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My 30th High School Reunion

The reunion was held at the Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, NJ on 8/1, 8/2, and 8/3 and was a blast!! Thanks to fellow classmate, Bruce Willis who picked up the tab for the rooms, food and drinks, it was a weekend the 150 classmates in attendance won't soon forget. Due to the size of the group, most of us had rooms at the Sheraton but were provided with free limo service to the events at the Trump.

Check in was Friday afternoon with the reception to follow Friday night. BTW Deb, I still say the rooms at the Sheraton were nicer than the ones at the Trump. :)

Me and Bobby MaGee aka Bobby Maconi

Who takes photos of the room? LOL

Mary, Paula and Paula's husband ~ Mary you can't be drunk already! LOL

It ain't a party unless there's dancing and the female DJ did a really good job!

Toni gets happy!

<---Lorraine and Louise - Linda and Curtis--->

Pam and Moi
Okay Pam, if you lean out no one will suspect we've had too much to drink but you have to stop sniffing me. LOL

The dinner dance was held Saturday night and Bruce and his band performed along with Mark Farner from Grand Funk Railroad.

About a third of the group shown in this photo, gathered for the class photo

<---Jeff gets in on the act as does Keith--->

Mark Farner gets a locomotion going

A brunch was held Sunday morning before check out and guess who left her camera at the hotel?

The view from my room

When I got back to the hotel after the brunch, I was met by Bobby Mathias and Kevin Ulissi. Bobby held onto me for support and mentioned how tired he was. When I asked what time he got back to the hotel last night, he said he arrived around 6:30A. When I asked where he'd been until 6:30A, he said walking the streets like a hooker. LOL Funny thing is we lost Jean Friday night and she didn't get back to the hotel until 3:30A. But she brought bread, cold cuts and flowers with her. That in itself is not strange but at first she couldn't remember where she got them. It was a wild weekend and great seeing everyone again!

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