander showing up. He didn't couldn't make it in the swim team, and was mocked by swimmers because of that. He is often showed up as a loser and bullied around by others, up to the point that in "Earshot" he attempted to commit suicide (by shoting himself) in the school clock tower.


Jordy Oz's very young cousin (son of Maureen and Ken).  He is has the werewolf curse, and passed it to Oz biting his finger.

Oz: "Aunt Maureen. Hey, it's me. Um, what? Oh! It's, uh... actually it's healing okay. That's pretty much the reason I called. Um, I wanted to ask you something. Is Jordy a werewolf? Uh-huh. And how long has that been going on? Uh-huh. What? No, no reason. Um... Thanks. Yeah, love to Uncle Ken." ("Phases")


Joy:  Cheerleading squad leader of Sunnydale High and groupie of Cordelia.


Joyce Summers:  She's Buffy' mother.  She divorced from Hank in 1996, one year before they moved in Sunnydale.  But the couple had troubles before that.  This poor woman is supposed to raise Buffy.  Task which is difficult: she even had to listen to tapes on education to try to figure out how she could handle her daughter.   She runs an art gallery in Sunnydale.  She never knew about the Slayer until the last episode of season 2.  Before that, she thought Buffy was immature and violent.  The truth caused a conflict between her and her daughter, leading to Buffy's run away.  She know accept it more, but still tries to make Buffy quit (especially since Faith is here, a replacement in Joyce's mind).  She thinks (little less now) Giles is responsible for the slaying activity.  Note:  She is divorced and thought she was shocked by the Ted "incident", a possible future could see her and Giles (now single) together.  But that's only an hypothesis (although we know, and Buffy knows, that she and Giles had sex twice on the hood of a police car in "Band Candy" --they were drugged but still...--).  Know facts about her past: she wore Gidgit hairs during her Junior year at Highschool and was a member of the year book staff as photo editor (and thus appeared on every page).

Joyce: "Come on. You can tell me anything. I've read all the parenting books. You cannot surprise me." ("Passion")


Judge: A hell of a demon !!! This big blue guy (see his legend below), could feel by simply looking at a person if this person contained any good feelings. After being dismembered and reassembled he was much weaker (some people would have been in a worse state of health...) so he needed to touch his victim to destroy them. At full strength he doesn't. He was kinda making his little tour in the Mall (to find some nice human victims to get his strength back), when the gang came up to welcome him. Note that no weapon forged can kill him. Hopefully nowadays we manufacture weapons. And we actually do have stuff like anti-tank rocket launcher, who are pretty efficient when it comes to kick a demon little butt. Or to be more precise to change a living Judge into dead pieces of Judge....

Angel: "It-it's a legend... way before my time... of a demon brought forth to rid the Earth of the plague of humanity... separate the righteous from the wicked... and to burn the righteous down. They call him the Judge.

Giles: The Judge? This is he?

Angel: Not all of him.

Buffy: (raising her hand) Um, still needing backstory here.

Giles: Um... He, he, he couldn't be killed, yes? Um, a-an army was sent against him. Most of them died... but, uh, finally they were able to dismember him, but, uh... not kill him.

Angel: The pieces were scattered... buried in every corner of the Earth.

Jenny: So all these parts are being brought here.

Buffy: By Drusilla. The vamps outside were Spike's men.

Angel: She's just crazy enough to do it.

Willow: Do what, reassemble the Judge?

Angel: And bring forth Armageddon." ("Surprise", AleXander's Transcripts)


Giles: "The more I study the Judge, the less I like him. His touch can literally burn the humanity out of you. A true creature of evil can survive the process. No human ever has.

Xander: What's the problem? We send Cordy to fight this guy, and we go for pizza.

Buffy: Can this guy be stopped? Without an army?

Giles: Um, 'no weapon forged can kill him.' Not very encouraging. If we could only stop them from assembling him." ("Surprise")


Jungle Bob: A human hunter at the SlayerFest '98. He had set-up bear traps in the forest and had his rifle to finish off the work. Unfortunately (for him) he walked in one of his trAp and Buffy took his rifle... Actually Jungle Bob is not is real name but the nickname that Buffy gave him...




Kakistos: Name of a very old vampire who looks a bit like an annimal with his hide, and his cloven hands and feet. He is extremely vicoius and dangerous (his name means 'the worst of the worst'). Faith and her watcher encountered him. He killed/tortured the watcher, but before she ran away Faith try to stop him and he lost an eye. He thus tracked down Faith to get his revenge. He is Trick's Sire, but Trick left him alone against Faith and Buffy, because he was sick of him.

Buffy: "Faith, what happened?

Faith: I... I was there when he killed my Watcher, and I saw what he did to her... what he was gonna do to me. I tried to stop him, but I... I couldn't. And I ran." ("Faith, Hope and Trick")


Kalderash: The Kalderash people are more commonly known as gipsies. They have an important role in the storyline of the show since they are the one who cursed Angelus and made him become Angel. They have extremely strong family bonds and an insult is never forgiven. The "family chief" is the Elder woman, and elders in general. I'll let Enyos (Jenny/Janna's uncle explain the origin of the curse:

Enyos: "The elder woman has been reading signs. Something is different.

Jenny: Nothing has changed. The curse still holds.

Enyos: The elder woman is never wrong. She says his pain is lessening. She can feel it.

Jenny: There is...

Enyos: There is what?

Jenny: A girl.

Enyos: What? How could you let this happen?

Jenny: I promise you. Angel still suffers. And he makes amends for his evil. He even saved my life.

Enyos: So you just forget that he destroyed the most beloved daughter of your tribe?! That he killed every man, woman and child that touched her life?! Vengeance demands that his pain be eternal as ours is! If this, this girl gives him one minute of happiness, it is one minute too much!" ("Surprise")


Kalish (Mrs.): She lived in the house just in front of the one ofthe Summers. She opened the door to Norman Pfister from Blush Beautiful Skin Cares, to get free samples. Too bad, the guy was a bounty hunter from the Order of Taraka... The last thing we heard from her was a scream.


Kane: If you are looking for Desmond Kane then see "Mehrenstadt Text".


Kate: Member of Cordy's group. So she is basically totally uninteresting...


Katie (1): A Sunnydale high student.


Katie (2): Not a girl but a big hunting knife. That's how Jack O'Toole named it.

Jack: "She's called 'Katie'.

Xander: You gave it a girl's name. How very serial killer of you. (...)" ("The Zeppo")


Kayless (circle of):   The circle of Kayless, is a spell.  Concerned people form a circle and say an incantation (most of it is translated from Italian; thanks to AleXander Thompson's transcripts): 

"By the power of the divine, by the essence of the word, I command you.  By the power of the circle of Kayless.  By the power of the circle of Kayless, I command you! Come!  I command you! Come!   COME!  Come, demon!  Come!".

  That's how Moloch was trapped in a manuscript in 1418 and kicked out of the internet by Giles and Jenny.


Kelkor:  All we know is that it's a mischief demon.  Jenny spoke about him but he hasn't appear on the show ...yet.


Ken: A sorta social-worker at the "Familly Home" in LA. He would go to deseperate youth to propose them a shelter and a family-like structure. In reality he would especially concentrate on healthy youngs (a nurse from the blood-donation was corrupted and gave away the name of the healthy kids) and send them in his world (which is a kind of Hell) where they be slaves. The time running much faster in his world than in ours they would be released once old (one day on earth is like a century in their world). Ken seems to be human be he isn't. He (and all the guars we saw on his world) are skinless humanoides (red since their flesh and muscles just stick out). Among the victims there was Rickie, Lily/Chantarelle's boyfriend. Too bad for Ken, the Slayer visited his world and didn't liked what she saw... Ken was pushed off an archway by Lily/Chantarelle, and Buffy finished the work with a club.


Kendra:  She is the second Slayer we met.  Coming from the Caribbean Island [note: a visitor told me that according to her accent she might be Jamaican, but that witchcraft is only in Haiti.  So Haiti should be her native island], she was totally devoted to her mission.  Her parents gave her to her watcher when she was a child, to be prepared.  To her, family, friends and emotions are barriers to concentration and efficiency.  As Buffy underlined it, her technique is good, but at the end the lack of imagination is a weakness.  She was hypnosed and killed by Drusilla in the library while she was fighting off vampires attacking the gang..  She never went to school.  She had time to study demons, and her knowledge was impressive (even to Giles).  She strictly followed the manual of the Slayer and knew it by heart.

Kendra: "Who are you?

Buffy: Who am I? You attacked me! Who, the hell, are you?!

Kendra: I am Kendra! De Vampire Slayer!"

Buffy looks at her in utter disbelief. ("What's My Line, Part 1", AleXander's Transcripts)


Kent Preparatory School: A school outside of Sunnydale. That’s the High School where Callie was studying when she was kidnapped.


Kevin:  A Sunnydale student and Cordy's boy friend at the 1998 Spring Fling.   Since she was still with Mitch, at the May Queen election (not long before, thus).   It's either because his bruises were too bad for the pictures or she simply go tired of him. He was killed with his friends in the A-V room before he could bring the material to the Bronze for the Spring Fling party.  Blood-suckers are responsible.


Keyser Soze'd:  Xander 's expression in "The Puppet Show" to express his impression of being fooled by Sid.  This expression only makes sense if you saw "Usual Suspects".  If you didn't, go see it instead of fooling around on internet! This movie is great (a lot of suspense,... 'til the last minute).


Kindestod (der): German word, composed of 'Kindes' (children) and 'Tod' (death). So in the show it is translated 'child death', which is a gross translation. You have to be becareful of the 'der', which underlines we are speaking about a person (a male). The sense of the word is not infanticide (in the sense of child murderer, not child murder) 'Kindemörder', but (to be the closest as possible from the original meaning), 'the Death (personified) of children' or even better: 'children's Grim Ripper'. This character appeared in "Killed By Death" and was stealing life from children at the Sunnydale hospital. Only sick children (the fever enable them to see him) could see him, not the adults (although he could kill adults if he wanted to do so), and when he sucked the life out of them, they would look as if they had died from sickness. Buffy (after inoculing herself the flu) fougth him, and broke his neck

Giles: "Uh, the, um, the Kindestod gorges by sitting atop his prey, pinning it down, uh, helplessly. Then he slowly draws out the life. I-it must be, uh, h-horrifying for the victim."

The boy watches as the monster's eyes bug out and split open. They extend from their sockets down toward his forehead. The monster drools heavily and licks its lips. Its eyes make contact with Ryan's forehead. He screams as he feels his energy being drained.

("Killed By Death", AleXander's Transcripts)


King of Cretins: Expression by Xander for Xander. A good illustration of his phase of self-inflicted-degradating-comments (which lasted for about all season 1).

Xander: "For I am Xander, King of Cretins. May all lesser cretins bow before me." ("The Witch")


Knowledge-girl:   Term used by Buffy to remind Giles, he's the one who is supposed to make the explaination, not her.

"What am I, Knowledge-girl now?"  ("Nightmares").


Kralik: See "Zackary Kralik".


Kulak: A weird (or should I say spiky) looking humanoid-demon. He had 2 throwing-blades coming out from his forearma, that he'd grab and throw at his prey. He came in Sunnydale to participate to the SlayerFest '98. He was fighting with Buffy when a grenade launched by one of the Gruenstahler came in the cabane. He tried to exit but his window was barred. He was blasted...

Trick: "Competition. Competition is a beautiful thing. It makes us strive. It... makes us accomplish. Occasionally, it makes us kill. We all have the desire to win. Whether we're human... vampire... and whatever the hell you are, my brother. You got them spiny-looking head things. I ain't never seen that before.

Kulak: I am Kulak, of the Miquot Clan." ("Homecoming")


Kyle:  Leader of a small band of friend, he is mean. Or to quote Willow: "Obnoxious.   Professionally".   The group, believes t be cool, and makes fun of everybody (especially the weaks, like Lance).  He likes to do the 'wrong' stuff and got into troubles several times.  His friends are Rhonda, Heidi and Tor (the "dode patrol" according to Buffy).  Xander, was a member of the 'pack' when they all got possessed by Hyenas.  (See "Lance" and "Pack").



Labyrinth Maps of Malta (The): A book that Gwendolyn refered to when she said Giles library was not big enough. I can't tell if it deals with actual maps, or if it's a metaphor to speak of some occult matter.


Lagos: Some warrior-vampire (not unlike the Three, I think), that came in town to find the Glove of Myhnegon. He didn't not found him in time, and Buffy who waited him in front of the Van Hauptman family crypt , fought him and decapitated him with his own battle-axe.


Lance:  Student of Sunnydale high, he is pretty much shy and weak.  For that reason Kyle and his friends pick on him and play him tricks.


Larry: Larry is a Sunnydale high school student (a senior in 1998-99), a member of the football team (the "Razorbacks"). He is basically a dumb brute. Or that's what everybody thought until "Phases"... See the second citation, when he reveals his homosexuality. (Also see "Guy Code").

Larry: "Harris!

Xander: Hey, Lar. You're lookin' Cro-Mag as usual. What can I do you for?" ("Halloween")


Xander: "I know your secret, big guy. I know what you've been doing at night. [Xander thinks Larry is a werewolf]

Larry: You know, Harris, that nosey little nose of yours is going to get you into trouble someday... (grabs Xander by the shirt) Like today.

Xander: Hurting me isn't gonna make this go away. People are still gonna find out.

Larry: (lets go) Alright. What do you want? Hush money? Is that what you're after?

Xander: I don't *want* anything! I just wanna help!

Larry: What, you think you have a cure?

Xander: No, it's just... I know what you're going through because I've been there. That's why I know you should talk about it. [Xander, still in the werewolf idea, refers to his experience as a Hyena]

Larry: Yeah, that's easy for *you* to say. I mean, you're nobody. I've got a reputation here.

Xander: Larry, please, before someone else gets hurt.

Larry: (points at Xander's chest) Look, if this gets out, it's over for me. (turns and takes a few paces away) I mean, forget about playing football. They'll run me outta this town. I mean, come on! How are people going to look at me (faces Xander) after they find out I'm gay.

Xander looks at him in astonishment.

Larry looks like a heavy burden has just been lifted and smiles.

Larry: Oh, wow. I said it. And it felt... okay. (whispers) I'm gay. (approaches Xander) I am gay.

Xander: I heard you the first time.

Larry: I can't believe it. It was almost easy. I never felt I could tell anyone. (gestures to Xander) And then you, you of all people, you bring it outta me.

Xander: It probably would have slipped out even if I wasn't here.

Larry: (leans on his locker door) No, no, because knowing you went through the same thing, made it easier for me to admit it.

Xander: (wide-eyed) The same thing...

Larry: (puts his arm around Xander) It's ironic. I mean, all those times I beat the crap out of you, it musta been because I recognized something in you that I didn't want to believe about myself.

Xander: (laughs nervously) Larry, no, I am not...

Larry: Of course, of course not. Don't worry. (pats Xander on the shoulder) I wouldn't do that to you. Your secret's safe with me. (He gives Xander a thumbs-up and smiles. )

Larry: (to himself) Wow." ("Phases", AleXander's Transcripts)


Larvae Boy: Expression from Xander to his good friend Norman.... He used it in "What's My Line, Part 2", to force Norman to follow him in a trap.


Laura:  A Sunnydale student that was attacked by the Ugly Man in the basement, as she took a cigarette break.  She ended up room 3016 of Sunnydale's hosptital with a couple of shattered bones and a little internal bleeding.  She's the one who gave the gang on the "Lucky 19" clue.


Lawnsdale (Mrs.): Customer to who Ted sold the last software his company was making. She accepted to pay a higher price, so her system won't crash in the future.


Leafe Small: One of the Sunnydale high students that Buffy try to corrupt (by offering big chocolate cakes), while she was campaining for the Homecoming Queen '98 title.


Learn:  Last message from Marcie (after "Look" and "Listen").  She wrote it before she tried to practice unesthetical-surgery on Cordy.  According to Marcie those message weren't left for Cordy (nor the Gang) to learn something.  They were left to draw others people's attention so that they learn.  Cordy IS the lesson.


Learn Girl: Expression used by Buffy in "Becoming, Part 1", to qualify herself. Willow was tutoring her on chemistry, and convinced her that she was as dumb as she thought she was.

Willow: "Okay. Look at this. A covalent bond, which means these two atoms are linked by this... (Buffy's pencil falls)

Buffy: Ohh! Hold that thought. (she gets her pencil back, and sit straight again) Okay. I'm Learn Girl."


Lee: See "John Lee".


Lenny: A vampire that used to follow the order of Spike. He joined Trick's team after Spike left with Dru. He was the one leading the vampire group who came to kill Spike when he came back in Sunnydale ("Lovers' Walk"). Actually by coming after Spike he was obeying the mayor's orders (probably given by Allan Flinch to Trick and from Trick to him). Here are the last comments he ever made (and the ones who unleashed Spike's fury, curing him from his love depression):

Lenny: "Yeah. I heard you'd gone soft. Sad to see it, man.

Spike: Soft?

Lenny: Yeah, like baby food.

Spike: Well, then, let's give baby a taste."


Les: A Sunnydale high student (nickname for 'Lester'?).


Let's Dance:  That's a comment made by Buffy in "When She Was Bad", when she snapped off, having trouble to handle her death and her fear of the Master.  (Was closely followed by the "Bitch-of-the-Year" comment --see def.).  I'll simply reproduce here a part of the transcript of that scene as done by AleXander (I just cutted the background lyrics by Cibo Matto, but you will find them in the original transcript).

Buffy: (to Xander) "Let's dance." (pulls at his shirt)

Xander: "Ooo-kay." (is pulled by his shirt to the dance floor)

Buffy and Xander begin to slow dance. Her movements are very sensual.  Buffy turns around and spoons in against Xander, pulling his arms around her waist. She grinds her hips and shoulders against him.   She reaches up with her hand and strokes his face. Angel looks on jealously. Willow watches in disbelief. Buffy continues her grinding. Buffy turns to Xander and tilts her head up to his, close enough to kiss.

Buffy: "Xander? Did I ever thank you... for saving my life?"

Xander: "No."

Buffy slowly slithers around him, making sure not to lose contact with his body.

Buffy: "Don't you wish I would?" She breaks off, leaving him standing there.

Xander isn't sure what to make of it all, but he knows he doesn't like it.  Buffy goes back to their table and retrieves her jacket. She walks past Cordelia as she makes her way out of the Bronze. Angel follows her with his stare. Xander is still standing on the dance floor, upset and unsure how to react.


Library: Here I am refering to the Sunnydale high school library. The master of the place is the Englishman Giles. The library isn't really a study place. Couple apparitions of Cordelia researching for a home works, I never saw any students studying. It quickly became the Gang's headquaters. Most of Giles esotherical books are there, and some facilities are helpful: the cage were Oz can be locked up, and the weapon rack which is in Giles' private locker. Note that the library is just on tzhe center of the Hellmouth... And that it was probably restored couple times (all these demons, monstrers, zombies and vampires have no respect for private property....).

The vampire runs into Giles as she runs from his office, pushes Buffy down and escape through the stacks.

Jenny: "Are you guys okay?

Giles: A book! It took one of my books!

Jenny: Well, at least someone in this school is reading." ("Lie To Me")


They all look behind them and see Jonathon and a girl come into the library.

Xander: "Excuse me, but have you ever heard of knocking?

Jonathon: (gestures to the library before him) We're supposed to get some books. On Stalin. (nods)

Xander: (points at Jonathon) Does this look like a Barnes & Noble?

Giles: This is a school library, Xander.

Xander: Since when?

Giles: (to Jonathon) Uh, y-yes, yes, uh, third row. (gestures to the stacks) Historical biographies.

Jonathon: Thanks." ("Passion", AleXander's Transcripts)


Lily: See "Chantarelle".


Linebacker: A frat guy from Delta Zeta Kappa. Was roaming totally trashed during the party. ("Reptile Boy"). Side kick of "Tackle". 2 football players (which explain the nicknames and how soon they were drunk). Linebacker will later meet Angel’s fists coming to rescue Buffy.


Lisa:  High school student.  She plays tuba,...or at least try to.


Lisa:  Another student, but this one is a Cordy follower (another one!  Will the list ever end?)


Lishanne:  Just a Sunnydale high girl.   She became a cheeleader.  Lost her mouth because of that (temporary effect), see "Catherine Madison".


Listen:  After "Look", "Listen" was the second message left by Marcie Ross (with chalk on a blackboard).  This time it was after attacking Ms. Miller (by putting a bag over her head).


Little Miss Stable: Expression used by herself, to express how she didn't like the interviews she was supposed to have with Mr Platt, the school coucellor, to get bach in Sunnydale high.

Debbie: "Platt? The school counselor? Buffy: I get to convince him that I'm Little Miss Stable so I can stay in school." ("The Beauty and the Beasts")


Living Flame: See "Flame of Life".


Locker room:  Aside from behing the place where the students can change, it's one of the most dangerous place in the school.   Students who change or hang aroung in there, alone, can be an easy target.   Several students where actually attacked in there (or turned into sea monsters).


Locusts:  This is a charming metaphore used by Snyder to design the children "crawling" on campus the first day of school.   "Crawling around, mindlessly bent on feeding and mating. Destroying everything in sight in their relentless, pointless desire to exist." ("When She Was Bad")  What a great guy....


Locutus of the BorgIn Star-Trek, Jean-Luc Picard (a Starfleet Captain) was surgically altered into an entity which identified itself as Locutus of Borg.   (Thanks to "The Borg Institute of Technology", who helped me to do my homeworks).  I'm not a Trekie, I'm just making that one clear for those (like me) who don't have the background to understand that one at once, so I'll resume (sorry for the 'trekies' out there).  So basically the guy is a cyborg.  He's insensitive and has no human feelings.  In Buffy, Xander used it to qualify Giles ("Prophecy Girl").


Lonely Ones: Expression refering to vampires. This term is usually used by humans who like vampires (such as the people from the Sunset Club), because this term refers to a sort of curse the vampire face(loneliness due to their undead state which prevent them from being emotionally attached to any aging creature). It does not bore any negative sense...


Look:  "Look" is the first message (in the locker room, after attacking Mitch) left by Marcie Ross.


Lookin'-Around Guy: Expression used by Xander in "Go Fish" about himself. He had joined the swim team to understand why its members were killed (that what they thought). Once the gang understood that they took steroids he would look for these products.

Buffy: (...) "Xander, why don't you see if you can find out what these boys are taking, or at least how they're taking it? Powders, pills, syringe?

Xander: I'm Lookin'-Around Guy."


Lotion: The band that was playing at the Bronze when the werewolf showed up ("Phases").


Lou Tabor: Working at the Washington Institute, he refered Rupert Giles, when Doug Perren asked him for a specialist in obscure relics. Lou certainly met Giles when he was curator at the British Museum.


Love: What a difficult issue!  Let just begins by saying that love is particular in Sunnydale.  Xander pointed it out (after his mantis experience and Willow's Moloch "incident".  Ironically he was not expecting Ampatta...).  Famous couples: Xander&Cordelia, Willow&Oz (reminder: he is a werewolf),  Xander&Willow, Giles&Jenny, Buffy&Owen, Spike&Drusilla, Xander&Faith (not really love, but sex indeed)..  Something is missing: Buffy&Angel.  This couple is the symbol of the impossible love.  She is the Slayer, he is a Vampire.  They are strongly in love but they can't live their passion normally: first kiss --> fight.  First night of love --> fight.  And I can't count the arguments in-between!  I just hope it won't end up like Romeo and Juliet...

Here is a very good lesson taught by Professor Spike to Buffy & Angel on the love topic:

Spike: "You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood... blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it!" (Lovers' Walk")


Love Spell: The first love spell casted was by Amy Madison for Xander (who blackmailed her). So Cordy would love him desperately and he could reject her and get his revenge (for being dumped on Valentine's day). Also see "Diana". The second one was supposed to be made by Willow (or actually first a de-lusting spell and then a love spell for Spike) but it did not happen. Amy's spell shown below is different from Willow's spell. Some of the ingredient of Willow spell were: skink root, canari feathers (replace by a raven feather for a de-lusting spell), essence of rose thorns, essence of violet, cloves, a set of runic tables and some rat eyes.

Cut to the school that night. Cut to the science lab. Xander is holding a candle and sitting bare-chested and cross-legged on the floor inside a large red symbol for woman painted on the floor. Three red vertical stripes are painted on his chest. Amy is at a lab table where she's waving the locket over her witch's brew, which is boiling in a beaker over a Bunsen burner.

Amy: "Diana... goddess of love and the hunt... I pray to thee. Let my cries bind the heart of Xander's beloved. (lowers the necklace into the brew) May she neither rest nor sleep (the brew sparks) until she submits to his will only.

The flame of the burner becomes huge as the power of the spell emanates from the beaker and swirls above it and between her hands.

Amy: Diana, bring about this love and bless it.

The swirls of energy begin to return to the beaker and disappear.

Amy: (to Xander) Blow out the candle now! The spell's power has dissipated."

Xander blows out the candle.

And to break off the spell:

Giles sprinkles a powder into the beaker and it sparks. Giles takes a pinch of an herb from a jar.

Giles: Um... Diana, goddess of love, be gone.

He puts the herb into the brew and it sparks.

Giles: Hear no more thy siren's song.

Giles waves Cordelia's pendant over the brew and drops it in. Suddenly a cloud of energy appears above them, and they have to hold on to the lab table to keep from being knocked down. The energy draws in from the windows and spirals down into the beaker. As quickly as it was there it's gone."

("Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered", AleXander's Transcripts)


Luca (Brother):  He's an Italian monk, who e-mailed Jenny about the Anointed One, before the liberation of the Master ("Prophecy Girl").  He was apparently sending warning around the world, about a prophecy.  He's from Cortona.  I don't know if Joss is making a reference to the Moloch, incident or what, but that's where he comes from...


Lucious Temple: An accolyte of Alcathla according to Giles (thus a damn old guy) who was an expert in demonology. He wrote a diary in which he transmitted much of his lore. Among which his gardening secrets (watch out if you try that on your potatoes you might have weird results).


Lucius: Vampire that was part of Spike's group (if it can be said that Spike belong to any gourp -- aside from the old Angelus-Drusilla-Spike trio).


Lucky 19:  Expression used by the Ugly Man in Nightmares.  It refers to the nickname Billy has in the Baseball team.


Luke:  One of the main vampires to prepare the return of the Master in his lair under Sunnydale.   The ritual he performed led to the master to escape his jail passing through the pool of blood.  Thomas by his strength, behavior and knowlege of dark scriptures was probably very old.  I would say the master was his Sire (though I have no proof of that).  He fought Buffy and gave her a hard time.  Since they both survived he could inform the Master of her being surely a Slayer: no human had ever survived his encounter since 1843, in Madrid,...and he was caught sleeping.  Has he was "harveting" as the "Vessel", he fought Buffy again in the Bronze and got ashed.


Lunch Lady: Well a member of the Sunnydale high staff, who kinda snapped-off... she planned to kill all the students eating at the cafeteria, by putting rat poison in the food. Also Buffy heard someone planning that slaugther the gang didn't identify her, until Xander (as usual attracted by food) saw her putting the poison in the food and thus saved his (fellow?) students. She got pissed and tried to hack him into pieces, but Buffy took up the job from there, and bet-up the lunch lady.


Lurconis: Latin name meaning 'glutton'. Eat feed on babies every 30 years. But apparently the year (end of 1998) that the mayor Wilkins was gonna pay his tribute to him (probably in exchange for his political success), was not among one of these regular year. So wether Lurconis' tribute was late (as suggested Willow) or if it's a special event due to the contract he passed with Wilkins, we can't tell (but I think it's an extra dinner). That to be be able to kidnapp all the babies that the mayor's team (lead by Trick) used Ethan Rayne's Milkbars to create a diversion in town (and make people feel guilty for not been responsible that night). 'Lurconis dwells beneath the city, filth to filth.' (understand in the sewers). Anyway now this demon wcan show to his friends in hell the little souvenir burnings he brought back from Sunnydale.


Lycanthropy:   The lycanthropy is the curse that enables/forces someone to change his body form into an annimal-like state.  The person as (normally) no control over this other form which acts following its bestial instincs.  The most famous case is the werewolf (see the def.), but nothing forbid a were: -bear, -crow, -bull, -coyote, -jaguar,(...).  This phenomenon is known all around the world, and that's why the werewolf (traditional European medieval evil creature -personal note: mostly Western Europe, Skandinavian countries also include bear, crow,... a slightly different traditional myth, often related to berserkers it's really interesting) is not the only possible form (crocodile is common in Africa and the jaguar in some Amozonian tribes).


Lyle Gorch: A cowboy-vampire (yes it exists !). We met him for the first time in "Bad Eggs", he was trying to vamp a girl in the Mall (but Buffy on her way to 'Everyday Woman' stopped him). He has a brother, Tector, (another vampire and comboy too) and he is smater than him (which isn't really hard anyway...). He left the town after his brother death or to be precise after he saw what Buffy did to the mother bezoar. Lyle came back 15 episodes later (in "Homecoming") in order participate to the SlayerFest '98 with his wife Candy (and to get his revenge from Buffy). Not only did he missed Buffy, but he lost his wife... And Cordy made him ran once again out of town (I don't think we will ecer see him again...) Also see "Gorch (Lyle & Tector)".

Lyle: " 'Cause I got me a plan. I'm the one that does the thinkin', 'member?

Tector: Yeah. You do the thinkin', Lyle. That is definitely your department. So why don't you tell me again why we can't kill 'em now?" ("Bad Eggs")


Lysette (1): A Sunnydale high student. Cordelia referred to her to explain how bad the Sunnydale hospital was on cosmetic surgery.

Xander: "Do you think she's gonna be okay in here?

Cordelia: I don't know, Lysette got her nose done here, and she came in looking for the Gwyneth Paltrow, and it looked more like the Mr. Potatohead." ("Killed By Death")


Lysette (2): Another one (definetly not the one referreed to beyond since her nose was perfect). This Lysette is a gorgeous blonde, who loves cars. She hang around with Xander, when he was driving his uncle Roary's blue 1957 Chevy Bel Air convertible. Xnader thought he had picked up a girl, unfortunatly she talked way too much about cars for him...

Lysette: "...and then I started seeing Dave Peck. Had a Thunderbird, engine completely tricked out, but the upholstery was kind of shot. So then I started seeing his friend Mike. Not the Mike with the Mercedes. The Mike with the Mustang. An '82 V-6. You know the look." ("The Zeppo")



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