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Buffy For The Newbies


An Introduction for those who don't know the show:  it is simply an overview, you won't find any spoilers here.   If you are in a country where season 3 wasn't broadcasted, this is a safe place.


"First, What is Buffy?"

Buffy, or BtVS, stand for "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", a weekly show broadcasted on the Warner Bros network (in the U.S.). Who is staring: Sarah Michele Gellar (the deadly Buffy), Nicholas Brendon (Xander the joker/fool), Alyson Hannigan (the shy Willow), David Boreanaz (the tortured Angel), Anthony S. Head (the pure British Giles), Seth Green (Oz: student, musician and werewolf), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia the pest), Kristine Sutherland (the Slayer's mother), James Marsters (Spike a sadistic vampire), Juliet Landau (the crazy and demonic mate of Spike: Drusilla), Robia La Morte (appropriate name: her character Jenny is now dead) and Armin Shimerman (Principal Snyder,... you didn't liked your principal? See this one and we will talk about it!). This introduction would not be complete without the EVIL Joss Whedon. This man is dangerous! Undercover of his author/director/realisator roles, he deliberatly uses the show to surprise fans. Some even say that he is a genius! He is creating a new religion...  you have been warned! Nobody knows what lurks inside his head.


"So What???!!! I Don't care about names...What' the plot?"

As its name suggests it, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" is about vampires  ...and a Slayer. Vampires are among us, waiting for preys at night. Fortunately for us (unfortunately for them), there is the Slayer. It is apparantly a normal teenager but with more strength, dexterity, resistance and fighting aptitudes. At one point in her life (around 16) this girl will be "called" (I've heard several theories on how it takes place, but nothing sure), and those aptitudes will appears, at the time the slayer becomes aware of her function by a Watcher. The "Watcher" is attributed to the new recruit, by the "Council". The watchers and their council are in charge of the Slayer.   They spott the future Slayers, introduce them to their new role and train them.   Even once the Slayer have been called, she is working under the orders of the watcher.  He/she is a source of knowledge on demons, vampires and other monsters.   But their lore, although great, is very often not wide enough for them to know what evil is in action. Then began the traditional library search... Once the monster/object/spell causing the evil is identified the slayer has to stop it, while trying not to die.


"What's so special about Buffy?"

Buffy is the Slayer. What's different is that she has been moving to Sunnydale with her mother (divorced parents) from L.A.  But Sunnydale is built on the Hellmouth. So a lot of dark/cruel/strange/vicious things are going on. Thus Buffy is on the first line, when it comes to dealing with those creatures. Because if vampires roam, the Hellmouth also attracts a lot of monsters, demons and humans using dark forces.


"Where's the show at right now?"

Buffy as just finished it's third season in North America.  As far as I know some countries are still to see season 2, among which:  Australia and France (to complete this list e-mail me your country).  I don't know of any country not having seen season 2.


"Why should I watch?"

For fun! Nothing more, nothing less. Just watch one or two episodes, if you like it, that good, you can join the growing ranks of the fans and simple spectators. If you don't that right too, just find the show that will suit your tastes... don't follow it because it's "trendy", "in", or because "Joe Bloe does"...the only reason is: FUN!


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Wow! Let me go back to the index so I can learn more about Buffy!!!