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My name is ~barb~.Yes thats my real name.I live in Wisconsin but was born and raised in Illinois.I'm a realtor that has a parttime job at Culvers in Beloit Wis. I'm 44 and mother of two grown daughter by birth and one son & a daughter by adoption in my heart & not in the court.She also is in the lifestyle. Her name is Sulty Raven.

I have 4 granddaughters & 4 grandsons. I have cancer but that dosen't stop me from enjoying my passions in life. In my fight for my life I have lost my hair but thats a small price to pay. My friends & my family in the chamber have helped me to keep a postive attitude which has made the fight a little easier. I got into BDSM two years ago in ct and felt I need to know more so I study under a Master Black in Chicago in a private club.I found being a sub in CT can be so different than RT.I have made a few mistakes but each time it has taught me something.I found out I'm what S/some call a high maintance sub*L* So I'm looking for a certain Master that can handle someone like me that needs that special touch.*G* to learn more about me