Did you ever had that feeling: a strange idea crossed your mind and you want to share it, but then you realize it's a weird one so you keep it for yourself. No?! Ooops. Actually, I have. Even worse, I all wrote down in this section. I also put in there, all the stuff I noticed while watching the show (like small errors,...), and even some serious thoughts about the show (but not too much, I swear!).
Here is a though which wasn't formutaled by me, but by some guy a long time ago in the Bronze. And watching a Buffy episode yesterday remindedme of it: what a cool decoration Angel has in the mansion, with all these ray of light passing through the windows. I wish that I could get some cool house with lava pits bursting from time to time in the middle of my living room...
Why do the bad guys (the Master, the Mayor) always have some weird plans to kill the Slayer? Trick was the only one who though to use guns during the Slayerfest '99. But why not after that event? A Slayer is deadly when it comes to close combat, but what can she do against a bullet? I know Joss can't kill the heroe of the show, but at least he ould make the vampires try to shoot her once or twice... Also why it's only Joyce who is harrassed by monsters? The critters should harrass the family of all the gang members! That's what psychological war is about!
Why is it only Joyce who is harrassed by monsters? The critters should harrass the family of all the gang members! That's what psychological war is about!We never see the Harris or the Rosenbergs hiding in a closet to escape some twisted demon...
How can a vampire drive with his windshield & windows painted in black?!!! Honestly, even if we imagine they have some extra-sensorial way to know what's going on the road, how come they never get pull-over by the police? If some day I forget to wear my seat-blet I can be sure I will be pulled-over and fined (according to Murphy's law), so don't tell me a police officer that sees a car with painted windows won't react ! And the vampire won't be able to get out or killed the officer either... or not during the day at least...
Once again I have a problem with vampires not breathing... then how could they smoke?! Same thing with Angel running, then he is out of breath....
In "G2", I not sure that the Mayor/Demon was killed by Buffy, nor by the students. What about Snyder? Common, don't tell me that swallowing that guy wouldn't give anybody (even the Prime-evil), an indigestion... Just talking with him seems to provoke a nausea!
Ahahaha.....Check this out (a poll about Faith being evil right now):
"(Poll Started: April 8, 1999)
I prefer Faith...?
Evil and more interesting:
50% - 4880 Votes
Beside Buffy slaying the demons of Sunnydale:
52% - 5130 Votes
This poll is not scientific and reflects the opinions of only those Internet users who have chosen to participate. The results cannot be assumed to represent the opinions of Internet users in general nor the public as a whole."
It's definetly not a scientific poll !!!!! But at least it's popular: 102% of people voted.........
Why when a vampire is ashed in the middle of a struggle, the ashes are never spread all over the killer? Is it that the ashes are only a tempoary state in-between the vampire form and the total destruction of the demon? It seemed to me that ashes stayed in our reality. May be it is only so that our heroes don't have to clean themselves after a fight... But still, ashes in the eyes of the Slayer could give an edge to the remaining vampires.
Did anybody noticed how Oz as a werewolf changed in "Beauty and the Beasts" compare to its original form in "Phases"? The face is different and it's attitude too. While chasing Willow ("Phases"), it was running standing on its legs. In "B&tB" when running through the hallways it used its 4 legs. Regression or natural evolution for werewolves???
As Nick&Kelly's birthday approached this idea came to me: why Joss chose to have Willow's Vampire double to come back? He could have chose Xander's. Thus permitting a special guest appearance of Kelly and reducing his special effects costs to make-up costs. Some might say that Willow presented a more radical shift in personality or that Kelly didn't study acting...but who really cares about such insignificant details??? ;-)
Did anybody noticed what was written on the school-bus that pass in front of the camera in "When she was bad". My TV wasn't good enough for me to be sure (plus my VCR is 1,587 years old). I read "Sunnydale Inferno School District". Joke from Joss??? Hallucination???
I know the answer! A young lady looked out for me and the real sentence on the school-bus is: "Sunnydale Independent School District". So it was an hallucination after all...
Why do they spend there time in the Bronze drinking out of these plastic cups? From my College experience these are usually associated with...alcohol. But they are all underage. Do they serve alcohol in the Bronze? I know non-alcoholic drinks are available, but do they all have fake IDs? There was a [dead] doorman in the first episode. So what's the age limit? If Joss doesn't make Xander use fake IDs, the moral will be safe...but not reality!
How much do the Summers pay in Insurance? I don't even count the number of time the house got deteriorated or someone went to the hospital (or was killed)...not to mention the burnt athletic complex in L.A.
MISTAKE! Check "Halloween". The scene when Giles tells Willow to get out of the costume shop (before he kicks Ethan's butt). She does......and we can hear the door closing. But she is still a ghost at that point and can't open the door (she should pass through).
From the little chat after the previous scene---> here is the question: What can Giles have done that is so dark? And how bad was it? I don't think it's only this demon stuff, he and Ethan did in their 'sect'. "Ripper" is not a name that suggest flowers and children songs...
Daily life advice, section "stakes and other sharp objects": stab a vampire and leave the object in him/her, it will disappear. Pull it back, it will stay in your hand. (Not a 100% efficient, but usually it works during episodes).
Why not use daggers instead of stakes? That would prevent vampires to stop a blow, by grabbing the stake. Same idea: a kind of blade on the forearm (combined with the use of a dagger) would make it very hard to counter a blow (most of the time the vampire use its forearms against the slayer's arm to stop the attack). It's far from being convenient in daily life, but should be useful before big fights (like the ones against the Master).
Let's go to Slayer Mass Production!!! You take the slayer, kill&reanimate her and here is Slayer number 2. Do that until you have 100 angry teens ready to enter in Hell an clean up the place... (yes it may ruin the whole show but what an episode!)
The all double slayer business: one possible theory is that Buffy is the extra-one. Her non-death is the anomaly. Faith was activated because Kendra died. Which is the normal process, Kendra being the successor of Buffy. Then no new slayer should be activated once Buffy dies, but only when Faith does (if my theory is correct). So following the same idea, Buffy could retire if a good enough Slayer is activated (Joss not before 3 more seasons at least).
Vampires don't use planes (except if they have a private one, piloted by an ally, I guess). So they take the boat. How do they live during the several weeks trip??? Angel could do it on rats. Other would choose a nice human, but soon someone should notice that people are missing... Or do they bring their gallons of fresh blood with them?
Vampires don't breath. They should be able to walk under water or swim as long as they aren't tired.
Here are couple
messy ideas:
How could Joss manage a movie to fit with the show (note: when I wrote down that one down there were talks about a movie being made)? Some kind of introduction will be needed (some unfortunate people don't know anything about the show), and he can't come back to explain 3 seasons...
Second concern, a movie need a clear end, but then how radical can it be with a 4th season on its way? Does it mean that Buffy will be a collection of sporadic problems at the begining of season 4 (as partly season 1 was)? If it's not, then the big bad guy of the show will not be killed in the movie (because you can't expect the movie to be considered as an episode). It means that the show and the movie must be separated...but to which extend? You didn't followed me? I told you it was messy...
"You Schizophrenic-psychopath! I want to leave your twisted brain and go back to the index!"