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Alabama at the QVC TV Station 11/3/98

A lot of people ask how I've managed to meet so many country artists. Sometimes it's the sheer luck of being in the right place at the right time, sometimes it's acting on a whim and sometimes it involves artful planning. As for the concerts and getting as close as possible to get great photos, etc.? Well, that's a whole other story and maybe someday I'll write a book about it. LOL I can tell you though, oft times it involves stamina and endurance or it can be an expensive undertaking, but it's always worth it and the last 2 years have been a blast!

On this particular occasion, I was sitting in my office on 11/3/98 and as usual I had my local country radio station on. I heard the DJ talking to Teddy Gentry, which by the way in case you didn't know Teddy is the cousin of Troy Gentry (Montgomery Gentry), and he said they'd be promoting their "For The Record" double CD at the QVC station in West Chester PA later that evening. He jokingly said they'd be dragging people in off the street. I called my friend Charmaine and asked if she wanted to venture up there on the chance that we might get in or at least maybe see the guys arriving or departing. I then called the TV station and asked about an audience for that portion of the show. I was told there was no word about an audience.

Off we go after work. We had a good hour drive and directions to go by. Taping was to start at 7:00P, but wait...I'd grabbed my camera but we had nothing for them to sign, just in case. Cassette cover to the rescue and a Staples store for color copies on the way! We arrived at the TV station and were told by a guard that they'd be letting an audience in for the taping at 6:30P. Wooohooo!!! We're inside and there were about 15 people in the audience if that and most of them worked for the station. During the performance of "Keepin' Up", Charmaine and I were groovin' and holding up our enlarged cassette photos and Randy started cracking up right in the middle of the song. I swear it's true, I have it on tape! Now, unless you came straight to this section of my website, you pretty much know how my life has been to this point. Finding Garth in Cheyenne, Central Park, 4th row center stage seats in Philly and meeting Trisha on 9/13/98. Well Randy, it's true...there ARE angels among us! I may have climbed aboard late but I've been blessed more than I could've ever imagined.

Stage Preparation

You mean EVERYTHING we do is live?!

Teddy's such a character. I was taking photos
of him signing stuff for other people and
he kept stopping to pose!

Jeff Cook couldn't stay to sign. :(

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