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Sheboygan Brat Day Festival, Sheboygan, WI

With only a couple of hours sleep and a way too soon wake-up call, Tracy, Lori, the kids and I headed back to Racine to get ready for our trek to Sheboygan and Matt and Kristina were not far behind us. Once we got to the house, it was decided that Lori needed to get to the bank (which by the way was in the supermarket) to deposit the proceeds from the auctions. So Lori, Kristina and I set out on our mission. While we were there, Lori and I decided to get some cheap wine to give to Henry with regard to the aforementioned radio interview. But wait...the Brandy I drink is like $5.00 cheaper than at home, so a bottle to take back with me was in order. Lori bought lime green Boones Farm to match her top and I bought sky blue to match my underwear. Back at the house, we loaded up Tracy's and Matt's vans and I stowed away the Brandy in Lori's van which remained at the house and we were set. Oh no...Tracy reached in his pocket for something and pulled out the money I had given him for the voice mail greeting and my tickets for the dinner/auction and show the day before. Oh well, another trip to the bank was in their near future but the important thing was we had the cheap wine. LOL We were famished because I'd only eaten a bagel and Taylor shared her lunchables with me. I don't normally eat junk food but I'd have eaten anything, so after a quick stop to get something to eat, we were on our way! Tracy asked if I could get him a shirt like the one I was wearing that day. So, if you see him wearing one and you wonder where in NJ Penns Grove is, it's the department where I work.

Once we got to the festival grounds, Tracy called John and Heather to see where exactly they were. We arrived at their location where they and Kayla, Sam and Denise had saved us spots. As customary for those 4 days, Dennis began the show with a spirit dance as he blessed each of the guys positions onstage. Dennis used to mainly occupy the position onstage formerly held by Van but I think he knows Van's in good hands and it is imperative that he not only bless the positions to be occupied by the rest of the guys but to guide them spiritually through their journey up and down the highways and bi-ways of our hearts. Dennis is a true friend to BlackHawk and we're grateful to have him along side of them. We LOVE you Dennis!! You need to check out Dennis and see what he does when he's not touring with BlackHawk Click Here and then come on back for the rest of the story and more photos!

The guy at the Camera Shop asked what I was aiming for and I started singing "Legs" by ZZ Top. He understood!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Henry's hair!

Real men play pink guitars!

I have a 'Live Strong' bracelet too!

Steve wanted to know if he could go to the bathroom after this song!

You really can't tell with those shades huh Kayla?

Frame by frame by frame! I'm working enough photos to equal my house # baby!!
