This section is designed for webmasters interested by this page.
Others can go back to the Index if they want too...
Any reason down there to contact me ?
You want to use the material of my site
You can copy my artworks or quote my site, I just ask that you credit me for the work I did. If the work you took is from somebody else, credit him/her. The reference will be next to his/her work (except for public domain work). For large sections (like the dictionary or spoilers), you would be better of by linking your site to mine (see below). These sections can be updated/corrected at anytime, plus it's going to be easier for you. You can see I'm pretty flexible, I just want everybody to see their work recognized rather than plundered.
While net-surfing you saw a site that copied/pasted my site (or another one)
You can contact me, I'd appreciate. Usually the site is hosted (like me on "Angelfire"), and hosts don't like to take risks concerning copyrights infrengements. Just signal the site to them, they will act in consequence (usually they turn off the account if it happens to be true). If this is not a major problem, don't be so radical: just warn the webmaster.
You want to link your site to mine?
Feel free to do it. You can e-mail me if you did it and want me to check out your own site. I also just finished my banner. I don't use banners for a link organization purpose, but I know some webmasters like them. Feel free to copy it if you want to link me.
You think your site should join my links?
I'm not close to new suggestions, but here is my general policy: I prefer to have 25 (purely random #) quality links rather than 50 links with half of them of poor quality. So I will welcome new proposals if they don't belong to one of the categories below:
1. So if you won't keep your site active (loss of connection, no more time,...), and it is doomed to become a "broken link" please refrain yourself from suggesting your site: it's just going to bother my visitors.
2. You have a homepage about your life, your dog, your passions in life (others than Buffy), etc... don't expect to see it appear here. This page is only about Buffy, there are so many pages out there I don't want my link section to compete with search engines!
3. You have a Buffy page, it basically says: "Wow, Buffy rocks! What a show! Cool! Wow! SMG/David/Nick/Alyson/Seth/James/(...) all are great!". That's cool you like the show, but if it is the only content (I mean one little page with 2 paragraphs), either you want to include it in a broder personnal page or develop it. That doesn't mean I reject all small pages, it's just I want to save room for sites a bit more complete.
4. There's no #4. If your site didn't fit any category above, I suggest that you e-mail me your URL.